"Yes? Is there a problem? " Zhou Daniu looks confused.

"Nobody helped you?"

"Help what?"

"Is to use secret medicine to temper your body and the like?"

Zhou Daniao shook his head. "The drillmaster said that all external forces are unreliable. Only the strength of his honest cultivation is the most real, so I haven't used any messy secret medicine."

Chu Wu Xiang's whole face was shining. He kept saying, "genius is absolutely genius, and it's the highest talent! It's just that you can cultivate this state with such a crude skill, and you haven't taken any shortcut. It's just born for body cultivation

Zhou Daniao didn't hear what he was mumbling. He couldn't help but ask in doubt: "my Lord, if there's nothing wrong with me, I'll go first!"

Then he turned and left.

"Hold on!" Chu Wu Xiang immediately stopped him, and then looked at Zhou Daniel seriously, "kneel down!"

"Kneel down?" Zhou Daniao was so confused that he said, "why should I kneel down?"

But Chu Wu Xiang had no time to explain to him. The muscles of his whole body rose in an instant, and the giant king of immortals was about to kneel down on the ground.

Zhou Daniao was furious, "big man, what do you want to do? Don't think you can bully me if you are stronger than me! "

Say, he is very angry agitate muscle, try to get rid of Chu Wu Xiang's bondage.

And he almost made it.

Under this, Chu Wu Xiang is not angry but happy. The excitement in his eyes is almost overflowing.

"What a treasure! Ha ha ha

With that, he raised his big hand like a palm fan and pressed it on Zhou Daniu's forehead.

Zhou Daniu still wants to struggle, but before the serious Chu Wuxiang, his strength is just like that of feimayi shaking the tree.

Then Zhou Daniao's face appeared the color of pain, and could not help but roar.

Seeing this scene, not far away from the fire phoenix players are simply furious, they have to rush to fight for their brothers.

In particular, Zou Sui, who had the best relationship with Zhou Daniu, was so angry that his eyes turned red with blood, and he was about to rush up.

At the critical moment, Cheng Hao, the captain, was more calm and stopped the excited people.

"Captain, what are you doing with us? Don't you see Daniel being bullied by that big guy Zou Sui was anxious.

Cheng Hao shook his head suspiciously, "no!"

"What's wrong? People are going to be killed. What's wrong? " Zou was so anxious that he became very impolite.

"Captain, if you are afraid of this bullshit fairy king, let me go alone. I can't watch Daniel being bullied!"

"Zou Sui, don't talk nonsense. Is the captain like that?" Someone denounced.

At the same time, Cheng Hao said in a deep voice: "I'm not afraid of the fairy king. It's just that Daniel doesn't look like he's being bullied!"

"What does that look like? Is it like kneeling and singing conquest Zou then said coldly.

Cheng Hao coldly glanced at Zou Sui, and the dignity of the captain made Zou Sui suddenly become honest.

Then Cheng Haocai said in a deep voice: "I can vaguely feel a trace of Qi. This king of Chu seems to be instilling something into Daniel!"

Everyone was stunned.

Just at this time, ye hanshang came unsteadily with a bottle of aged wine in his hand, and then he laughed.

"That's right. The Daniel is obviously taken in by old Chu. Now he is giving him credit."

"Transmit meritorious service?" Zou was a little confused.

Ye hanshang nodded, "yes! What's more, it's the highest level of transmission! Tut Tut, do you want to improve his talent at the expense of his own blood essence? It seems that Lao Chu attaches great importance to this big cow! "

Although there are still doubts in his heart, ye hanshang, as the Immortal King, his words are obviously not groundless, so the fire phoenix people will be quiet.

The transmission lasted for a cup of tea until Zhou Daniu's skin was covered with layers of oil.

Chu Wuxiang stepped back half a step. Although his momentum was a little weak, his expression was very exciting, and his eyes were shining on Zhou Daniu.

Zhou Daniu's confusion in his eyes gradually faded, and finally the whole person was excited, which restored his consciousness.

Then he looked at Chu Wu Xiang in front of him with some consternation, "you..."

Chu Wu Xiang said with a smile, "OK, now that you've knocked your head, I've passed on my kung fu. Since then, we've become masters and apprentices. Call me a master!"

Zhou Daniu's mouth is wide open. Obviously, he hasn't realized it completely. However, this set of skills in his mind can't be fake.

Tianchan Wuxiang Gong!

It's a magic formula that is many times stronger than the skill practiced before Zhou Daniu.

At the same time, it is also a unique skill of chuwuxiang.It can not be said that this is the first secret skill.

But Zhou Daniu obviously hesitated, because an idea flashed through his naive head.

That's what the instructor would think about it?

Will you blame yourself?

So he was silent.

Chu Wu Xiang touched the back of his head awkwardly. He obviously didn't understand why Zhou Da Niu still refused to call his master.

For a moment, two strong men with big nerves froze there.

Seeing this, ye hanshang couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and sneered: "Lao Chu, how can you accept apprentices like this? You've passed on the credit before people agree? "

Chu Wu Xiang hehe a smile, "I am not afraid that he ran away!"

Ye hanshang looked at Chu Wu Xiang again, "and you, the old Chu gave you all the things at the bottom of the box. It's not too much for you to call master. As for the things you worry about, you don't call it a thing! Because if Lao Xue knew you were a teacher of Chu Wuxiang, he would be very happy for you

Hearing ye hanshang say so, Zhou Daniu just grabbed his head and cried out in a simple voice.


Chu Wu Xiang is simply happy to bloom, excited hands and feet have no place to put, "OK! Good disciple! Get up! Get up

After Zhou Daniu stood up, they stood together, and their appearance was just amazing.

Because the same bald head, the same big head, in addition to Chu Wu is bigger than Zhou Daniu, is simply a mold carved out.

At this time, the sky has shown the white belly, but the feast is still in progress.

Looking at the laughter on the faces of all the people, Jin Jue clapped his hands and exclaimed with joy: "there is no Buddha in the south. It's dawn!"

In this way, after three days of celebration, the feast was just over.

As the powerful and dignitaries of various countries dispersed, everything began to become calm gradually.

But at this time, in Beijiang's Tianzi No. 1 villa, Xue an looks serious at an Yan.

"Are you ready?"

"Well!" An Yan solemnly nodded.

"Good! Then I'll start! "

With that, Xue an urged the Immortal King to break the seal on Anyan's body and untie the shackles that bound her.

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