Xue an indifferent smile, nodded, "I guess you will come, sit down! Have a potluck together

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she was nervous before she came in because she didn't know what Xue an thought.

Whether you will be unhappy because of your sudden arrival.

After all, Xue an didn't inform himself when he came back. If it wasn't for Dufan, he might not have known Xue an was back.

Now, seeing that Xue an didn't seem to be annoyed by this, Qin Yu's heart was half let down.

At this time, an Yan stood up and said with a smile, "come, director Qin, sit here!"

"Thank you, sister Yan. Just call me yu'er, but don't call me that!" Qin Yu said in a hurry.

At the same time, two little girls grinning from behind an Yan to come out, "aunt Qin, remember us?"

Qin Yu felt warm in his heart and nodded with a smile: "of course I remember it! How can I forget two little beauties? "

"Hee hee!" The two girls were laughing happily.

Both of them had the impression of Qin Yu when she often bought snacks for them.

Then Qin Yu sat down next to the two girls, until then she found that there were more faces on the table that she did not know.

Such as Huying, such as luolanting.

Especially Hu Ying, when she saw this beautiful girl, even Qin Yu couldn't help but lose her mind, and then her eyes showed a look of horror.

On this girl Why is there no human breath?

We should know that today's Qin Yu is not only the chairman of Longtai group, but also has a good cultivation. Although he is not as good as Tang Xuaner and others, he is still a strong man in the long life.

But she could not feel the girl's Qi. How could she not be shocked.

As if noticing Qin Yu's suspicions, Hu Ying raises her head and smiles at her.

This smile was just like ten thousand flowers blooming, which immediately made Qin Yu lost.

"Ying'er, don't make a fool of yourself. Get rid of the flattering skill quickly!" Xue an cried out helplessly.

Hu Ying laughed a few times, "who let her look at me with that kind of eyes? Just a little lesson for her

With that, Hu Ying tapped her finger.

Qin Yu woke up like a dream and then said in horror, "you are a fox..."

Hu Ying's face sank, "Fox what?"

How clever Qin Yu was, he immediately saw Hu Ying's childish temper, so he immediately changed his mouth and said, "it's the fox fairy sister! It's amazing

Fox Ying this just complacent hum.

Qin Yu's heart is funny, but also vaguely guessed that the girl's identity is absolutely not simple, otherwise there would not be such a powerful charm.

Then she looked at fan Mengxue, who was sitting opposite her. She could not help but feel surprised.

Of course, she knew fan Mengxue. Naturally, she knew that the former star and the commander-in-chief of the dark European Parliament had disappeared for a long time.

I didn't expect that she came back with the adults this time.

And the momentum is deep, obviously the cultivation is extremely high.

Thinking of this, she smiles at fan Mengxue, "I didn't expect that Mengxue girl also came back. If the people of the dark Council knew, they would be very happy!"

Fan Mengxue didn't talk much from the beginning to the end, but when she heard Qin Yu's words, a smile appeared on her face and nodded.

At this time, I heard a hearty laugh outside the door.

"Mr. Xue, I'm here to ask for a drink. You don't mind it!"

With the voice, Qin yuan stepped in.

Today's Qin yuan, because of the deeper cultivation, does not show the slightest old-fashioned attitude, and even looks younger than before.

But in addition, you can't see that he is anything strange. His simple and casual clothes, gray hair and kind smile are all like an ordinary old man. He is not the former chairman of Longtai group.

Xue an owes his body a little this time, and then says with a smile: "of course not, master Qin, please sit down!"

Qin yuan was not polite. He directly sat down in a seat, and then said with a smile, "I heard yu'er say that Mr. yu'er is back, so he rushed to me nonstop. I hope I haven't disturbed you!"

Xue an shook his head with a smile and then raised his glass. "Master Qin is polite. He is all friends. Why be so polite? Let's have a drink

Hearing Xue an's words, Qin Yu's other half of his heart was also relieved.

In fact, she was a little nervous.

Because Xue an left for a few years, suddenly came back, but did not make any notice!

Although Qin Yu thought that he had never done anything sorry for his conscience, he was still uneasy.

It wasn't until Xue an said that that that she was completely relieved.

The banquet continued, and the atmosphere became more and more warm.But Qin Yu and others did not know that the whole Beijiang River began to boil.

Because of the Qin family's sudden big movements, others naturally do not know.

Especially when Qin yuan, who did not show up for a long time, went out all night and attracted many people's eyes.

What important thing can make Qin yuan such a reclusive person go out late at night?

Later, Du fan's movements also attracted the attention of many people.

Because of Du fan's command, the originally quiet underground river and lake began to surge.

The younger brothers of all sides were called out from the quilt, and then appeared near the old Xie Hotel and began to make a strict inspection.

Du fan is personally sitting in the middle, the eyes of all around.

Such a big move will naturally arouse countless suspicions.

Especially when Qin Yu and Qin yuan entered Laoxie hotel one after another, the suspicion reached its peak.

Many high-level companies or families are awakened in the middle of the night.

Because they don't know what happened in the seemingly humble old Xie Hotel, which could lead to such a big battle.

In a few years, there are many new strong people have forgotten the original thing.

Some young people don't even know there are.

But those who have been in Beijiang for many years have all had some premonitions in their hearts.

Is it possible that Is that Mr. Xue back?

Otherwise, who can have such a big face for Qin yuan to visit in person?

This suspicion, a lot of people's hearts are beginning to feel uneasy.

Although it has been many years, no one can forget Xue an's great power.

Those who have not committed any crimes are OK. Some people who rely on their own strength and gradually become arrogant are scared to turn pale and begin to shiver all over.

And the storm is spreading at a terrifying speed.

Many powerful people in the provincial capital, the southern provinces, and even the central capital learned about the news through various channels.

The whole country of China also gradually became boiling.

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