There was a dead silence.

The Zhang family, who survived the disaster, looked at the tragedy in front of them, and couldn't believe their eyes.

A kick!

Just one foot!

Most of the Zhang family's residence became ruins, and countless Zhang family strongmen fell down.

Such toughness is beyond their understanding.

Naturally, the captured Xia family were greatly shocked, but when they heard Xue an's words, they soon regained consciousness, and then looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

The adult who destroyed the Zhang family came to save himself!

These people are naturally overjoyed.

At the same time, Xue an waved his sword like a dragon, which directly cut off the ropes of the Xia family.

Then Xue an said faintly: "can you still go?"

Xia family all face a Su, arch hand says: "adult, we move without obstacle!"

Xue an nodded. "Good! In that case, let me do it! "

With that, Xue an turned and left.

The Xia family all rose to the sky, followed by those who also left here.

From the beginning to the end, no one looked at the surviving Zhang family.

Because both Xue an and the Xia family all know that the Zhang family is over.

Although there are still many people alive, but all the elite lost, the result of the loss of masters has been doomed to their end.

So no one's looking at it at all.

It was not until their bodies had disappeared in the distant sky that the surviving Zhang family came out with fear and looked at everything in front of them.

The pit in the ground, the collapsed house, the dead strong.

All this is like a nightmare, which makes all of the Zhang family look pale.

After a long time, someone sighed like a groan, "Zhang family It's over

When Xue an LED these captured people to appear in the sky above the Xia family, the Xia family, who was in a state of anxiety, was instantly boiling.

Everyone was stunned.

Because nobody thought Xue an could come back so fast.

You know, it's only three hours since xue'an left.

In such a short time, Xue an brought all the captured people back safe and sound.

It's a miracle.

Those who were worried that Xue an would be in danger when he went alone also put their hearts back in their stomachs at the moment.

Headed by Xia Zheng, all the parents of Xia stood with their hands bowed to welcome Xue an's return.

When Xue an landed, Xia Zheng stepped forward and said respectfully: "Xia family, welcome your return!"

Xue an said faintly: "well, all the captured are here! Do you have any defects? "

Summer is very excited to shake his head, "are here, a lot of! But the Zhang family

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "There is no Zhang family any more."

Xia Zheng and all the elders present changed their faces and wanted to speak.

But Xue an is obviously too lazy to explain anything, just a long stretch, "OK, I'll go back to have a rest, and I'll leave the rest to you!"

Then he left.

Xia Zheng quickly ordered people to lead Xue an down to rest. After all this, he turned to ask those who had been brought back by Xue an.

"What's going on? How did you get rescued? In detail, there must be no omission! "

These people look at each other, and then stand in front of a person to step forward, face a wry smile, arch hand to say.

"Master, to tell you the truth, we don't know what's going on! At that time, we were taken back to the residence of the Zhang family, and then we were locked in the dungeon. We thought we were doomed to die, but suddenly the ground shook and the dungeon we were in collapsed

"And then?" Xia Zheng asked in a hurry.

"And then..." The man swallowed his mouth hard. "Then we found that the prosperous residence of Zhang family had become a ruin, and there were countless dead bodies in it. The adult stood in the high air, broke the rope to bind us, and then brought us back!"

"So simple?" Xia Zheng couldn't believe it.

"Yes, that's it!" The man nodded solemnly.

Now, everyone was silent.

I thought that even if Xue an rescued these people, he would have to go through a hard struggle.

But who could have thought that it was so understatement that it was done without any effort.

It sounds so weird.

Can Xia family everybody knows, this is true!

"It seems that We still underestimate the strength of this adult! " An elder of Xia family said with a bitter smile.Everyone nodded.

Xia Zheng suddenly thought of something. His face was Su, and he said in a deep voice: "go on, this Lord Xue is our Xia family's highest level guest. No one should wait any longer. Violators There is no mercy for killing


Then Xia Zheng once again looked at the man who said, "you see with your own eyes, Zhang JIAYE has become a ruin?"

"Absolutely true!" The man nodded solemnly, "and I'm not the only one who saw it. Everyone can see it."

"If you want to say that, the Zhang family is really dead in name!" Summer is whispering softly, eyes suddenly showed a hyperactive and dangerous light.

"Summon people and horses, and immediately launch a counter attack against the Zhang family!"


The whole Xia family was moved by the wind.

The powerful Xia family, who had been suppressed by the Zhang family for several days, launched a Jedi counterattack at this time.

Countless people swarmed in and thought they would be strongly resisted by the Zhang family.

But unexpectedly, the Zhang family's originally tight defensive front has been in name, in which the strong Zhang family defenders are even more doomed.

Very easy, the Xia family then captured the front position, and then the Xia family in the Zhang family's territory in general.

Along the way, I didn't even encounter any resistance.

Finally, the Xia family army arrived at the headquarters of the Zhang family, which was the original residence of the Zhang family.

At the moment, the residence of Zhang family has become a real ruin.

Even those who survived before have been scattered.

Because they are not fools, we can see that the Zhang family is over.

In this case, those who don't run for their lives are fools.

So the Xia family occupied all the territory of the Zhang family.

When the news came back, Xia was shaking with excitement.

We should know that the Xia family and the Zhang family have been fighting for several decades, and the Xia family has been in a weak position. This time, they were almost destroyed by the Zhang family.

unexpectedly, the once powerful Zhang family has become history.

The Xia family, however, ushered in its own glory.

How could it not have excited him.

"Go down and announce to all quarters that the Zhang family has been destroyed and my family property has taken its place!" Xia Zhengqiang controlled his emotions and said in a deep voice.

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