There is no doubt that these three men were the ones who tried to rob Xue an on the boat.

One of the most talented people is the old Liu.

How did they get here?

This also starts with the situation of the three of them.

Because they were frightened by Xue an's strength on the boat, as soon as the boat reached the shore, they immediately got off the boat and ran away in ashes.

But these three people have been penniless for a long time.

And in this dark place, no money, no power, no foothold.

So three people a discussion, or the old line of it!

Of course, this is not to say that they are ready to rob again.

In fact, with their strength, robbing in this Wuwei cliff is purely seeking death.

They're trying to bluff.

Because Liu has a very special talent, called bluffing.

This kind of natural ability can imitate the breath of a strong man and dress up as an outsider.

That is to say, other people play the role of pig and eat tiger, while he is on the contrary, playing tiger and eating pig.

After making up their minds, the three people are afraid that the fraud will attract Xue an again.

Therefore, he simply left the land where the boat landed and went deep into the Wuwei cliff, and finally came to this place.

But the three of them still overestimated their ability. After a few days, they did not get anything.

Not only that, the three were so miserable that they could not even afford to eat.

After a few days in this way, the hungry three finally couldn't stand it.

Although it is said that monks can cut off food and drink for a long time, it is based on abundant aura.

Now the three of them have gone through a long journey, their bodies have already been exhausted to the extreme, and they are in urgent need of spiritual food supplement.

Therefore, after another discussion, the three of them decided to bite their teeth and completely let go.

Even if it's a bully's meal and you're beaten up in the end, it's a recognition.

It's better than starving to death like this!

With this idea, the three immediately began to act, and then there was the arrogant scene when they just entered the restaurant.

As a matter of fact, at that time, Liu had already used all the strength of sucking, which was barely able to maintain that powerful momentum, and if he dragged it for a little longer, he might have revealed his true colors.

But God seems to open their eyes, let them meet here just be expelled from the house of Xiayi.

The two sides simply hit it off.

Xia Yi is glad that he has found an expert who can avenge himself.

Liu old man is excited that the three of them have finally hanged a Kaizi, which at least for a short time to eat and drink.

In this delicate atmosphere, in the next few days, the two sides began friendly and happy communication and exchanges, and reached a preliminary consensus on many matters, and the friendship also made rapid progress.

After a few days, in Xiayi's heart, Liu is not only a world expert, but also an understanding big brother. His opinions and suggestions on many things make Xiayi feel like a Mao Zedong.

This makes Xia Yi respect Liu more and more.

But he did not know, for a qualified cheater, to guess people's psychology, and to judge the situation to say some specious words to mislead, this is simply the most basic ability.

What's more, Xiayi is a descendant of an aristocratic family. Even if he is good at cultivation, he usually contacts experts from various schools. He knows little about these tricks in the world, so he is easily trapped by elder Liu.

Mr. Liu is naturally happy to see his success. On the surface, he still maintains the noble demeanor, but his heart is full of joy.

This fool believes everything he says and makes himself a confidant!

He will never know, I want to let him have the feeling of bosom friend, but what words follow him to say.

But don't look stupid, but there are a lot of good things on your body. If you get them, the three of you will be rich.

And if you let such a fat sheep slip away in front of you, you won't miss yourself.

Therefore, under the careful planning of the three people, Xiayi has become a lamb to be slaughtered, but Xiayi has not the slightest awareness of it.

At the time when the whole Wuwang cliff was suddenly destroyed by Zhang's family, it was in chaos.

In the depths of the dark sea stood a huge palace.


In the palace, an old dragon with a figure of ten thousand feet, perched like a mountain peak, opened his eyes.

A pair of huge dragon eyes burned a black flame, and then roared to the sky.

"Who is it! Who dares to kill my daughter? "

The huge roar of the Dragon shook the whole world, so that all the magic dragons in the dark sea trembled and crawled down, even afraid to raise their heads.Because at the moment, it is the supreme king of the magic dragon family, the Dragon King malitu.

Now morlitu was in a rage, for the branch of his daughter, Mo Chunqing, suddenly withered from the blood tree in the middle of the temple.

There are only two possibilities. One is that someone has sealed off his daughter by means of being so strong that he can not only defeat his daughter, but also surpass the blood of the demon dragon clan.

And that's almost impossible.


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