So where is xue'an going now?

Of course, he did not leave Wuwang cliff.

In fact, he didn't even come out of the room.

The reason why they couldn't find him everywhere was that he had already returned to Fubao building.

We should know that with the gradual improvement and strength of the rules in Fubao building, it has become a world of its own.

Once you enter it, you will lose contact with the surrounding world.

This is also the reason why the branch representing his daughter will wither suddenly in the blood tree.

Because the power of isolation is so strong that even the blood ties can be cut off.

At this time, Xue an stood in front of Xiao Sha's dragon eggs, his eyes twinkled and he seemed to be thinking about something.

But the octopus could not help it. He was quite excited and asked, "adult, have you caught the new magic dragon again?"

Xue an smiles and nods, "yes! And more than one! "

With that, Xue an turned his wrist, and the bracelet made of magic dragon appeared in his palm.

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes were bright, "that's great! Quickly condense these guys into magic dragon blood beads

Xue an shook his head. "Of course, it should be concise, but not now!"

Zhang Xiaoyu a Leng, "adult, what do you mean?"

Xue an said faintly: "I just had a better idea. If I succeed, though I can't let Xiaosha revive, it can greatly improve Xiaosha's blood limit!"

"So, these magic dragons can't die yet!"

With that, Xue an gently stroked the bracelet and released a ban.

As the most powerful existence in the bracelet, demon Chunqing took the lead in restoring some.

And then they struggled madly.

Because although she was forbidden and oppressed, she could do nothing, but her mind was sober.

So before Xue an and Zhang Xiaoyu's dialogue, she can hear clearly.

Especially when she heard these words, she took a breath of cold air.

For the magic dragon, once turned into a blood bead, what does it mean? Mo Chunqing is simply too clear.

So when she sensed a slight loosening of the ban, she immediately began to struggle crazily and screamed.

"What do you want? Let me go. I am a princess of magic dragon. If you really dare to kill me, my father will definitely tear you to pieces

This speech sounds very bluffing, but at this moment, it seems that the devil pure Qing is very fierce.

At least Xue an just a faint smile, "OK, don't shout! You should be very clear, even if you shout to break your throat is useless in this place, so I advise you to be honest, otherwise I shake my hand, you may die now

As soon as Xue an's voice fell, Mo Chunqing immediately shut her mouth.

But after a long time, she couldn't help saying in a deep voice again: "my Lord, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. Let me go first, and I promise to give you a satisfactory answer! What do you think? "

"Oh? Satisfactory response? Tell me! If it really satisfies me, I can't let you go! " Xue an said with great interest.

The magic pure Qing hears the speech in the heart to be joyful, hastily said: "the Lord, as long as you can let me go, my magic dragon clan can give you a huge amount of wealth! What do you think? "

"Great wealth?" Xue an repeated with a smile, his words were full of coldness.

Mo Chunqing's heart thumped for a moment, and immediately understood it. He quickly said, "you see, I'm really confused. Your strength is amazing, and your accomplishments are excellent. Naturally, you won't see any wealth. But as long as you let me go, my father will certainly appreciate your kindness. At that time, with the help of my magic dragon family, you will be able to do anything on Wuwang cliff and even in the whole dark place No obstruction! What do you think? "

It has to be said that the magic pure Qing's eloquence is quite good, and he is also very accurate in human nature.

The promise of these two conditions, one is wealth, the other is power, are many people dream of things.

If you change to other people, you may be moved by these conditions of Mo Chunqing.

But Xue an did not even blink his eyes after listening, just a faint smile.

"That sounds good! But... "

Xue an's eyes showed a cold look, "if I want these things, I can get them myself. Why use your help from the magic dragon?"

Mo Chunqing was stunned.

Xue an gently weighed the magic dragon bracelet and continued: "what's more, I said before, your greatest value is to be a bait! Because I'm really interested in But you demon dragons

The devil pure Qing is startled, the scales all over the body are clucking, just want to say something.

Obviously, she didn't want to touch her again.Mo Chunqing felt stiff for a moment. She could only look at Xue an in despair. The hatred and bitterness in her eyes were almost overflowing. She seemed to be questioning why Xue an wanted to kill all the demons.

Seeing this, Xue an didn't care at all, but said faintly: "I know that there must be a lot of dissatisfaction in your heart now, but these are all your own blame. All the reasons have been planted as early as you wantonly, and I'm just taking it back!"

After that, Xue an waved, and the bracelet turned into streamer, and then suspended on the dragon eggs of Xiaosha.

After finishing all this, Xue an Chong side of Zhang Xiaoyu smile, "here to you, remember to look after this bracelet!"

Zhang Xiaoyu excitedly flies his tentacles and nods like garlic. "Don't worry. I promise to finish the task and never make any mistakes."

"Error?" Xue an laughed and shook his head. "There won't be any mistakes. The worst is that you can't wait for me to refine. These magic dragons will be completely absorbed by Xiaosha."

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded as if he didn't understand, "Oh, so it is!"

Xue an said, "what is it? It's like you really understand it! "

Zhang Xiaoyu is embarrassed to spit out his tongue, just about to say something.

At this time, Xue an's face suddenly changed, and exclaimed, "Yan'er?"

With the words, he rushed out like a shell, where the wall collapsed and the house collapsed, and the smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Zhang Xiaoyu was also scared. He didn't know what happened, so he quickly followed up.

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

When Xue an was thinking about how to use the magic dragon clan to pave the way for Xiaosha's recovery.

An Yan is teaching two little girls to write brush characters in the front living room.

In particular, an can learn to write a good name.

Now that I have a daughter, I naturally want to inherit this fine tradition.

The two girls are also very serious, and because of their talent, so only a few days, they have written a model. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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