As a witness to the sword, Ying Weiyang knew that if he hadn't seen it quickly, there might be one of his own among the dead!

In particular, the majestic sword meaning revealed in this sword, which was just like the way of heaven, made her hair stand on end.

So she didn't even dare to raise her resistance. At the moment when she fell from the void, she ran out directly.

But how could Xue an let her escape.

He didn't even chase him. He just said, "believe it or not, if you run forward three steps, the sword will pierce your knowledge sea and destroy your spirits and spirits?"

This sentence directly across a very long distance, into the ears of Ying Weiyang.

Ying Weiyang was cold all over. Though he had an idea in his heart, was he lying to me?

But the whole person still subconsciously stopped.

At this time, it is also the third step.

That is, at the moment when she just stopped, an almost transparent sword appeared in front of her eyebrows.

The distance was so close that she felt the extremely cold sword meaning coming from it.

This made her body frozen and her brain blank.

If I had stepped forward half a step at that time, the sword would have pierced my eyebrows and cut my soul to pieces.

At this point, he was heartbroken.

At the same time.

The sword broke into pieces.

"If you don't want to die, come back! Otherwise, I won't remind you so kindly next time Xue an said lightly.

Hearing this, Ying Weiyang did not hesitate, immediately turned around and flew back to the field, and then obediently fell on Wen Linglong's side, even dare not move.

So far.

The abyss coalition army, which had just begun to boast and even occupied more than half of the sky, was suddenly left with Wen Linglong and Ying Weiyang.

Looking at the whole body shaking, like two people to be slaughtered lamb.

Fan Mengxue's helpers showed a trace of Psychedelic color in their eyes.

Because the contrast is so strong.

Strong to the point of near illusion.

At the same time, Xue an smiles at Wen Linglong, "you just haven't finished answering my words! Yes? Do you want me to ask you again? "

Wen Linglong shivered all over, then shook his head like a rattle, "no No need! "

"Now, please tell me. After all, my patience is very limited."

"Say What do you say Wen Linglong was scared to be crazy, subconsciously repeated a sentence.

"Well?" Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "are you teasing me?"

Although it is only a very simple question, but the frenzied killing intention is swept by, which frightens Wen Linglong to be heartbroken.

"No afraid to! Ah! I remember it. I really don't know the whereabouts of tianzhana, the Lord of unhappiness

"And what about the people in this paradise lost? Where have they all gone? " Xue an said coldly.

Wen Linglong was shocked, "this This... "

Xue an's eyes flashed, a sword cut straight past, and instantly cut off one of Wen Linglong's arms.

And before the arm landed, a crimson flame devoured the arm and burned it to nothingness.

Wen Linglong screamed, the color of panic in his eyes became more and more thick.

"I'm going to start counting three numbers now. If you don't want to say it by then, you will lose a part randomly! And you can rest assured that you can't repair the parts cut off by my sword! " Xue an said coldly.

"No My Lord, I


Xue an simply ignored Wen Linglong's words and stretched out a finger.

Wen Linglong's forehead showed a dense cold sweat, partly because of pain, but more is trapped in the tangle of panic.

He knew that if he did reveal the news, it would be more miserable to wait for his own fate.

Don't say you're going to die now!

When he was in a dilemma, Xue an put out a second finger.


The meaning of killing is cold, and the despair appears in Wen Linglong's eyes.

If he had known that it would be the current situation and had killed him, he would not have left the abyss.

But it's too late to say anything.


Before Xue an's three finished, Ying Weiyang, standing beside Wen Linglong, suddenly stepped forward and said in a respectful voice, "my Lord, I know where they have gone!"

"Oh? You know? " Xue an glanced at the bird.

"Yes He bowed his head to answer the way.Wen Linglong was stunned at first, and then hissed and roared: "Ying Weiyang, you cunt, if you dare to reveal this news, you and your Qiantian courtyard will die without a burial place!"

Qie Wei Yang didn't even look at him, but he said, "that's not what you has the final say."

She raised her head and looked at xue'an with a solemn face.

"My Lord, the exact whereabouts of tianzhana are still unknown now, but these powerful people who lost paradise have all gone to a place!"

"A place called the earth!"

As soon as this speech came out, Xue an, who was originally calm, turned pale.

And not only he, an Yan, fan Mengxue, and even Hu Ying and others were shocked.

"Earth? Are you sure this group is going to earth? " Fan Mengxue stepped forward and exclaimed anxiously.

"How dare I utter such news! They seem to have been ordered to leave Paradise Lost and go to earth Ying Weiyang said with some trembling.

Because she clearly felt that, with her voice, the authority of the Terran teenager on the side is soaring wildly.

In an instant, it has reached a frightening point.

After getting Ying Weiyang's affirmative answer, fan Mengxue's face became extremely ugly and turned to look at Xue an.

"Brother ANN, what should I do now? Those who can live on the 13th floor are the most powerful! If they do go to the earth, the earth... "

The latter words fan Mengxue did not finish, but the meaning is self-evident.

With the strength of the earth, how can we resist the invasion of those strong people who are often half step king or even more powerful?

An Yan is more urgent tears are falling down, "husband, how to do this?"

At this moment, Xue an slowly took a deep breath.

The breath was so long that it was like the breath of a dragon. It made a gust of wind blowing between heaven and earth.

Then Xue an's face gradually became calm.

"Don't be afraid! When I left at the beginning, I had arranged enough backhand on the earth, even if it was the collective attack of these strong men, it was impossible to get it easily! And what we have to do now is! "

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