
Accompanied by a sound of shock across the world.

Above the sky, xue'an and Xingsha are constantly bombarding each other.

Each blow made the heaven and earth tremble, and the violent airflow swept across the whole sky.

Where are two people fighting, it is clear that two giants from ancient times are fighting.

And this kind of picture, which is full of the ultimate power and beauty, also dazzles everyone.

Among the crowd of Min Huafeng, at the moment, secretly swallow mouth saliva, pale as paper.

This Is this the real strength of this young man in white?

He can resist the attack of the four heavenly kings of Xingluo road. What is his origin?

These questions in Min Huafeng's mind, but also let his eyes more and more fear.

At this time, there was a slight smile from the sky.

"I haven't been so active for a long time. I'm so happy!"

Hearing this, all the people of Xingluo road changed color.

Because the speaker is Xue an.

Xingsha's face also changed, because at the moment, he has tried his best, and has no time to worry about other things.

But I didn't expect that in this case, the other side can still speak so calmly.

Does this not mean that there is a huge gap between the strength of each other?


It's impossible!

I am the king of four days in Xingluo road. How can I be defeated by an unknown youth?

Star killed the heart of the crazy cry, the offensive then and fierce a few points.

In the face of such a stormy attack, Xue an just a faint smile, and then said as if nothing happened: "OK, after the warm-up, next It's time to get to the point! "

What? The warm-up is over?

Can we say that he was just testing the water before, and did not use his real strength at all?

How could that be possible?

These thoughts flashed through starkill's mind.

But it was Xue an's fist that came faster than these ideas.

At the moment when the voice just fell, Xue an raised his fist in his hand, and then stepped out.

It was a very contradictory punch.

Extremely fast and slow, calm and violent.

The two opposite properties are perfectly combined at the moment.

At the sight of this fist, Xingsha's eyes were frightened.

But as a strong man, he also knows that he can't avoid now.

Under the lock of this fist, no matter whether you go to heaven or into the ground, you can't escape.

So he burst a drink, and then summoned up the whole body of Qi and blood, bravely head up to meet.


After a dazzling white light flashed, all the world lost their voice.

All of them were shocked and their Qi and blood were surging. Even worse, their ears were bleeding and their faces were full of pain.

Still, no one dares to speak.

They all cast their eyes on the sky to see what the result of the blow was.

The white light dissipated.

Two of them are shown.

Xue an and Xing Sha stand opposite each other, all silent.

The people of Xingluo road breathed a breath.


It seems that Xingsha is not defeated!

But it seems that in response to their idea, starkill suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Now, the whole audience was shocked!

"Star kill Lord!"

"My Lord!"

All the people of Xingluo road exclaimed, and even more, they would fly up.

But at this time, the star kills to sink the voice to shout: "all do not move!"

In the astral Road, what the superior says is absolute authority, and no one dares to disobey it.

Therefore, although full of unwilling, the people of Xingluo road can only stand in situ.

Then Xingsha slowly raised his head and looked at Xue an in the opposite direction.

"What kind of boxing is this?"

Xue an smiles, "fierce?"

Xing Sha nodded his head and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "fierce!"

"Good, I made it myself!" Xue an said lightly.

There was another slight commotion in the crowd.

Many people look incredulous.

Because learning a move is totally different from creating one, and the difficulty gap among them can't be calculated in the way.

However, Xingsha nodded with conviction on his face. "No wonder I can't feel the shadow of any boxing genre from it."

Xue an smile, "you are also good, can take me this punch and hold up to now!"

"I can feel it. It's going to be the limit soon."Then he raised his head.

"Sir, before I die, can I ask you something?"


This sentence of Xingsha is like a ladle of cold water in a hot pot, which makes the boiling situation more and more agitated.

Before death?

Is it that the star was defeated?

Are you kidding? That's the four heavenly kings of Xingluo road!

Many people can't believe it's true.

But the expression on Xingsha's face can't be fake. He looks at Xue an sincerely, and his eyes are full of hope.

Xue an is not moved at all, just a faint smile, "how? Do you want me to let go of all of you? Do you think it's possible? "

Star kill smell speech silence for a long time, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, "it's my delirium! But no matter whether it was right or wrong before, can you hold your hand and give my people a chance to live? "

When he said this, the tone of Xingsha was almost begging.

This also makes the people of Xingluo road speechless.

No one thought it would turn out like this!

Only Lu Yinxi looked at it dully and whispered: "I knew it would be like this Ha ha, I'm stupid

In the face of Xingsha's begging, Xue an's face had no expression, but coldly swept the star to kill one eye, and then said slowly.

"What makes you think you can ask me to let go of these people? The so-called sympathy between the strong? "

Without waiting for Xingsha to speak, Xue an continued to say, "ha ha, don't make trouble! If it's me who is defeated now, will you listen to my plea? Certainly not! "

Xingsha's face became more and more gray, and the brilliance in his eyes became dim at the speed visible to the naked eye.

He muttered, "but..."

Xue an waved his hand. "And you said one thing wrong. It's not me that can save these people, but themselves! I won't kill them as long as they haven't done anything heinous! And if they die, it's their fault. You Do you understand? "

Star kill smell speech look is a shock, and then the whole person seems to shine back, very surprised at Xue an.

"I seem to have heard you say that!"

"Oh?" Xue an raises eyebrow slightly, "who?"

"A respectable great man! Of course, it's impossible for me to see this adult. I've only heard other people say it a few times! "

Xue an's eyes flashed, "this big man What's the name? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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