It's the birthday party.

The people who settle down get up early and start to clean up.

The roads were washed three times with clean water, and there was no dust.

The gate, which has been closed, has also been opened today.

It's not nine o'clock in the morning.

People who wish to celebrate their birthday will arrive one after another.

But now, most of them are from small families in Zhongdu.

These people gathered in groups and talked about today's birthday party.

"Oh, did you hear that? The abandoned daughter of the family, an Yan Hui, is in the middle of the city

"I've heard that. I've heard that I've come back with men and children!"

"Tut, isn't this the face of fan Chi's family? Who in the whole didn't know that Chi Chang Song had a deep affection for an Yan

"What's more, I heard that Anyan was forcibly arrested later. Chi Changge was still infatuated with it. As a result, Anyan would rather die than follow and ran away!"

"Haha, today's birthday party, I think it will be very lively!"

People are talking, a Mercedes Benz big G drove over, and then Chi Changsong and Chi Weiyang brother and sister get out of the car.

As soon as I saw them coming.

All the people who talked stopped talking.


Chi's family in Zhongdu, but as famous as an Jia's top class.

Who dares not to respect.

"Late, little!"

"Miss Chi!"

There was an endless stream of greetings, and the long late Song seemed to sink like water, and they all ignored.

But late Wei Yang smiles and nods.

Then they went into the house.

With their arrival, the number of people celebrating their birthday increased abruptly, and without exception, all of them were people from various noble families.

In front of the door was full of luxury cars of all colors, well-dressed people with reserved smile gathered in accordance with their own circle, talking in a low voice.

And in the reception room in the inner room.

Chi Changge sits on the chair and Anchang sits on the other side to accompany him.

"Where is she?" This is the first sentence of Chi Changge.

An Chang smile, "late little don't worry, after a while the birthday party begins, she will appear!"

Late Wei Yang at this time asked: "third uncle, heard that she came back with men and children?"


I sighed.

It's like a dead end, almost insoluble.

At noon.

The birthday party opens.

The delicacies of mountains and seas are brought up like water.

But people are not interested in food and wine. After they come up, they just move a little and wait for each other.


Old lady Jin Xiurong came out slowly.

When they saw her, they all stood up.

"The old lady is in good health!"

"I wish the old lady happiness and longevity

Jin Xiurong nodded with a smile and waved her hand, indicating that everyone would sit down.

Then sit on the throne.

At this time, the children of the family began to celebrate their birthday.

Of course, the first to appear on the stage were an Xue and an Chang.

"Good luck and peace to my mother!"

The two men said, retreating to the left and right sides.

Then there are young people like an Ying and an Meng.

After all these people worship their birthday.

The whole audience was moved.

Next There will be a good show!

Sure enough.

Outside the hall of the birthday party, there was the sound of footsteps.

When the Pearl curtain was picked, the first one to come in was Anyan, who had left Zhongdu for four years.

As soon as she appeared, there was a slight commotion below.

Late long song is infatuated looking at an Yan's profile.

Followed by two cute little girls.

At the sight of these two little girls, Chi Changsong's face did not change greatly.

Jin Xiurong, who was sitting on the throne, snorted coldly.

Finally came a tall and straight man with a faint smile on his face.

It's extraordinary, but it's extraordinary.

Chi Changge stands up and stares at the man with a murderous look in his eyes.

Xue an noticed the eyes of the late long song, but he just a faint smile, then went to an Yan side.

An Yan at the moment in many eyes, seems to be a little shivering.

Xue an patted her on the shoulder.

Anyan gradually calmed down.

However, the two people such intimacy, is to let the whole audience a low uproar.

At this time, an Yan went to Jin Xiurong and said, "Yan'er, I wish grandma a bright day and a bright future, and the pine and crane are in Changchun!"

But the voice just fell, Jin Xiurong patted the table, language cold as ice: "do not kneel down for me!"It's like breaking the sky.

Let the whole place be silent.

The corner of an Meng's mouth rises, showing a trace of complacent smile.

What can you do no matter how good you are? Facing grandma, don't you still have to kneel down and be punished?

An Yan looks a little panicked, and then bend down to kneel down!

But just then, an arm stopped her.

An Yan looked up, Xue an chuckled at her, "wife, I said, from now on, you don't have to kneel any more!"

It was like throwing a grenade in the field.

Everyone looked in shock.

Others sneer that Xue an is just looking for death.

"You Is it the abduction of my granddaughter and her involvement in the unjust xue'an? "

Xue an laughed.

The smile was cold.

"Abduct your granddaughter? Ha ha, I fell in love with Anyan when I was in University, and I came to settle down with you. Why don't you say that? "

"Bold!" Jin Xiurong standing next to an old housekeeper step forward to rebuke the way.

Jin Xiurong scoffed. "Four years ago, when you had nothing, you wanted to marry my daughter. Of course I would not agree! Four years later, you visit again with two children. Do you think Is that going to make me give in? "

Xue an shook his head. "You're wrong. I didn't want you to give in! Because you Not worthy of it

As soon as this is said.

There was a dead silence.

A lot of people look at Xue an with the eyes of the dead.

In Zhongdu.

If you offend your family, it's just like looking for death. There's no difference.

Jin Xiurong's face changed slightly and said coldly, "good! What a proud and unyielding man. Unfortunately, no matter how hard the bones are, they will be broken

As her voice fell to the ground, several old people stood up in the corner of the hall.

The leader went to Jin Xiurong and bowed his head and said respectfully, "old lady!"

"Kill him!" Jin Rongrong picked up the teacup and ordered in a soft voice, as if he were saying something trivial.


The old man turned to Xue an with a smile, "boy, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. Who let you die by yourself?"

After saying that, the old man stood up, and a terrible momentum suddenly came out of him.

The whole audience was appalled.

Several martial arts practitioners changed their faces.

"This is At that time, the golden tiger leopard, who was ranked the tenth in the jade list, was the most powerful martial arts and Taoism circles! He's making a sacrifice in his home

At this time, the golden tiger leopard grinned grimly, "if you can die under me, you can be proud of yourself!"

Xue an shook his head and whispered, "it's too weak!"

"What?" The golden tiger leopard didn't hear.

"I mean Too weak! " Having said that, Xue an has already rushed to this person, raises the hand is a punch. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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