what do you mean?

Is this guy crazy?

What does he want to do?

These questions arise in the minds of all.

Nihility also followed a stagnation, and then came a voice full of sarcasm.

"Heisha, don't you think you are qualified to talk to me like this after controlling the Chongxu family? Don't forget, even your identity is given to you by me

The voice of questioning was filled with supreme dignity and even suffocating.

There was also a commotion.

A lot of people's faces were gloating, and they looked at Xue an with the eyes of a dead man.

In particular, the family owners, who had been quite critical of Xue an before, were even more rebuked.

"How dare you talk to the Lord of the world like this, and don't kneel down!"

"Yes! Get down on your knees

Xue an was not moved at all in the yelling voice, and even ignored the shouts of the owners. He just looked up at the void and said slowly.

"What do you think is qualified?"

"Presumptuous!" Before the sound came out of nothingness, the bodyguards who served nearby yelled loudly.

More than a few eager to show themselves in front of the world Lord, the owner directly moved his hand.

They think very clearly.

The black devil is dead today.

The Lord of the world will not allow a man who doubts his authority to live.

Take advantage of this opportunity, of course, to make a good performance. In this way, you can deepen your impression in front of the world Master!

What's more, the other side is just a small son-in-law, and there is no pressure to kill.

This is no danger, but the income is very rich, these owners will not let go.

Unfortunately, they all misjudged one thing.

And that's what killed them all.

At the time when their attack was already in front of him, and they saw that they were about to engulf him.

Xue an suddenly raised his eyes, and all the attacks seemed to have been fixed body method. Qi Qi was still in the air.

Then, the attacks began to break apart inch by inch, and rapidly extended back.

These hands-on owners were shocked and were about to escape, but it was too late.

Xue an will not let them go.

He picked up the tea cup on the table and shook it.


A burst of crisp sound, tea cup broken, splashed porcelain into a Taoist glory, directly attacked these owners.

Puff, puff, puff!

Although these owners have a very strong strength, but in the face of this blow, they seem to have lost their wits, standing in the same place silly.

So these pieces of porcelain easily penetrated the throat of the owners.

Blood gushed out in an instant, and the owners looked at xue'an in horror. The light in their eyes gradually faded and finally fell to the ground.

This blow broke not only their throats, but also their spirits.


Everyone in the room took a breath of air conditioning.

Although these hands-on people are just some ordinary strong, even the most humble fairy king are not.

However, Xue an didn't even stand up. The fact that so many people were killed by just one blow was still chilling to many people.

At least just now, Xue Anman was despised, and his looks at the moment all became stagnant.

Chixiao was trembling, pale, and whispered in his mouth, "I knew I knew it would be like this! "

Xue an patted her hand gently, and all the pieces of porcelain in her hand were shaken down. Then she raised her head in her spare time, smiling at the void.

"What? Do you think I'm qualified now? "

There was a silence in nothingness until a moment later, a sneer came from it.

"Good! Good! It seems that I have really lost sight of it! Heisha, oh no! You shouldn't be called Heisha now, because the real Heisha has already died, right? "

As soon as this speech was made, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Because it's incredible.

In front of this man, no matter the mood fluctuation or the breath, is obviously all black?

But how does the master say that the real Heisha is dead?

Xue an nodded gently and said with a smile: "it seems that I can't hide it from you. Yes, the real black devil has already died already."

With the voice, Xue an's face and body had a ripple, and finally showed the true face.

Seeing this noble and picturesque young man in white, Chong Xu LAN suddenly felt relieved.

She had more than one time in private thought, pretending to be a black evil person in the end what look like, will be like those demons in the abyss, ferocious?Until now she saw xue'an, she just put her heart back in her stomach, even faintly happy.

There was a big uproar.


"Damn it, is it the strong man of the Terran to make trouble?"

In the noise of the drum, the voice in nothingness sneered and said, "Terran strongman, you are really powerful. You can even perfectly simulate the spirit and breath of the black evil, and even blinded me! But you shouldn't be so arrogant! "

"So now Get down on your knees

The world around him suddenly changed, and all the Qi machines began to repel Xue an.

The huge pressure even squeezed the space around Xue an out of the cracks.

But in the face of such pressure, Xue an still did not have any expression, but a faint smile.

"Am I arrogant? no I'm just talking about a very common thing! And do you think such pressure is enough? "

With that, Xue an's right hand index finger gently across the table, twisted up a drop of water, and then flicked it.


This drop of water instantly turns into an invincible shell, which will block the air and space of heaven and earth and shatter at the same time.

From the void came a faint, imperceptible murmur.

Xue an faint smile, "also, don't you want to know, I spend a lot of time pretending to be a black evil spirit, and will all of you are summoned here, in the end for what?"

The voice in nothingness became extremely cold at the moment, but the tone became much more cautious. Obviously, he was also surprised by the strength shown by Xue Angang.


"Very simple, I want you to join me in the high ranks! If you agree, I can let you go. "


This sentence is like a bomb, making the whole audience a sensation.

Nothingness is also a tremor, it seems that Xue an's words were startled, but immediately, the voice then wantonly laugh.

"Terran strongman, I know you are really good, but you are too confident! With your strength, you want to fight against the high rank? And trying to control us

"What? Is there a problem? " Xue an said with a smile.

The voice became sarcastic. "What do you think? Now I even doubt if there is something wrong with your head. Otherwise, how could you be so arrogant? "

People began to laugh.

Xue an sighed, "I knew you guys would not be honest if you were not beaten completely! Well, since the reason doesn't make sense, I'll call you all. "

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his mouth and showed a faint sneer, "let's do it! I'll take all of you on my own

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