But it's hard for Xue an.

Thanks to his disguised status as a spirit emissary of the second rank, he passed through several layers of cities smoothly without moving his hand during the whole process. Finally, he arrived, but ordinary creatures can, but strong ones can't.

Because once you set foot on the road of the strong, it means that you have to give up a lot of biological instinct.

Otherwise, your strong road is doomed to take a long time.

This is also the reason why the Heisha came back and attracted so much ridicule and disdain.

In the past, as long as Chixiao said so, Heisha would often be defeated.

This time is no exception, only see Chixiao full face complacent looking at Xue an, trying to see the panic on his face.

But this time, he was wrong.

Xue an looks at Chixiao as if nothing happened and finally laughs coldly.

"Tear it up? Hehe, do you think she dares? "


Chixiao almost thought he had heard something wrong.

You should know that once he mentioned his wife in the past, the black devil would immediately admit his advice.

But what happened this time?

How could this black devil become so tough?

"Hehe, Heisha, are you kidding me? If you know the consequences better than I do, madam Chixiao grinned grimly.

In fact, Xue an had already sensed the memory of Heisha, and knew that this was a thorough hen pecked wife. Therefore, he had been prepared and just gave a faint smile.

"What if you know? As for the consequences I'll let her know what the consequences are

"You..." Chixiao seems to know Xue an for the first time and looks at him deeply.

"What? unconvinced? Well, you can come with me. I'll show you if it's true! "

After that, Xue an stepped down the steps and went into the building.

Chixiao some silly eyes looking at Xue an's back, all of a sudden shiver.

How did this guy get weird after a trip?

Was it replaced by someone else?

But the breath and the mind can't be fake!

What the hell is going on here?

Holding full of questions, he pondered a little, and then followed.

The building at the foot is the old nest before Heisha, and also the headquarters of Chongxu family.

To put it bluntly, the Heisha is actually a son-in-law.

So it's easy to imagine the bullying he suffered.

For example, when Xue an walked into the building, people in the past almost didn't see it. Only a small number of people stepped back to the side and nodded to say hello.

But when they saw the Orchid Pavilion behind Xue an, they were all stunned.

Xue an was too lazy to pay attention to these guys, and led Luo Lan ting to go straight in.

Until both of them were gone.

These people just woke up from the shock, and then looked at each other, saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

What's going on?

Did the black man lead the woman home?

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