How could it not have made him angry.

Therefore, he said with pity: "good body method, good means! I didn't expect you to be such a strong young man in the secondary rank! "

"Praise and praise!" Xue an said with a faint smile, "but I want to make it clear that it's not me, it's you Too weak! "

All the people were speechless.

This is the top three!

Any person who brings it out is a very famous person. Even those big people in the upper class have to treat him with courtesy.

But all this to the young man's mouth, but become so ordinary, vulnerable to a blow.

How can it not be surprising!

At least Shang Peng and Zeng Hong were very angry and laughed.

As for Yu Yang, at the moment, he is looking at Xue an deeply, like a snake in the shadow, trying to find out the flaw in Xue an.

"Good! Good! Good! Sure enough, heroes come from youth! I haven't seen such a arrogant person as you for a long time. At first sight, it's really interesting Zeng Hong Jie Jie said with a strange smile.

Xue an turned her head and gave him a meaningful look. Then she said, "what? You don't believe it? "

"Ha ha! What do you think? " Zeng Hongyin sneered bitterly. At the same time, there was a burst of thunder like muscles and bones inside his body. His originally tall body was suddenly raised to a head, just like a monster from the flood land, staring at Xue an with a ferocious face.

"Come on, you're on your knees and I'll blow you to pieces? Or do you take care of yourself? " Zeng Hongsheng roared like a huge bell, which made many people's ears buzzing.

But in the face of such a terrible power, Xue an did not have the slightest move, instead a faint smile.

"Sorry, I don't choose either way! And believe it or not, I will be able to kneel down and beg for mercy later without even moving my hand? "

Xue an's words made many people laugh.

Zeng Hong even looked up to the sky and laughed, "boy, I think you have something wrong with your head, or you are scared to be silly! Let me kneel down before I start. You think you are... "

Do you know that you are still waiting outside the chair

This sentence made Zeng Hong's laughter stop suddenly, and then stare at Xue an, "what do you mean by that?"

Xue an smile, "no meaning, just think, Chu Wu Xiang that guy hero I, how can teach you such a scum apprentice?"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his head and looked at Zeng Hong, whose face had changed greatly. He said faintly, "am I right? The traitor of the Dragon elephant gate

If you look at Zeng Hong at the moment, he is no longer arrogant. His eyes are full of panic. If you observe carefully, you can even see that his legs are shaking slightly.

Even so, he still called out to xue'an: "who are you? Why do you know that? "

"Who am I?" Xue an gave a cold smile, then slowly raised his hand, like the palm carved from sapphire, quickly became transparent. At last, he could even see the blood vessels and bones clearly.

But it is in such a delicate palm that it contains great power. Even if it is just grasped, the space in the palm will be broken.

"Who do you think I would be?" Xue an said lightly.

Zeng Hong's face became pale at the speed visible to the naked eye. At last, he was almost transparent. Then he lost his consciousness and whispered: "Tianchan Wuxiang Gong is Tianchan Wuxiang Gong!"


He seemed to think of something. He knelt down in front of Xue an and said in a trembling voice, "dare you What is the relationship between you and my master? "

Even though he had been expelled from the school, Zeng Hong still did not dare to call his master by his name.

Because he knew better than anyone how terrible his master was.

And Tianchan wuxianggong is his master's unique skill of becoming famous. Unless he is closely related to him, ordinary people can't learn it at all.

But the young man in front of him did. All this shows that he must have some relationship with his master.

In addition, he has just called his master's name in person, which proves this point.

The more he thought about it, the colder he felt in his heart and even shivered all over his body.

When he saw Zeng Hong kneeling down on his knees, people were shocked.

When Xue an said that he would let Zeng Hong kneel down, many people thought he was joking.

I didn't expect to cash it so soon.

And the boy didn't move the whole way.

This is really incredible!

At this time, Xue an smiles, "your master? oh You mean Chu Wu Xiang? We should be good friends! Do you know who I am now

In fact, the relationship between Xue an and Chu Wuxiang is more than just a friend. At first, Chu Wuxiang was possessed by the devil because of his body training and almost fell. If Xue an, who had been the immortal at that time, did not rescue him, Chu Wuxiang would have died long ago. How could he have founded the Dragon elephant gate!But after hearing Xue an's words, Zeng Hong was really out of his mind!

I didn't expect to meet my master's friend here.

He knew that he was already a traitor to his school. If the master knew that he was here, he would have to bring himself to justice even if he was killed in the paradise lost according to the character of those brothers who had trained their bodies and muscles into their brains.

Thinking of this, Zeng Hong could not help but cry bitterly.

If you had known this, you should not be involved in these things. How good it would be to find a hidden corner to hide!

But there was no regret medicine in the world to sell. He had to be brave and said, "yes, I know! I have just offended you. Please forgive me! "

Xue an light smile, "excuse me? No more! "

Xue an shook his head and said indifferently: "since you know that you have done something wrong, you should do it yourself! Save me trouble

There was a dead silence.

Even Shang Peng is a bit of a fool.

How did this happen?

How did you suddenly get this?

Zeng Hong's face was full of fear, astringent voice: "adult, is there really no other opportunity?"

"Yes! I'll send you back to the school and give it to your master for punishment. "

Zeng Hong excited Lingling to shiver.

In that case, he might as well die now.

Can be so self-determination dead, the heart is full of unwilling, so he quietly looked at the side of Shang Peng.

Shang Peng understands the spirit.

The three of them worked closely together. Zeng Hong's strength was very strong. If he died like this, it would not be good for his own interests.

What's more, Zeng Hong is afraid of the identity of this young man. He is not afraid!

So he stepped forward and said with a smile: "it's been a family for a long time! Will you listen to me for a second? "

"Listen to you for a second?"

"Yes, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us, so we should sit down and have a peaceful talk with each other." Shang Peng talks in a frank manner.

Xue an slowly lowered his eyes, then gave a cold smile, "talk to you calmly? Do you really think that nobody knows what you've done? "

"Believe it or not, I want you to kneel down with him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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