This is a woman about twenty-eight or eight years old. Her long purple hair is scattered in her waist, revealing a beautiful and moving face. Her eyes are bright, but there is a trace of unspeakable evil and indifference in that pair of vertical pupils.

Zhang YinChi was stunned and immediately said with a smile, "Oh? Is this a thousand year old wine that has been released from paradise lost, and not in the eyes of the Royal Highness? "

The woman laughed.

It's strange that when she laughs, her original beauty disappears instantly, giving people a weird and bloody feeling.

"Does Zhang Shao know what the most beautiful wine in the world is made of?"


"It's the spirit!" Speaking of this, the woman is more and more excited, "and must be the spirit of a powerful monk!"

"Spirit?" Zhang YinChi is slightly stunned.

"Yes, it's the spirit!" The woman nodded, "in our magic dragon palace, there is a good wine!"

"Before brewing this kind of fine wine, the monks must be tortured to death, and then their spirit full of resentment should be collected, so as to make a unique wine in the world."

Speaking of this, the woman licked her lips and said, "that's the real wine. Compared with that, your so-called wine is just sugar water."

If such a conversation is heard by an outsider, it will certainly shudder.

After all, killing so many innocent monks just for the sake of making wine sounds really unacceptable.

However, Zhang YinChi didn't show any fear after hearing the woman's words. Instead, he brightened up and asked with interest: "Oh? Is that amazing? "

"Of course! As long as you have drunk that kind of wine, you will naturally despise the world's wine! " The woman's expression of indifference.

Zhang YinChi became a little excited. "If this is the case, now there are a group of captives from the Xia family. Can they also be used to make wine?"

"Of course

"that's great. That's the trouble for your royal highness!" Zhang YinChi said with a smile.

In Zhang YinChi's eyes, the lives of a few friars are not worth mentioning at all. What's more, they are prisoners captured from hostile families. They can't be used to make wine.

the next two people discussed a few more about wine making. Finally, Zhang Ying Chi's voice turned, and asked, "Princess highness, it's not too early. I don't know how your ten men are fighting now!"

The woman showed a cold smile, "I think Zhang Shao still wants to think about how to unify Wuwang cliff as soon as possible according to the agreement! After all, you still have to collect the place after the conquest! As for my men... "

"It's just a Wuwang cliff. Who can be the opponent of my demon dragon bodyguard?"

The arrogance of a woman's face.

make blind and disorderly conjectures, "yes, it is, I am all in my mind, and my princess is assured that if your staff will destroy Xia Jia, I will take it completely at once."

But at this time, a sigh came from the night sky outside the window.

"I don't think you can wait for that day!"

Hearing this, Zhang YinChi suddenly rose up and said in a grim voice: "who? Who is talking? If you have the ability, don't hide. Now you are born! "

Zhang YinChi's heart is really shaking, because even now, within the scope of his mind perception, there is still no abnormality.

But the voice can't be fake, and it's obviously very close.

This shows that the speaker at least has a deep attainments in hiding.

That's why he was so careful.

"Ha ha! Why do you shout so loud? I've been here all the time, haven't you seen it? "

With the voice, but see in the night sky outside the window, slowly emerged a young man in white.

When she saw this young man, she sat at the table all the time, and didn't even get up. She was stunned.

Then, in her pair of vertical pupil, there was a flash of unidentified brilliance, and a faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth, and she looked at it quietly with interest.

Zhang YinChi's face was as cold as ice. Staring at the boy who was only a hundred feet away from him, Zhang YinChi said in a cold voice, "who are you! Why are you suddenly here? "

At the moment, Zhang YinChi is more and more afraid of the young man in white in front of him, because he finds that when the young man appears, the defense array of the whole Zhang family is calm and normal without any change.

It's just impossible.

When the Zhang family's residence was built, he specially paid a lot of money to hire a top expert who was good at array. Combining with the terrain and other conditions, it cost a lot of money to build the residence.

The architectural layout is unfathomable, so from the outside, the mansion will take on the octagonal shape.

When there is a strong foreign invasion, it will immediately arouse the defense array here, which can be said to be solid.But today, all of these arrangements have failed.

How can this not make Zhang YinChi shocked, and therefore he would be so excited to question.

Xue an, of course, came, smiling.

"It doesn't matter who I am, as for why I'm here Nature is to kill you, and then save the Xia people who were captured by you! "

Zhang YinChi suddenly changed color, "are you from the Xia family? How is that possible? I have never seen you

"Of course you haven't seen me, because I just arrived at Wuwu cliff today!" Xue an said with a smile.

Zhang YinChi's expression gradually became more and more solemn. "So, are you an expert hired by Xia family?"

Xue an Lue a ponder, then nodded, "can also say so!"

Zhang YinChi's expression was changeable, then he took a deep breath and said slowly: "friend, since this is the case, it's easy to say! No matter what conditions Xiajia offers you, I can offer twice his price! As long as you can turn against me, what do you think? "

Although from this young man in white can not feel the slightest surprise, but the more so, Zhang YinChi is more careful.

Because there are a lot of masters who can't see the end, and they can't feel it from the surface.

But if we can win over through the interests of buying over, it will virtually reduce a lot of danger, which is simply too cost-effective for Zhang YinChi.

Xue an Wen Yan smile, "double price?"

"Yes Zhang YinChi nodded solemnly, "no matter what conditions the Xia family gives, I'm willing to give twice the price!"

"It sounds tempting, but it's a pity You can't do it! "

Zhang YinChi felt a little relieved. In any case, it would be a good thing to discuss, so he also laughed.

"Friends, don't worry. In terms of wealth and power, the Zhang family is far better than the Xia family, so I can do it for you no matter what the conditions are!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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