With the words, the fire that had already slaughtered all the members of the Chongxu family gathered in front of xue'an again and turned into a red lotus, flickering in the eyebrows.

In an instant.

The Chongxu family, who had just been furious, was almost dead. In the field, there was only a face of muddled Chongxu LAN and the owner chongxuxuan.

Chong Xu Xuan looked at the red lotus between Xue An Mei with great fear, "answer me, who are you?"

"Is that important?" Xue an said leisurely, "in fact, I didn't want to kill so many of you. It's a pity that you are so stupid that you don't even know how to fear, so I'll punish you a little bit!"

A little punishment?

Chong Xu Xuan almost vomited blood when he heard the speech.

A move to wipe out almost all the high-level Chongxu family, which is called a slight punishment?

But at this time, the fear in his heart also became more and more intense, and his tone became more cautious.

"You have killed so many people in my Chongxu family, but you dare not show your true face?"

"Are you sure you want to see it? After watching it, you may not have a chance to go out alive! " Xue an said with a smile.

Chong Xu Xuan heart a Lin, immediately changed the topic.

"What are you going to do, then?"

"A deal!"

"Trade?" Chongxu was stunned.

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's a deal! I want you to admit to the public that the Chongxu family has been handed over to me for full management! "

Chong Xu Xuan's heart moved.

This mysterious existence without knowing the origin actually wants the Chongxu family?

The question is, with his strength, what is the Chongxu family worth fighting so much about?

At this time, his eyes swept over the body of Chong Xu LAN standing in the distance, and then suddenly realized what.

Is it possible that Is he because of Laner?


Should be so, otherwise why did he kill almost everyone, but left Lan'er alone?

Chong Xu Xuan thought that he had figured out the key, and a big stone hanging in his heart also dropped half.

Anyway, I don't have to fight with this guy who jumps out of nowhere.

This is excellent!

As for revenge.

Chongxuxuan is a demon from the abyss. If you don't know for sure, you won't have that ridiculous idea.

What's more, it's nothing more than some consanguineous offspring. If you die, you'll die, and you'll reproduce later.

But my life can't be reborn.

So there was a smile on his face! Then I can promise you

The rapid change of attitude between the former and the latter is quite different.

Xue an was cold in the heart, but nodded on the surface, "very good!"

Chong Xu Xuan took a breath and asked tentatively, "so can I go now?"

"Help yourself

Chong Xu Xuan turned around and left. At the same time, he secretly decided that after I reconvened the good horse and had absolute assurance, I would like you to look good!

But just as soon as he turned around, he didn't take a few steps!

Xue an's eyes suddenly showed a bright light, extremely turbulent mind rushed out, and with an incomprehensible speed immediately appeared behind Chongxu Xuan.

Chongxu Xuan's heart trembled, and his instinct for danger made him subconsciously want to avoid it.

But it was too late.

Nothing can be faster than mind.

"You are mean...!" Chong Xu Xuan roared and tried to resist the invasion of the divine idea.

"Xue an's despicable words come from other people's despicable words? Are you telling me a joke

Chong Xu Xuan was speechless.

For he was astonished that the idea was like a tarsal maggot attacking his own sea of knowledge.

The discovery scared him to death.

Even if the whole body is destroyed, it is not a big deal for Chongxu Xuan, because it can be regenerated.

But if the knowledge of the sea is damaged, then they can really play out.

This is absolutely a dead hole for the abyss demon who puts survival first.

Therefore, he madly mobilized his mind, trying to stop the attack of the surging mind.

But all his efforts seem so weak at the moment.

As I said before, although Xue an's strength has not been restored, his mind has reached the standard of previous life. Even because of the tempering of rebirth, Xue an's mind has undergone a qualitative change.

Its power can be said to be unique.

Just a Chong Xu Xuan, how could he be the opponent of such deities.

Therefore, only a few face-to-face, chongxuxuan's mind was defeated in a rout.

Then these gods attacked the sea of knowledge of Chong Xu Xuan with the power of destroying the withered and decaying.Chong Xu Xuan's whole body was shocked, and then his eyes darkened. The whole person became like a wooden sculpture, as if he had stopped breathing.

In fact, at the moment, in chongxuxuan's knowledge sea, there is a great war.

Xue an's mind is madly transforming his knowledge of the sea.

But all this can't be seen from the outside.

But a few breathing scenes, Chongxu Xuan's eyes become bright again, and the expression on his face gradually becomes vivid.

Then he stepped forward with reverence on his face and bowed to Xue an.

"My Lord!"

If someone else saw this scene, they would stare out their eyes.

Because of the present Chongxu Xuan, honest and clever to the incredible point.

Xue an looked at him quietly, then nodded with satisfaction, "good! Do you remember what I told you to do? "


"Good! Then go down first


After that, Chong Xu Xuan stood up and walked out with firm eyes.

Chong Xu LAN looked at all this in front of him, and his brain was in a state of downtime.

She couldn't understand why things were like this.

Especially why his father suddenly became so obedient?

Just thinking about it, I saw Chong Xu Xuan come to her side and smile at her.

"Remember to listen to adults!"

With that, he left again with firm eyes.

A chill from the heart makes the whole person of Chong Xu LAN begin to tremble.

"Do you think your father is better now than before?" Xue an said with a smile.

Chong Xu LAN simply dare not look at Xue an's eyes, because in her mind, this man seems to have incarnated for the devil.

That's right!

It's the devil that scares the abyss!

"You don't have to be so afraid! I transformed your father just for convenience. As for you... "

Xue an light smile, "have not let me transform the qualification!"

Chong Xu LAN didn't dare to speak, just lowered his head and listened quietly.

"But you have to cooperate with me, because once it's messed up, I'm fine, but you're going to die! Do you understand? "

Chong Xu LAN didn't dare to speak, just nodded his head madly.

"Good! Then, let's play a good play. "

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