This is the largest square in the whole Chongxu family headquarters, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

It's usually used for practicing.

However, because all the high-level of Chong Xu family was swept away by Xue an, the atrium square is very cold at the moment.

Xue an stood in the middle of the square, looked around the whole square, and nodded thoughtfully.

"According to my present strength and with the help of divinity, I should have 80% confidence to transform everyone!"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his head and sighed, "it's still too weak! If I could go further and prove the cultivation of the half step fairy king, I would not have to spend so much time on it. It would be enough to choose this realm alone! "

"But 80% of the time, I'm sure it's enough. Even if there's a catch, it won't be my opponent!"

After that, Xue an's eyes flashed, and dozens of imaginary images of gods appeared above his head. Then they scattered and stood in every corner of the square.

Then, with Xue an's noumenon, these imaginary images of gods began to depict the patterns of symbols.

The appearance of each Rune will change the atrium square.

Gradually, the light and fog all around, covering the entire atrium square completely, also isolated from all prying outside.

At the same time.

There was also a stir in the outside world.

The invitation from Chong Xuxuan was obviously unexpected to many people.

"Invite us to the celebration? What celebration? Is this Chong Xu Xuan brain broken? Do they really want to give all the power to a son-in-law? " Someone said with a face of muddle.

"Fantastic, it's just fantastic!" Some people are even more shocked by the murmur.

There are also different reactions from various forces.

But no matter who it is, they have deep doubts about it.

This Chong Xu Xuan What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Chixiao family is also a family in the eighth tier city.

At this moment, the descendants from other aristocratic families gathered in the Chixiao family.

"A few adults, my young master is in this study!" A housekeeper spoke respectfully.

"All right, you go down. We can go in by ourselves." A rich man waved impatiently.

The housekeeper bent down to salute, "yes

Because he knew that the men who had come here were the direct descendants of all the great families, and they were also the best friends of their young masters.

Therefore, he did not dare to say anything, and quietly retired.

The man in royal clothes pushes open the door of the study directly and comes in carelessly.

The rest followed.

There was some darkness in the study, only one figure was lying on the chair, and I didn't know what he was doing.

The man of brocade dress sees the form to slightly frown, "how don't you light the lamp?"

With a wave of his hand, a ray of fire ignited the candle in the room.

In the light, but see Chixiao pale face on the soft collapse, eyes dull, do not know what to think.

The man of brocade clothes some amazement walks forward, a buttock sits in the opposite side of Chixiao, "hello? What's wrong with you, old Chi? "

"Ah?" Chixiao trembled all over, and his eyes showed a look of panic. Until he saw the man in royal clothes, he just took a breath, and the panic in his eyes also subsided.

"It's you

"Tut, what's wrong with you, brother Chixiao? I heard that since you came back from the Chongxu family, you have been in a state of unconsciousness all day. I thought it was some other people's nonsense. I didn't think it was really like this! " The man of brocade clothes one face is surprised to ask a way.

There was no more bitter smile Nothing... "

The man in royal guards exchanged glances with those behind him, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They have also heard rumors that there seems to be something wrong with Chixiao's mental state.

At that time, they didn't believe these words at all. They thought it was pure nonsense.

After all, Chixiao is also a strong man to be the king of fairies!

Such existence, mental state can also have problems?

But now it seems that the rumors are true!

At least this Chixiao looks really bad!

"How did you get here?" Chixiao reluctantly sat up straight and said glumly.

"Oh! We didn't hear that Lao Chi had some problems with you, so we came here to see you! "

"Thank you very much, brother Liuxie." Chixiao weakly thanks, but can see that he is very absent-minded.

"Of course, there is one more thing."

"What else?"

"Haha! It seems that Lao Chi is really out of touch with the news. Don't you know the news that has caused a stir in our secondary rank recently"What's the news?" Chixiao's spirit suddenly shakes and asks in a hurry.

"Of course, the Chongxu family suddenly sent out an invitation to invite all powerful people and forces to attend their family celebration! We are here to invite you to join us

As soon as Liu cut's voice fell, Chixiao jumped up from his seat like a spring under his buttocks and yelled in the air.

"Can't go!"

"Well?" Liu cut was stunned.

Chixiao said with fright on his face: "never go! Because this is clearly the trap he set, we went on his pawn! So never go

"Who? Who set the trap? What are you talking about Liu CAI was totally confused.

Chixiao looks pale, hard to swallow mouth saliva, but there is no too much explanation.

Because he knew that no one would believe what he said.

Who could have thought that a wealthy husband who was famous for his rubbish had already accumulated the power of terror secretly?

Don't say that others don't believe it. If Chixiao didn't see it with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

But what happened to him at that time made Chixiao unforgettable.

After he came back, he announced all the things in the world, and then he hid in the study.

Because the more he thought about it, the more afraid he was.

Even close the eyes will think of "black evil" that pair of deep to see the bottom of the eyes.

This fear peaked when the Chongxu family kept silent.

Because only he knew that something must have happened in Chongxu family!

If it's not because I don't know where to go, Chixiao really wants to be as far away from Chongxu's home as possible.

To be frank, Xue Xiaoan was scared.

This is actually the side effect of Xue an's influence on his mind at that time.

So when he heard that the Chongxu family had suddenly sent out invitation cards to all parties, he immediately decided that this must be a trap set by Xue an.

As for what his purpose was, Chixiao didn't even dare to think about it.

I can't help but look at the deep of the red willow, and I can't help but see the shiver in her eyes.

Is this guy really crazy? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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