So he leaned down with a smile, "Grandpa's OK! Come on, tell grandfather, who is your sister and who is your sister

It seems that everyone who meets both of them for the first time will ask this question.

Therefore, the two girls did not directly answer, but said with a smile: "grandfather, guess who our sister is and who is the younger sister!"


Zhuge was as like as two peas in the two little girls. They were exactly alike in height or appearance, and when they stood together, they were carved out of a mold.

Of course, if Zhuge Zang wants to calculate, you can distinguish it by calculating it.

But if it's not necessary, Zhuge Zang seldom deduces the natural mechanism.

In his words, what is the meaning of life if we can make clear what will happen in the future?

So he looked at it in some embarrassment for a long time, and finally shook his head, "I can't guess it!"

"Hee hee, grandfather is so stupid! Next to my sister is my sister

"Yes, my sister is next to my sister."

Then the two little girls laughed and bent over.

Zhuge Zang was stunned, and then he also laughed.

"What two talented girls! Come on, this is a gift from my grandfather to meet you

With that, Zhuge Zang took out two small Bagua mirrors from his arms.

Xue an's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

"Come on, it's yours! This is yours Zhuge Cang's face was full of doting, and he gave two Bagua mirrors to think and read.

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Then the two little girls began to play with the gossip mirror in their hands curiously.

All of a sudden, the Bagua mirror began to turn and emit a few milligrams of light.

"Wow, it can move

The two girls were as excited as they had discovered the new world.

But where do they know that when these two gossip mirrors turn, all of their own secrets are perfectly covered.

That is to say, if someone tries to find out these two girls by means of deducing the secrets of heaven, they will get nothing.

Unless the other side can surpass Zhuge Zang in deducing the natural mechanism, there is no way to crack it.

The value of this gift is too great!

Therefore, Xue anchong nodded his head to show his gratitude.

Zhuge Zang smiles, then looks at Hu Ying standing beside him, sighs and takes out a little thing.

"Nuo, xiaohuying, this is a gift for you. I wanted to give it to you when I went to the country of fox in Qingqiu. Now I see it, I will give it to you first."

Hu Ying is a little surprised!

She didn't expect that Zhuge Zang had prepared a gift for herself, so she was a bit stunned.

"Ying'er, thank you very much At this time an Yan came forward to remind way.

"Thank you Grandfather Hu Ying took the gift with some shame, and then stepped aside.

Then an Yan flushed Zhuge Zang with a smile, "master, thank you for giving me a gift to think about! My name is Anyan. I'm Xue an's wife! "

Zhuge Cang's eyes brightened at the words, and then said solemnly, "you don't need to be so polite. I have a good relationship with brother Xue. What a gift is!"

"Yes, Yan'er, you don't have to be polite to him. This guy is the same as fox night. You can treat him as a big brother!" Xue an is a little tired and lazy in the side added.

An Yan smile, but did not speak, but quietly back to one side.

Just at this time, the fat aunt came out from the kitchen with the food. When she saw so many people, she was stunned. But when she saw an Yan and two little girls in the crowd, she cried out with joy.

"Miss Yan and Miss Xiang are back!"

An Yan smiles back, "fat aunt!"

Two little girls also ran in the past, fat aunt quickly put down the food, and then squatted down, a hug them two, very intimate.

At this time, fan Mengxue stood up and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if I can help you!"

"I'll go to Xiaozhang, too

Luo Lan Ting didn't speak, but he got up and went back to the kitchen.

Fat aunt repeatedly waved her hand, "Oh, no, the food is ready. You can just sit here!"

But an Yan said with a smile: "OK, fat aunt, how many of us can watch you work alone, or let us help you fight! It's also lively! "

Said, an Yan then also followed to go to the kitchen.

Many people are good at doing things, and soon a large table of dishes is ready.

Because there are too many people, so the fat aunt simply put together a few big round tables.

Then a group of people would sit around and enjoy their first dinner back on earth.

At this time, an Yan quietly asked Xue an, "husband, ask xuan'er to come together!"Before Xue an could speak, the fat aunt said with a smile, "Yan'er, you don't know. Xuaner is not in Beijiang at all now!"

"Ah? Where did she go

"She and we Jingjing, and your sister qinger are defending in outer space!"

Defending outer space? What's going on? " An Yan was surprised.

Xue an a smile, "nothing, just a little thing! Eat first

An Yan wants to ask, but see Xue an's appearance, or swallow words back.

At this time, Xue an looked at the fat aunt again, "fat aunt, where is my uncle Xie?"

"Ah! He is busy in the back kitchen now

"Why don't you ask him to come over for dinner?"

"Hey, he doesn't know anything now. What do you want him to do here?"

She shook her head. "I'll call him!"

With that, Xue an got up and went to the back kitchen.

At the moment, Lao Xie is bending over to wash the pot.

Looking at this silent man, Xue an suddenly recalled that when he was poor and could not even afford to eat, it was the man who patted himself on the shoulder and said.

"Little brother, if you don't dislike it, you will come to eat every day in the future, and then bring some back. I'm always afraid to say anything else. At least I can let you and your daughter-in-law have a few full meals!"

It is this simple sentence that Xue an has been remembering to this day.

So he was silent for a moment and then whispered, "Uncle Xie!"

Lao Xie stopped his movements and slowly turned around, looking at Xue an in a daze.

Because half of the face is alchemy machinery, although the surface is covered with a layer of simulated skin, but at a glance, it is still very unnatural.

"Uncle Xie, I'm back! Come on, have a drink with me! I've always wanted to taste the wine you've hidden Xue an said with a smile.

Lao Xie grinned. Although he didn't remember anything, he was still very happy.

Xue an's eyes suddenly red, and then he pulled Lao Xie's hand to the table and sat down next to himself.

Seeing this, fat aunt turned her face and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Then she said with some embarrassment: "the ash is so big that I've lost my eyes! I'll get the wine

Soon, the fat aunt went to the back warehouse and took out the wine that Lao Xie treasured.

Although these drinks were not as good as those that Xue an had drunk in the sky, neither he nor Zhuge Zang filled them with wine.

Then Xue an raised his glass and said to old Xie, "Uncle Xie, come on, let's drink!"

After that, Xue an drank it up.

Old Xie laughs silly ha ha, and then also learns Xue an's appearance to drink the wine in a cup.

But after Xue an finished drinking, he gently put the glass on the table and suddenly said, "old man Zhuge, do me a favor!"

Zhuge Zang immediately said, "good!"

Xue an's eyes became extremely firm, "I want to cure uncle Xie!"

"No matter what the cost, I will cure him! This is my promise to him! "

Zhuge Tibet eyes gradually become sharp, and then nodded, "understand!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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