"What a joke. What's wrong with me?" Xue an looks surprised.

"Why did you abduct my sister? How do you explain it? " Fox night is very angry to say.

"Abduct your sister?" Xue an's eyes gradually widened, "is there any mistake? Your sister was rescued by me, OK? Now you even beat a harrow and said that I abducted and sold your sister? Do you have a conscience? "

Fox night also some impatient eyes, "don't make trouble, OK, my sister she uses you to save?"? Do you know how many guardians have given her from childhood to adulthood? "

At that time, you didn't know what to guard

"That's not a real threat to her. If there's anything that threatens her life, any guardian can directly shatter a planet, and no one can run away from the powerful under the Immortal King. Otherwise, you think that Ying'er has been running for so long, and Qingqiu fox country has not been too anxious. What's the reason? To put it bluntly, she is much more favored than I am! "

Xue an turned her lips. "It's the same as the real thing. And I say again, I didn't abduct your sister! She followed everything voluntarily

"Well, if you get a bargain, you'll sell it! And that my sister is voluntary. I have to teach you a lesson today. "

I don't know if it's because the wine is strong, or because she's worried about protecting her sister. Fox night is shouting that she's going to fight with Xue an.

Xue an laughed and stopped the people around who wanted to come over to dissuade him. Then he said faintly, "this is what you said. Don't go back on your regret!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Fox night arrogant cry.

Xue an was no nonsense, and they moved the seal together. They left here and went to the distant space.

Looking at the empty sofa, Wei Rulan swallowed his mouth and asked Zhuge Zang quietly.

"Master, Mr. Xue, they Is it really going to be all right? "

That's right!

Now Zhuge Zang has officially accepted Wei Rulan as his disciple.

And after hearing her words, before Zhuge Zang talks, ye hanshang on one side said lazily.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine because..."

Speaking of this, ye hanshang yawned in boredom, "we have seen too many scenes like this, we are used to it already!"

The voice just fell, but see the field of light flash, just left Xue an and fox night two people will reappear in front of the public.

"What do you think? I'm right." Ye Hanchang said with a smile.

But at this time the fox night has become a little different from before.

Both eyes are black and blue, just like panda eyes.

In that case, it's really embarrassing.

But Xue an said slowly: "let me see, this is the 13th 422 times you lost to me! Are you convinced? "

Fox night gnashing teeth from the teeth burst out of two words.

"If you don't accept it, you can fight me with one hand next time."

"Do you think you can beat me with one hand? You are so naive

"Tell me if you dare!" Fox night began to use the thrill method.

At this time, an Yan took a rou's hand and came over.

"What are you talking about? This way Eh? Fox night, what is the matter with your eyes Anyan has been chatting over there. I don't know what happened here.

Fox night hastily said: "ah, it's OK. I just drank a little too much, and accidentally touched the pillar..."

Before the words fell, ah Rou suddenly became nervous, "ah? Does it hurt? Is there anything wrong? "

"It's OK. It's just a little skin injury." Fox night explained with a smile.

Ah Rou held out her hand, "let me touch it!"

Fox night helpless, had to obediently go forward, ah Rou gently touched fox night's cheek, will stay on his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" Ah Rou asked with heartache.

This warm scene immediately quieted the people around.

Xue an and an Yan look at each other with a smile, and then they are very clever to avoid.

Before leaving, Xue anchong squeezed his eyes at night.

Fox night grinned, but also felt a warm feeling in the heart.

He even felt that ah Rou's hands stroking his eyes were more stressful than the elder.

When the banquet becomes more and more hot and noisy, Xue an and an Yan have quietly appeared on a mountain not far away.

They found a big stone to sit on.

The mountain wind is biting, blowing an Yan's hair.

Xue an gently hugs her shoulder, and an Yan puts her head on Xue an's shoulder.


Overhead is the Star River brilliant night sky, at the foot is the lights of thousands of families, ear faintly spread the sound of laughter, more set off the surrounding quiet.

Xue an sniffs the fragrance of an Yan's hair, and his heart suddenly becomes extremely quiet.It's like two people can sit down together like this all the time.

"Husband!" An Yan suddenly low shout.


"What happened to you when you were sleeping? They said at that time that you were between life and death. It was very dangerous, and you would probably never wake up again. How did you wake up? " An Yan asked softly.

"Well..." Xue an gently rubbed an Yan's head and chuckled: "it's long to talk about it!"

Then he looked at the distance from afar and said, "Yan'er, do you know what life and death are like?"

"What is it like?"

"It's a place of nothingness, a place of destruction, even the ultimate destiny of the whole universe!" Xue an's eyes became serious.

"There is no light, no stars, even the darkest black hole has evaporated, everything has stagnated, time has become meaningless in that case, life and death become extravagant hope."

Although it's just a simple description, Anyan is still worried, holding Xue an's hand is also gradually clenched.

"That is the biggest nightmare of heart demons on the road of practice, and also a disaster that has ruined countless talents. At that time, after I entered it, I was in a panic, because I couldn't find a way out!"

"All the power has no meaning in it. You can only watch yourself go crazy a little bit."

An Yan matchless heartache said: "husband, then how do you wake up?"

Xue an smiles, "how did you wake up At that time, I was already in despair, but at this moment, a force suddenly appeared in my spirit

"A force?"

"Yes! A stream of The power of faith

An Yan began to tremble slightly.

Xue an said solemnly: "at that moment, I heard the call of countless Chinese people! The devout faith and earnest expectation contained in it directly ignited a flame of faith in me

"As soon as the flame came out, it immediately dissipated all the nothingness and darkness, and then I woke up!"

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