The Orchid Pavilion went down and cleaned up.

After that, the power of Luo has become the first evil power in the bottom of the city.

It also means a lot of things.

If Luo Lanting wants to leave, he must explain these things clearly.

When she left, Xue an stood quietly in front of the window for a while.

Then he saw a little brilliance projected from his eyebrows, forming a virtual shadow in front of him.

It is an Yan.

This is also an Yan recently learned a trick.

In this way, she can easily come out of the Fubao building, while the noumenon remains in the Fubao building, which is enough to ensure safety.

See an Yan first naughty around Xue an turn a few times.

In this state, she seems to have no quality of light and shadow, so it can be very convenient to rub on Xue an's body.

Xue an sees the form dote to drown a smile, stretch out a hand to want to embrace an Yan, but the result pours an empty.

It turned out that in that moment, an Yan suddenly spread out, and then gathered together again behind Xue an.

Then she saw an Yan giggling and smiling, "stupid husband, you can't catch me now! Hee hee

Words like a successful little girl eating cake, full of pride.

Xue an didn't say anything, but rubbed his chin slowly and sighed.

"Yan'er, you are more and more mischievous now!"

"Hee hee, how naughty! Come and catch me if you can An Yan is more and more arrogant.

"Are you provoking me?" Xue an said with leisure.

"Hee hee, stupid husband, I'm not the same now! You can't catch me! If you catch... "

"Well? How? "

"Well You can punish me

Xue an's eyes brightened, "that's what you said! If I catch you, be careful of your butt

Although it is a virtual shadow state, but when Xue an finished speaking, you can still see an Yan's face gradually suffused with blush.

"Bah, you villain! Stinking rascal

"Hee hee! I'm here

Xue an laughs very evil, rubbing hands, will stretch out "magic claw" time.

Anyan suddenly got nervous, "Hey, say it first, you can't use those strange tricks! And to take this house as the boundary, if I get out of this room, I will win! "

"Well, I don't have to!"

"And you can't block the space with your mind!"

Xue an slightly frowned, "this..."

"What? Scared? Hee hee, it seems that you will be afraid of my husband! In that case, you might as well give up! " An Yan smiles more and more happily.

"Give up?" Xue an ha ha smile, "silly Yan'er, you also too despise your husband, is not the mind?"? If you don't use it, you don't have to! "

"Ah?" An Yan didn't expect Xue an would agree to be so straightforward, caught off guard, can not help but some silly eyes.

"Is there anything else to add?" Asked Xue an.

"Well..." An Yan some hesitation, suddenly in front of a light, hastily said: "and you can't touch me with your hands and feet!"

"Well, that's too much! How can I catch you if I don't touch you! " Xue an some speechless said.

"Hee hee, I don't care. Don't you say you are very good! If you don't grab me with your hands and feet, that's the best An Yan thought that she had caught Xue an's painful feet and could not help but say with pride.

But Xue an laughed and said, "OK! Then I promise you

An Yan didn't expect Xue an to agree, but he was stunned.

See Xue an's body flash, instantly disappeared in place, and so on again, has come to an Yan's front.

An Yan was scared to look pale and exclaimed, "I haven't said the beginning yet! It doesn't count! "

Xue an shrugged and looked at an Yan with a smile! Whatever you want

"Open Start

In fact, when calling to open this word, an Yan's body shape has already flown out.

In this state of an Yan, whether reaction or speed can not be calculated by common sense.

Just a flash, an Yan has already flew to the door, see is about to fly out of the door.

But at this time, a group of black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, and then an Yan tied solid bumped up.

Don't wait for an Yan to react, Xue Anye has bent down, and then "vicious" bite on an Yan's lips.

Although it is a virtual shadow state, because an Yan's form contains spiritual power, this kiss still makes her eyes open in an instant, silly in the same place.

After a long time, Xue an slowly loosen his mouth, see an Yan is still a face of ignorant force, can not help but get to her ear and chuckle."How about it? But I did not use hands and feet, also did not use mind to win you oh! How can I punish you

An Yan's eyes began to dense from the Yingying water light, and then spit out his tongue, full of cunning said: "hum! I don't want to admit defeat

"Well, you're playing tricks!"

"How about playing? Women can play tricks. If you have the ability, you can bite me

"That's what you said Xue an said with a smile.

However, Yan just dodged.


Finally, Xue an song opened his mouth.

Although there is no physical limit, Anyan still does a long inhalation, and then hatefully says: "you this big villain, you know to bully me all day long!"

Xue an smile very proud, and then a grasp of an Yan, "how, bully you how?"

An Yan slightly twist, then comfortable nest in Xue an's arms do not move.

Until after a good while, an Yan said softly: "husband!"


"Why do you want this girl to follow? Isn't that too dangerous? "

Anyan said the Orchid Pavilion.

Xue an smelled the speech and laughed, "because this matter has been inseparable from her, and I always have a premonition that she will be a very important person in this matter!"

"Husband, who is that old acquaintance you mentioned?"

"He! It's a funny guy

"Oh An Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "such a dark and disordered place, Mengxue alone here, will be very hard!"

Xue an was silent for a moment, and then he said softly: "yes! But this is her own choice of road, and the road to the dark king is doomed to be lonely, so she can only bear it alone

An Yan smell speech also can't help but a little gloomy, will head gently lean on Xue an's chest.

"Husband, Mengxue is really not easy! You need to help her more! "

"Well! I will

When they were enjoying the warm atmosphere.

In front of the space suddenly appeared two groups of fuzzy light and shadow, and then the voice of thinking and reciting came out.

Of course, the fatter group is reading.

And the higher one is to think about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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