"Well, then! I'm just asking. You don't have to look at me with that murderous look. I don't want to look at me. " Hu Ying said with her mouth curled.

"Hum!" The remaining anger of fox night did not disappear, "if I see you so mischievous again, I will take you back to the fox country immediately!"

Said, fox night turned away.

Looking at his brother's back, Hu Ying shrunk his neck and made a face secretly.

"Cut, speak as if I were afraid!"

With that, she peeked into the air again, and murmured softly with a reddish cheek.

"Kissing must be sweet. Otherwise, how could brother Xue keep holding elder sister Yan?"

With that, fox ran away.

After a long kiss for five minutes, Xue an finally let go of her hand. Then she got close to an Yan's ear, which was panting and flushed. She said with a bad smile, "Yan'er, this is what I want to tell you."

"Pooh, hooligan, so many people are watching! You really hate it

At this time, an Yan has noticed the countless eyes on the ground, can't help but be ashamed, buried his head in Xue an's arms, and then gently pinched him.

Xue an smiles and hugs her shoulder carelessly.

"You are my woman. It's natural for me to kiss my own woman. What's so shy about that?"

An Yan has been shy even words can not come out, smell speech can only ruthlessly white Xue an eye.

But imperceptibly, an Yan that originally extremely tense mentality already relaxed.

And this is exactly what Xue an wanted.

At this time, Xue an laughed and said in a loud voice in front of countless ardent eyes around the world: "the enemy has been eliminated. I will announce a three-day global banquet to celebrate victory."


As soon as this word was said, the whole world was boiling, and the whole world fell into a sea of joy because of Xue an's command.

In this cheerful atmosphere, Xue an embraces an Yan and slowly lands on the ground.

The crowd immediately gathered around.

"Old Xue, what I didn't say, well done!" Fox night extended a thumb, heartfelt praise.

It was not only him, but also ye Hanchang and others.

Even Chu Wuxiang, who had always been honest and honest, touched the back of his head and said: "I didn't expect that xiaoanzi was born again. It's even more powerful!"

Xue an was naturally grateful to these friends who helped out in the time of crisis, so she nodded with a smile and was about to speak.

Just then, a cold and ethereal female voice came from behind the crowd, "wait a minute, I have something to say!"

With the voice, sword seven separated the crowd and came.

As soon as she was seen, the atmosphere in the field became tense.

Many people looked at her with dignity. They didn't know what this sword crazy woman was going to do?

Did she not give up the plan to compete with Xue an?

In this kind of atmosphere, Xue an is indifferent, standing in the same place quietly, looking at his sword seven.

This kind of all defenseless attitude makes Jian Qi a little stunned, and then stops in front of Xue an not far away.

"Honglian xianzun, if you are so relaxed, aren't you afraid that I will attack you suddenly?"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "I'm not afraid, because you won't do that!"

"How are you sure I won't?" Jian Qi asked with interest.

"Because You are not allowed to do that because of the pride of sword cultivation Xue an said lightly.

This sentence made Jian Qi slightly stunned and even laughed, "well said, it is worthy of being the first one in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China that must defeat its opponents!"

"Congratulations! But I don't know who the other girls are going to beat? " Xue an said with a smile.

"There are Li Jingxing, the master of Jianshan mountain; there is a leaf of autumn that has never been repaired; and Oh, there are a lot of them anyway, but they are not disappeared or disappeared. So I have to find out them one by one. It's very annoying! "

Speaking of this, Jian Qi's face looks distressed. It looks like a little girl who has never been involved in the world, rather than the peerless swordsman before.

Seeing this, Xue an can't help but smile.

"So the girl is looking for me now, but are you going to have a competition?"

Many people turned pale when they said this.

Zhuge Zang could not help coughing, and then he wanted to speak.

After all, although sword seven was rude before, it did not cause serious consequences. On the contrary, it helped us defend the earth together.

Even if it was not for her action at the critical moment to stop the evil emperor of the Middle Earth, it was hard to say what would have happened.

Therefore, Zhuge Zang wanted to persuade them that it would be better to turn war into friendship!

But at this time, Jian Qi shook his head unexpectedly.

"Forget it! I'm not your opponent yet. Once I play, I'm sure I'll loseThis made many people blink in surprise.

This is Soft?

But hearing this, Xue an's eyes showed a color of admiration.

At this time, Jian Qi Yi said firmly: "but you can rest assured that one day I will surpass you, and then I will challenge you with dignity and uprightness."

Xue an nodded with a smile, "yes!"

Then Jian Qi was silent, and at the same time his face showed a trace of difficulty.

"What else can I do for you

"Er This Can I have a word with you alone Sword seven one face hopes to say.

Xue an a Leng, spin even if dumbfounded: "good ah!"

Two people walked to one side, Xue an waved to the outside world with the intention of sword.

"Sword seven girl, if you have anything, please tell me!"

Jian Qi bit his lips and looked embarrassed. Finally, he summoned up his courage and said, "although it's very bold, I really want to know how you practiced this sword skill! How can you be so pure and powerful

After that, the sword secretly aimed at Xue an with 70 points of embarrassment. "Of course, if you don't want to say it, just think I haven't asked."

At the moment, Jian Qi is really full of anxiety. After all, it is equivalent to asking others about the secrets of cultivation.

But this kind of secret is often many strong person pressure box bottom's unique skill, nobody is willing to reveal easily.

But after hearing this, Xue an raised her eyebrows and then gave a faint smile, "if you only talk about swordsmanship, in fact, you are not bad. As for the sword sense It's very simple, because of Acacia


"Yes, it is Acacia! Because only Acacia can temper the most pure sword meaning

Sword seven one Leng, and then speciously asked, "what is Acacia?"

This sentence made Xue an a little dumb. After thinking for a moment, she said: "acacia is a sincere love for a person, but can't be together for various reasons."

"It sounds so complicated!" Jian Qi frowned and thought for a moment, and then suddenly said, "if you want to miss each other, you must first have a person you like?"

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