"That sounds good!" Xue an said lightly.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. In their opinion, since malitu had already accepted defeat, it was likely that the matter would be over.

Although the xias were disappointed, the result was much better than before, so they didn't say anything.

But at this time, but see Xue an exposed white teeth, Sen ran a smile: "but if I don't want to?"

Mo Li Tu's whole body was shocked, and then his eyes showed the color of surprise and anger.

"My Lord, there's a saying in your people's family that it's not too much to kill people. I've already accepted defeat. Why are you so aggressive?"

Xue an smell speech suddenly raised his head to the sky and burst into laughter. The laughter shook the four fields and made people color change.

All of a sudden, Xue an restrained his laughter, and then looked at malitu with cold eyes.

"You call me aggressive? Well, what if I don't show up at the moment? Are you going to kill Xia family completely and then wash Wuwang cliff with blood? "

Malitu's face became very ugly, and finally he suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice.

"My Lord, does a strong man like you care about these little ants?"

"Ants?" Xue an chuckled, then raised his hand and pointed to all the people. He said, "you see them as ants, but you know, I think you are too!"

"Enough!" At last, malitu was completely angry.

Because it can also see that the young man in white is obviously not going to let go of himself.

In this case, malitu also inspired the most primitive animal nature in his blood. He said in a grim voice, "my friend, you should forgive me. Don't think I'm really afraid of you! And no matter how powerful you are, I'm not a vegetarian

"If it's urgent, I'm a demon dragon, but I'm going to kill you!"

In the face of malitu's fierce words, Xue an just gave a cold smile, and then said in a low voice: "the fish is dead and the net is broken? Good! Then I'll see what you can do with me

Before the words fell, magic butcher suddenly roared, "Magic Dragon Eat the sky

With its voice, but see the magic dragon within the range of thousands of feet can not even scream, Qi Qizhen for powder, into the sky blood essence.

Then, the blood essence of the whole sky rushed into the body of magic butcher.

Click! CLICK!

With a burst of crackling like firecrackers, the body of magic butcher began to grow wildly, just like the air blowing.

In a moment, however, the body of magic butcher grew to tens of thousands of Zhang.

Then Mo Li Tu raised the dragon head with the size of thousands of feet. His cold eyes looked at Xue an, and then Jie and Jie sneered.


Once a word is said, it is like following the law.

A huge force directly acting on the law of heaven and earth fell on Xue an's head in an instant.

But see the space is directly twisted into a twist shape, and then crack apart.

Space debris as the most powerful and sharp weapon, like a violent tornado shrouded the whole field, cutting everything within the scope.

Even in the aftershocks of power, no matter how strong, they were shocked to vomit blood, and then went back with horror.

But this attack also let the magic butcher pay a great price, see it spit blood in a big mouth, the charming dragon eyes also darkened a lot.

But even so, it is still full of happy laughter.

"As expected, I'm still young. I don't even want to hide. But I don't know that even the powerful Immortal King has to think about three points, let alone you! Now, I'll see how you can survive! "

Xia Qi saw this and exclaimed, "my Lord!"

Then all the xias were shocked.

It's just too shocking.

Their hearts are raised to the throat, all face dignified looking at this space storm.

But at the time when malitu was full of joy, he thought that Xue an would surely die.

A sigh came from the storm.

"If you are the Immortal King Xiuwei, this attack may hurt me, but the half step fairy King dare to be rampant in front of me?"

With the voice, in the space storm, a palm carved like sapphire was directly put out, and then it was suddenly grasped.


The originally raging space storm suddenly stagnated, and then they all merged into this palm.

The wind stops and the clouds live, showing Xue an Na's indifferent figure.

Mo Li Tu's eyes widened to the extreme in an instant, and exclaimed in disbelief: "how can it be!"

Xue an did not pay any attention to its shock, just Huoran raised his eyes, his eyes showed a bright light, and then stepped forward a step, cold voice cheered.

"Look at me, a sword Wang Tian

Boom!With Xue an's command, but see the whole world suddenly emerged in the countless white as snow sword, all around the set off like a dream.

Then, these swords just like collapse, crazy toward Xue an in front of.

With the sound of a click, the innumerable swords gradually condensed into a huge sword tool that can span the sky.

Magic butcher was horrified. His keen intuition from the demon clan made him feel a terrible danger.

Almost in an instant, it realized that the sword was not equal to itself.

It also saw the fast, almost in the idea just appeared in the mind, it did not hesitate to turn around and run away.

As the king of the abyss demon dragon, its control of space is really powerful enough.

At least as soon as it turned around, a space crack appeared in front of it. As long as he could escape into it, malitu was confident that he could escape far away.

It's a pity.

In front of Xue an, all the struggles are doomed to be futile.

We haven't waited for the body of malitu to enter it.

This sword then carries the infinite fury posture to cut straight.


Malitu howled miserably and directly burned his blood essence, trying to resist the sword.

But as soon as he touched the sword, it was like cutting butter with a hot knife, and it was cut straight without hindrance.

Then the world around him would be quiet.

Mo Li Tu's body was frozen in the air. After a few breaths, he turned his head and looked at xue'an.

"This What is this sword technique? "

Xue an had no expression and said, "this is my sword technique!"

"So it is The light in his eyes faded quickly.


Then the whole body cracked. Turn into blood essence.

A sword!

The Dragon King, who was comparable to the Immortal King, died.

No one dares to speak. Everyone looks at the young man in white in the void with the eyes of infinite fear.

As for the magic dragon in the sky, he started to flee.

Xue an saw the situation but just a cold smile, "want to escape? It's not that easy! "

After that, he stepped forward, and a crystal clear red lotus suddenly appeared in his eyebrows.

"Fire refining Here

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