Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes gradually widened, his whole body trembled slightly with excitement, "big My Lord, is this going to wake up

Xue an shook his head. "No! This is just a vision inspired by the surging vitality of the magic dragon blood bead. It's not really waking up! "

Sure enough.

When the light of the blood gradually dissipated, the heartbeat in the egg was also terminated.

Zhang Xiaoyu looked disappointed. "So it is. I thought I think Lord Xiaosha is going to wake up! "

Xue an sighed and patted her on the shoulder. "Little fish, you don't have to worry. I promise you that before long, I will go to the ancestral land of the dragon clan and borrow the dragon family's sacred thing, Wanlong pool, to revive Xiaosha."

Zhang Xiaoyu smell speech nose a sour, excited almost fell out of tears, heavily nodded, "Hmm!"

At this time, Hu Ying came forward and looked at the huge egg of Xiaosha. Suddenly, he said in surprise, "look, is this huge egg bigger than before?"

Zhang Xiaoyu heard this and immediately rushed up, first around the huge egg carefully observed, and then his face showed a color of excitement.

"That's true. Lord Sha's huge egg is getting bigger..."

"Husband, what's going on?" An Yan is also a little strange.

Xue an smile, "I said before, although this magic dragon blood bead will not let small sand wake up, but also has a great help to her!"

"After all, that little dragon ball contains all the vitality of a magic dragon, which is like a supreme tonic for Xiaosha, which can strengthen his blood source. In this case, it is reasonable to increase his body size."

Hearing Xue an's explanation, Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly thought of something, and said eagerly, "my Lord, if we can catch more magic dragons, will the effect be better?"

Xue an smiles, "what? Are you going to wipe out all the demons? "

Zhang Xiaoyu's face turned red. He lowered his head to eat Ai Ai and said, "I That's what I'm thinking... "

"In fact, what you think is not unreasonable." Xue an suddenly said.

Zhang Xiaoyu raises his head and looks at Xue an in surprise.

Xue an laughed. "To tell you the truth, I really thought about it at that time, but these magic dragons were not prey to be slaughtered. Moreover, the area of the dark sea is too large to search all the territory by one's own efforts. So if you act rashly, you will certainly frighten the snake!"

"Oh! So it is Zhang Xiaoyu's steamed stuffed bun face is full of dignified look, and nodded solemnly, but Xuan even said with some doubts: "but adult, I think this should be called beating grass and startling dragon!"

Xue an smell speech some can't help laughing, raised hand patted her small head, "you! What a living treasure

Zhang Xiaoyu laughed.

Then Xue an whispered in a whisper: "although this time we let go of these magic dragons for various reasons, it's not that we have no chance."

"What opportunity?" Zhang Xiaoyu's spirit was greatly improved.

"Oh, it's nothing. I guess so!" Xue an laughed, but an idea flashed through her heart.

If these long horned insects don't open their eyes, it is possible to catch them all in one net!

Next, a big pot was set up on the open space of Fubao building.

Although the cauldron is dark and unremarkable, it is actually the treasure that Xue an has found from Li hen Tian Jun.

It can not only make its own fire, cook everything, but also improve the efficacy of food materials, while not destroying the magic function of the original taste of food.

With these points alone, the cauldron can be regarded as an artifact.

Then Xue an personally took out the Dragon liver of the magic dragon.

As for the other parts, because the vitality has been absorbed by the dragon ball, they have lost their flavor. Xue an simply threw them all into the sea.

It has to be said here that since obtaining the talisman in the sea of divine punishment, Fubao building has been evolving constantly.

Therefore, the area of Fubao building has reached tens of thousands of square kilometers, including mountains, basins, hills, plains, marine lakes, and all kinds of terrain.

And in the sea, there are still the sea monsters that were obtained together in the sea of punishment.

These ocean giants have grown up in this world. In a few years, their strength has made great progress.

And when Xue an threw the body of the demon Dragon into the sea, all the sea monsters were boiling.

After all, although the dragon's life force has been dissipated, it is impossible for the dragon to resist the temptation.

So after a frenzy of looting, the body of the demon dragon became the belly food of these ocean monsters.

Then, these full-bodied sea beasts made a respectful circle around xue'an, and then they sank to the bottom of the sea and began to digest the gains.Xue an smiles and suddenly starts to look forward to what the world will look like if Fubao building keeps evolving like this.

Will it be a world of its own?

With these thoughts, Xue an returned to the building.

At this time, the two little girls have already finished the day's homework. They are talking about the huge Longgan on the table.

"Wow, sister, what is this?" Read two eyes of light asked.

"It seems to be the liver of some kind of creature, but which organism has such a big liver?" Think about the puzzled words after studying for a long time.

"Liver? Is it like pig liver? Isn't that edible? Is it good? " Nianniannian started to ask again.

Xue An Gang showed his body shape. He could not help laughing and said: "of course, it can eat, and it will be delicious."

"Why! It's dad As soon as the two little girls saw Xue an show up, they immediately ran over.

Xue an picked them up one by one, and then said with a smile, "this is Longgan. Dad will make it for you later, OK?"

"Wow, Longgan! But Dad, isn't the Longgan we ate on earth not so big

Although you can't remember other things, as long as you eat something, you will never forget it.

Xue an laughed, "yes! However, the dragon on the earth was too thin and its cultivation was too poor. Naturally, the liver of this dragon was not as fat and delicious as this one! "

With that, Xue an put down two little girls and began to cook this Longgan seriously.

Xue an's cooking skills are the same as his original accomplishments, which can be said to be unique in the world.

Only a few people can really taste his craft.

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