Guangyu's sword's face changed greatly. He stared at Xue an and asked in a deep voice, "who are you? Why do you know the name of my father

Xue an laughed, "it's your father God!"

"Less nonsense, who are you?" The sword of light feather roared in surprise and anger.

He was surprised how the boy in white could know his father's name. He was angry that Xue an's careless attitude made Guangyu sword feel a deep contempt and humiliation.

"Oh, don't be in such a hurry!" Xue an is not angry at all, on the contrary, he said slowly: "speaking of it, I am still an old acquaintance with your father."


"Yes Xue an nodded with a smile. "I still remember that when you were on the earth, your father and king once came down to a god son, which was destroyed by me! You should know all these things! "


As soon as he said this, his eyes widened and his whole body trembled.

Of course he knows about it.

Because the son of God who was sent to earth was the brother of his mother.

Speaking of this, we have to briefly review what happened.

Before Xue an came out of the earth, the Church of light in Europe had been secretly targeting China.

Later, because of the birth of Xue an, the Church of light was under great pressure.

So they began to pray to their gods for help.

The God that Guangming Church believes in is the father of Guangyu sword, the God of light.

At that time, the king of light was also salivating at the coming qi movement on earth, so he did not hesitate to use his own divine power to escort a god son down to try to control the earth.

But I thought it was going to be something we could get, but it hit a big nail in the end.

The coming son of light was directly destroyed by xue'an, and even a part of the king of light was cut off.

The great impact of this incident is also an important reason why the king of light escaped to this paradise with the whole kingdom of God.

I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, but I didn't expect how I happened to meet this guy again.

But at this time, the heart of Guangyu sword suddenly moved.

At the beginning of his brother's death, to a large extent, because of the limitation of the law of heaven on earth, he could only compress his strength to one thousand percent before he could come down.

But there is no such bondage in this paradise lost. Now I am in the posture of the whole.

And the killer who killed his brother didn't look so fierce!

If we can take this opportunity to wipe it out It can also be regarded as removing a piece of heartache for my father!

These thoughts flashed in the heart of Guangyu sword, and his eyes to Xue an gradually became cold.

"Of course I know it, and it's a coincidence! I met you here again

Xue an also laughed, "this may be fate."

"Ha ha! Fate? Do you know that it was my brother who died in you and was injured, and because of this, my kingdom of light was forced to migrate here, but you told me about fate The sword of light feather roared at the top of his voice.

"Yes? I'm so sorry! But am I wrong? You know, I didn't want to settle accounts with you so-called light Protoss, but when I meet you here, I can't help but ignore it

"That is to say, you are doomed to die in my hands, this Isn't it fate? "

After hearing Xue an's words, the sword of Guangyu was furious!

"It's extremely arrogant. You want to destroy my Guangming people. It's wishful thinking!"

After that, he suddenly raised his hand, and his clothes were torn in an instant, and then two huge white wings stretched out from it.

The feathers on the wings are all shining with cold and cold light. With a slight fan, the whole person will fly into the sky in an instant, and then look down on Xue an coldly.

A violent light and pressure swept across the world, chilling.

Xue an looked up with her head up. There was no fear on her face, but she was more and more happy.

"It's been a birdman for a long time."

The sword of Guangyu, who had been accumulating its prestige, snorted in anger, "I am a noble holy angel. You dare to tease me. What a sin! Light feather sword kill

After that, the two wings behind the sword of light feather suddenly spread out, and then one fan.

Innumerable light eclipsed into sharp swords, and went straight to Xue an.

This is also the origin of the name of the sword of light feather.

Xue an did not have any reaction to these, until these swords were near, he said lightly: "do you deserve to call a sword?"

With that, he waved.As if they had met an invisible wall, these swords stopped at Xue an's feet one after another, then collided with each other, and finally eliminated in the invisible.

Guangyu sword's face changed slightly, but he didn't expect to wipe out the young man in white with one move.

I saw the glint in his eyes, the lines in his eyebrows appeared, and then he took a step forward.

"God said," let there be light. "

Under a sound, the voice of God is faint, and the four sides vibrate.

Endless power of light poured out, and the sky was bright.

But in this holy scene, there is a terrible opportunity to kill.

These forces of light, like maggots of tarsal bones, rushed madly to xue'an and tried to hang him.

Xue an's expression was still calm as water, and the power of light could only reach the distance of ten meters from his body, and then it could not be saved any more.

Xue an is as stable as a rock standing in the sea. Then he looks at the sword of light feather in the sky with great interest and chuckles.

"I have to admit that although you gods' strength is not so good, you are all first-class and first-class masters when you install X! Let's take this move for example. How lethal is it? Let's not talk about it, but the X grid is really full! And what God says, let there be light? Is light the power of your gods

The sarcasm contained in these words makes Guangyu sword furious.

"God said," all who do not believe me will die! "


Originally, the turbulent power of light was furious for countless times, and even the space of concussion began to show tiny cracks.

But it was under such great power that the voice of xue'an came from the sea of light.

"I said, all gods are dead, only me!"

The tone is calm, but it has unquestionable authority.


The original turbulent force of light instantly solidified, and then it broke silent.

Xue an stepped out slowly, then looked up at the light feather sword full of panic in the sky with a faint smile.

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