The middle-aged man stares at Xue an deeply, and then starts turning the wheel himself.

Of course, the roulette is greasy!

In fact, the gambling equipment in the whole casino basically has a secret door.

At least Xue an could tell.

But he did not have any movement, still standing at the table quietly watching.

The roulette is spinning rapidly, which also affects the hearts of all the people in the audience.

After all, this is a huge amount of gambling money!


The roulette gradually stops, all people are extremely nervous to watch, only Xue an is still full of indifferent color.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

The middle-aged man could not help but sneer.

This guy is not a kid who has never seen the world, or he is a strong man with deep city government.

But from now on, the former is very likely.

After all, no one can be so indifferent in this situation, and even do not look at it.

This is not reasonable at all. It can only prove that he is pretending.

But no matter whether he looks at it or not, he will lose this time.

Because the middle-aged man has already used the secret door to ensure that no matter who is going to lose his pants.

But just as he was confident, the roulette gradually stopped.

The atmosphere rose.

Hearing people's cry, the middle-aged man can't help but look down, and then his face is full of pride.

Because as the roulette stopped, the pointer was running towards the number Xue an had bought.

How could this happen?

This is absolutely impossible!

The middle-aged man's eyes almost popped out.

You should know that at the moment of starting the wheel, he has used the back door secretly, which should not happen now.

But the truth is heartless.

Seeing the pointer trembling before the number Xue an bought, there was a violent commotion.

"My God, he won again!"

"It's impossible! From the beginning to now, he has won four in a row, which is impossible in terms of probability! "

"Ten thousand bright stones I wish it were mine

For a moment, the voice of discussion was so loud that the roof of the house was about to be lifted.

Xue an was still indifferent, just looked up at a pale, middle-aged man with cold sweat on his forehead, and then gave a slight smile.

"Sorry, I seem to have won again!"

The middle-aged man's lips moved. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't even say a word.

Because he really didn't understand what kind of means Xue an used to win himself.

I have already used the back door!

Why still lose?

Just as he was staring at Xue an, he couldn't understand.

A burst of clear applause came from afar, and then a cold female voice said, "good! What a great gamble

With the voice, the crowd instantly separated a channel, and then saw a woman step out from the middle, gorgeous face full of cold smile.

Seeing this woman, the middle-aged man can't help but breathe out a breath, and then deeply bow his head.

"Second lady, this

It was Sally, the second daughter of the king of light.

Her face was so cold that she didn't even look at the middle-aged man. She said in a cold voice, "OK, I've seen it! What a useless thing! Get out of here

However, the middle-aged man bowed down and said, "yes!"

Then he bowed respectfully behind Sally.

With Sally's arrival, the whole scene is more silent.

No one dares to speak, and even the timid one has retreated to the distance, even dare not lift his head.

Sally ignored the eyes of the people around her. She went straight to the table.

The man in charge of the roulette immediately gave way.

Then Sally stood opposite xue'an, smiling.

"This adult came from a long way. I'm really sorry that Guangming Casino has not been able to welcome him far away."

Xue an raised her eyes slightly, looked at this sally one eye, and then said without hesitation: "how? Is there a change? "

Sally's smile didn't change. "Adults gamble too much, they can't afford to be servants, so naturally I'm going to show up!"

Xue an nodded. "So you can take it next?"

As soon as she said this, many people standing behind Sally turned pale, some of them even looked at Xue an with incomparable cold eyes.

You know, Sally is the second daughter of the God of light. Such a noble birth doomed her to be an ordinary person.In fact, no one dared to talk to her like this before. Xue an was the first one.

The guards were naturally filled with anger and were about to break out.

With a wave of her hand, Sally stopped the eager men behind her, and then looked at Xue an with a cold smile.

"Of course, I'll take the next bet alone!"

"Oh, really?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Of course

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid you can't afford it!" Xue an shook her head.

Sally's face changed slightly and her tone became colder and colder. "How can I know if I can afford it if I don't try?"

Xue an light smile, "you seem very unconvinced?"

Sally snorted coldly, and then said meaningfully, "my Lord, although I don't know where you come from, I have a word to tell you, in this land, no one can be the opponent of my bright family!"

"I mean, anyone!"

There was a hint of threat in Sally's words.

Xue an seemed not to understand. He said with a faint smile, "it sounds very powerful, but I don't believe in evil, so this time I'm still Soha

After that, Xue an pushed his hands violently, and 100000 spirit crystals were directly pushed into a number area by Xue an.

When people saw the number, they could not help but exclaim.

Because of this number, it's 1!

You know, in roulette, the first and last number is the most difficult to appear.

Especially the first one!

It can be said that it is rare in a hundred years.

Generally, no one is going to bet on this number.

So the odds ratio of this number is the highest, reaching 50 times.

But even so, no one is going to bet on that number, because the hope is so slim.

Now Xue an hands but will be a full ten thousand crystal on 1!

It also means that if he wins, he will get 500000 crystal stones.

If you lose, you will not only lose your blood, but also take your own life.

Therefore, after a burst of turmoil, the audience gradually became silent.

Sally is also a surprise, spin even deep look at the opposite Xue an, trying to see from his expression some duanni.

But she failed.

On Xue an's face, except for a faint smile, there was no extra expression. It was as if the ten thousand Lingjing that had been taken out was not his at all, and even his eyelids did not blink. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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