e careful!

It's all the power!

That is to say, once there are so many spirit crystals condensed out, the spirit will not be far away from the fall.

Such a comparison shows how amazing Xue an's handwriting is now.

Because if he wins again this time, he will win 250 billion crystal.

This number is even greater than the sum of all the gods in the kingdom of light.

When the time comes, don't talk about the bright casino, even if it is not enough to compensate the whole kingdom of light to others.

Therefore, when Xue an cried out this sentence, everyone knew that today's things would not be good.

The timid people have begun to retreat quietly, but Sally has already ordered the whole bright casino to be completely blocked, so they can not leave here.

Sally's eyes suddenly become sharper than the tip of a needle. She stares at xue'an. After a long time, she breathes out slowly.

"It seems that my friend is determined to gamble to the end today?"

Xue an shrugged. "What? Can't such a big casino Take the gamble? "

Sally took a deep look at Xue an and nodded, "yes, of course."

Xue an laughed. "What else? Let's go

Sally is livid.

At the same time.

A cold look of people began to emerge from the crowd, and then quietly stood behind Xue an.

The atmosphere in the casino lobby became more and more dignified.

Idle people hide in the corner, pale looking at what happened in the distance.

"Good! Start Sally said, and then the roulette.

She didn't use any back door or even look at the roulette this time. Her eyes never left xue'an from the beginning to the end.

Because in her opinion, no matter what the result is, the young man in white will surely die.

What's more, she doesn't believe that the roulette can appear twice in a row!

In terms of probability, it's impossible!

As for cheating.

Sally had looked through it many times and found nothing unusual at all.

Don't mention the mind, not even a trace of unnecessary fluctuations are not aware.

That's what Sally thinks.

Can never expect, when the disc gradually stopped rotating, the pointer again pointed to 1!

Now, everyone's eyes are wide.

No one can believe it's true.

Xue an was happy with a smile, "sorry, I won again, this time is 250 billion crystal spirit!"

Sally was stunned at first, then she pointed to xue'an angrily, "catch him, he's out of thousands!"

At an order.

These subordinates swarmed on, ferocious will want to jump out of this do not know where the juvenile chopped at the knife.

But just as their attack was launched, xue'an, who was sitting in the chair, suddenly disappeared.

By the time he reappeared, he was already in front of Sally.

Sally shuddered and backed away.

Her reaction was not unpleasant.

But she's fast. Sheran's faster.

But see Xue an suddenly raised a hand, a then seized Sally's neck, and then gently drank: "all stop!"

For a moment, the hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at xue'an in horror.

No one thought that Xue an would catch the second lady so neatly.

And if the second miss is in Xue an's hands, none of these people will want to live.

At this point, many people began to tremble.

Sally looked at xue'an in disbelief and wanted to say something, but because she was limited by xue'an, she couldn't say it at all. She could only look at xue'an with resentment on her face.

Xue an didn't care about it at all. He said faintly: "you can calm down! Do you want to show up until I kill your daughter? "

Who is he talking to?

This question can't help but emerge in everyone's mind.

Sally gradually widened her eyes, because she saw a figure gradually emerging in the void behind xue'an.

Then, I heard the figure sigh, "so you already know I'm here!"

Xue an released her grip on Sally's hand, patted her palm, and then turned to smile at the figure.

"Of course, I've felt you here since I stepped into the city! Right? The king of light


Is this ethereal sphere of light the king of light?

Everyone was horrified.

But a sigh came from the light ball."I can't hide it from you!"

With the words, there is a virtual image rising out of thin air above the sphere of light, which is the God of light.

It's, to be sure, a part of him.

See this bright god's body to gaze at Xue an deeply one eye, and then sighed: "what do you want to do?"

Xue an smiles, "don't you see it? I've won a couple of times before. I'm willing to take a gamble and admit defeat. You gods can't refuse to pay for it

"You're clearly making a thousand!" Sally rubbed her neck and cried out in defiance.

"Oh? Do you have any evidence? "

Sally was stunned by the question.

She really didn't have any evidence to prove that Xue an was out of the blue.

"If there is no evidence, please shut up! All right? " Xue an said lightly.

Sally closed her mouth reluctantly.

The light God King's body suddenly said: "in this way, if I will make the bet, can you leave?"

"You can think about it, but you have to think about it clearly. Oh, it's 250 billion crystal!" Xue an said lightly.

But I didn't expect that the incarnation of the king of light did not hesitate to reply: "I have considered it clearly, as long as you can expose this matter, I will immediately give the crystal as many as possible!"

In fact, for the king of light, no matter how cruel he was before, it would be the best if Xue an, the God killing grandfather, could go away!

After all, Xue an's shadow on the earth was so big that he still dare not think of it.

Xue an laughs when he hears the speech.

"You seem scared!"

The king of light didn't say anything, so he acquiesced in xue'an's words.

Xue an went on to say: "in fact, you don't have to use so many spirit crystals to cash it. I just want to ask you a few things now. As long as you answer truthfully, I will go immediately."

The king of light looked astonished.

Xue an said to himself: "the first problem is that you are salivating at the earth, so what happened to the earth at the beginning?"

The king of light's face was instantly white to the bottom.

Xue an didn't pay attention to it, and then went on to ask, "who in the dark instructs you to deal with the descendants of the extremely evil flower? Where has that fellow gone

"Tell me this, I can let you go!"

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