
Hearing this, all people's eyes instantly converged on Xue an.

Even the summer is Huoran raised his head, looking at Xue an with consternation on his face, "what do you say?"

Xue an chuckled, but ignored Xia Zheng. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xiayi. He said, "if I could win the Zhang family, you would kneel down and admit defeat. Now can you still admit it?"

Xia Yi lenglengleng looking at Xue an, until after listening to Xue an's words just recovered sober, and then he laughed.

That's right. I'm so arrogant.

While laughing, Xia Yi shook his head, "Tut, what kind of people are there these days! There are still people who want to die

After that, he looked at Xia Qi and said with a sneer, "cousin, you can't find this guy to be a madman?"

Xia Qi is also a little silly, because she can't understand what Xue an is saying now.

In the face of Xia Yi's provocation, Xue an didn't get angry. Instead, he asked with a smile, "do you say you still accept or not?"

Xia Yi immediately nodded and sarcastically said: "admit, of course! What's more, I can tell you now that if you can really win these friars, I'll get out of the Xia family immediately and never enter the Xia family again! But if you lose Ha ha

Xia Yi said with a strange smile, "then you will abandon your cultivation and get out of the Wuwu cliff."

Such bets are obviously several times more virulent than before.

At least a lot of people are turning pale.

Xue an seemed to have never heard of it. He nodded lightly, "OK! I hope you can faithfully fulfill the agreement then

"Oh, of course I have no problem!" Xia Yi sneered and responded.

The whole audience fell into a dead silence because of their conversation.

Xia Feng has just returned from the front line. Naturally, he doesn't know what's going on. He can't help asking the elder.

The elder sighed and told the story again.

Xia Feng smell speech is also a Zheng, spin even shake his head bitter smile.

"How could that be possible? Even though this young man is really powerful, he is a total of ten powerful monks

"Who said it was not! I think this boy is too young and full of vigor

In short, almost all people are not optimistic about Xue an's current move.

Even Xia Qi was no exception. She didn't expect things to be like this, so she came forward and said in a worried low voice, "my Lord, you are too impulsive."

"What? Do you think I can't do it? " Xue an said with a smile.

Xia Qi hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed, "of course I believe adults, but now the strength of Zhang family has increased several times! You alone... "

"Don't worry! It's just that I've been having a hard time recently. It's good to find some rough skinned guys to fight! " Xue an said lightly.

Xia Qi almost cried.

Rough skinned guys fighting?

This tone is a little too big!

But when she was ready to continue to say something, Xue an suddenly waved her hand, and then raised her head to look at the sky

As a matter of fact, Xue an had just sensed in his mind that there was a fierce battle about two thousand miles away.

That's why he asked Xia Zheng how far the frontier is from here.

But this fact has been ignored.

They preferred to think that it was just a coincidence, rather than that Xue an could perceive things thousands of miles away.

It's not that people's minds are too bad, but that in this place, because of the dark sea, all people's minds are greatly affected.

Even if the strength is strong, it can only perceive the situation of a hundred miles away.

But Xue an is different from the ordinary friars.

After two generations of restoration, he had a strong heart of Tao, and his mind was extremely concise.

Even if it comes to the quality of the mind, he can now say that he is worthy of the heavens.

When Xue an's voice had just dropped, he saw that there were ten bright lights in the distant sky, and then the ten brilliances rushed forward with lightning speed.

In an instant, ten lights appeared in the sky of Xia's home.

And a cold power, also makes the earth tremble three.

Shaking together with the hearts of all the people present.

At the same time, Guanghua gradually dispersed, showing the ten figures inside.

When the ten people completely appeared in front of the public, a low tumult swept through the audience.

Because standing in the void, they are actually ten bald men.

But see these ten people's stature, the upper body is naked, exposed that knot and full of strength muscle line.

Moreover, the appearance of these ten people was almost the same. They were all full of evil and violence.

The key is that there is a black dragon tattoo on top of these ten people's shining bald heads.This dragon pattern occupies most of the head, and the body turns around the head for several times, while the dragon head is perched on the cheek. A pair of red dragon eyes are full of ferocious killing opportunities.

The whole tattoo is so lifelike that it seems to come alive at any time.

At first glance, it was chilling.

Seeing this, Xia Feng trembled all over, and said in a low voice: "this These are the ten powerful monks of the Zhang family

No one spoke.

In fact, I can't even say it.

For the ten bald men stood in the void, and the fury of the scene was enveloped.

In this case, don't talk. Some weak people are shaking like chaff and will fall at any time.

At the same time.

But see the top ten of the strong man overlooking the ground, and then a cold smile.

"If you surrender now, you will be free from death; otherwise, there will be no amnesty."

The words are hard, but they are full of endless opportunities to kill.

A lot of people look desperate.

But at this time, Xue an looked at the ten strong men with interest, and then gave a faint smile.

"I didn't guess wrong. It's really you guys!"


Hearing Xue an's words, a pair of vertical pupils of these ten strong men were filled with ferocious murders, and then looked down.

That's right!

The eyes of these ten people are similar to those of reptiles!

That's why they look so weird and violent.

"What do you say?" The leader's words were extremely cold.

Xue an laughs, his eyes gradually appear bright, and then raised his fist to gently blow a breath, "I said, it's really your group of black loach ghosts!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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