After seeing this woman, many powerful people of different races in the hall rose one after another and bowed their hands.

"Yes, seven ladies!"

That's right!

The woman who came here is the owner of Jianxiang building. She is called the seventh lady.

At the moment, the seven ladies face like frost, first looked down at the blood mud all over the ground, her eyes could not help but burst out a piercing chill, and then slowly raised her head, staring at Xue an.

"You did it all?"

After the seven ladies rushed into the hall, Xue an was watching her.

After hearing her question, Xue an couldn't help nodding meaningfully.

"Yes! Didn't you just see it all? "

Seven Madame's eyes are angry like boiling, "very good! As expected, you are brave enough to come to my house to kill incense. Do you know where this is? "

Xue an's voice was indifferent and he said slowly, "where is it?"

"Hehe, I can only say you are dead! No matter what your background, who's backstage, you're dead! " Seven Madame is full of piercing hate words.

Xue an smell speech but smile, "so big tone?"

"It's not that I have a big voice, but that's what it is! Because you can't understand what kind of existence you have provoked Seven Madame condescending said, eyes full of cruel banter.

And many strong people of different races in the field could not help but change their faces.

Because they all thought of a rumor.

A rumor about the backstage of Jianxiang building.

This did not prevent them from being frightened.

But I didn't expect Xue an to laugh after listening.

"What is it that provokes? A fox demon dares to speak to me in this tone

Hearing this, seven Madame's eyes moved, and then coldly hummed, "the eyesight is good, can actually see my identity, but you still have to die! If you're wise, you'd better behave yourself now, and I may be merciful to leave you a spirit. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude

Xue an's smile grew colder, and suddenly he said, "I'm really surprised that since you're a fox, you dare to sell human women and do this kind of immoral thing. Aren't you afraid of the three laws of the fox clan?"

If we say that the seven ladies have been looking like frost before, they think they are superior.

Well, after Xue an said this, she was shocked by her whole life, and then she looked at xue'an with a wild face.

"Who are you? How can we know the three laws of our fox clan? "

It's no wonder that the seven ladies will be so changeable.

Because what Xue an tells now is the secret of the fox clan, which is unknown to outsiders.

Xue an ha ha smile, but did not answer her question, instead asked: "do you know why I did not kill you?"

"Because it is up to you fox people to clean up the scum of the fox clan!"

What do you mean?

The seventh lady was just stunned.

At this time, Xue an raised her hand a little and said faintly, "Ying'er, come out!"

With the voice, I saw a light and shadow flying out from the center of the eyebrows. When she fell in the field, she had turned into a gorgeous girl.

As soon as this gorgeous woman appeared on the scene, many strong people of different races, especially those from the demon clan, began to shudder.

Because they feel a strong pressure from the blood level.

As for the seven ladies, her face changed wildly, and her eyes showed infinite fear and fear.

Hu Ying had already known what happened outside in Fubao building, so she appeared in the scene.

I saw her pretty face is full of layers of killing intention, eyes like a knife staring at the seven ladies.

"Do you know the sin?"


The comprehensive suppression from the blood made her fall to the ground with a plop, kowtow like garlic, shaking all over her body, and said in a trembling voice: "little demon The little demon knows the sin

Hu Ying snorted from her nostrils, "do you know your sin? Well, first of all, tell me what your sins are. "

"This..." Seven Madame suddenly hesitated, a pair of fox eyes eye wave flow, seems to be thinking about something.

Hu Ying sneered, "it seems that you still have a fluke mind! Then I ask you, do you know the three rules of the fox clan? "

"Little The little demon knows it Seven Madame astringent voice says.

"Recite it for me!"

The seventh lady was silent for a moment, and then said timidly: "first Don't harm the people! Second, you can't take part in alien disputes! Third, if the second and the first conflict, then stand on the side of the Terran! "

"Good! It seems that you don't know anything! " Hu Ying said with a cold smile.

It is said that they came from the agreement between the sages of the ancient people and the ancestors of the fox nationality.As long as the fox people, they should abide by these three rules.

If there is a violation, then any fox can be punished.

What's more, Hu Ying was born in the orthodox Qingqiu fox country of the Fox family. Her blood is pure and her identity is indescribable. She has a strong deterrent to the seven madams, a small demon with complicated blood and disturbing the human race.

Seven Madame's face already white almost transparent, "adult Please forgive me. I was just confused for a moment, and I will never dare to do it again! "

She was well aware of the consequences of the incident.

But in the past, she always took a fluke and thought that in this chaotic paradise lost, even if she violated the rules of heaven, no one would know.

Even if you know, there are people to support themselves.

That's why she's so unscrupulous.

But I didn't expect that I met the adult of Qingqiu fox country today!

Such existence can be said to be the royal family in the whole fox clan.

She didn't even dare to resist, so she tried to beg for mercy.

"Hehe, don't you dare? Do you think you will have a future? Kill yourself! This is the last dignity I'll give you! " Hu Ying said coldly.

Seven Madame's eyes showed a look of despair, trying to beg for mercy, can see the face of Hu Ying's determination, can only silently bow his head.

"Thank you very much."

She raised her hand and patted her head.


After a dull sound, her head was smashed by her own life, and her body fell to the ground.

The whole action is crisp and neat, which also shows Hu Ying's deterrent power.

But Hu Ying did not mean to stop.

A fox tail suddenly appeared behind her, sweeping in the void.


With a rapid and desperate cry, a thin figure hiding in the void suddenly broke.

Hu Ying restrained her tail and said in a cold voice, "dare you play these small moves in front of me? Do you really think I'm too young to tell? "

After that, she opened her eyes and looked at the white faced strong men in the hall, and asked in a deep voice, "brother Xue, how do you deal with these guys?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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