Luo Tianpan began to rotate slowly, and a little bit of brilliance appeared on the damaged disk surface, and finally converged into a huge light column.

In the light column, all kinds of supernatural symbols rotate and deduce constantly, among which there are various illusions, which are amazing.

"How about it? Can you find it? " Asked Xue an.

Zhuge Zang shook his head. "It's been too long. If he still has a wisp of obsession, he can still find it. Otherwise The hope is very slim. "

The voice has just dropped, but suddenly a blurred picture appears in the light column.

Zhuge Zang was shocked, "found it!"

The crowd immediately gazed.

I saw in the picture is an empty world, a wisp has been light to almost imperceptible spirit is wandering alone in this square of heaven and earth.

See this scene, Xue an's eyes slightly coagulate, light voice way: "I know here!"

"This is the place where I fought with those evil spirits of Tianlong last time! It turns out that uncle Xie has been wandering here for a long time

Xue an's voice is quite exclamatory.

At this time, the crack on the luotianpan suddenly deepened, and then completely broke apart.

The light column then scattered, Zhuge Zang cried out heartily, "my Luo Tianpan!"

Xue an chuckled, "I'll recast Luo Tianpan for you after this

With that, Xue an stepped out and came directly from the back of the moon to the earth.

This is the site of the last World War, just a step away from villa tianzi-1.

Can be so close, but no one has been able to detect the existence of the spirit of Lao Xie.

All this is because Lao Xie's spirit is too weak and light.

It seems that a gust of wind can blow it away.

Can be such a fragile existence, but tenacious in this piece of heaven and earth to survive for so long.

All because of Lao Xie's extremely tenacious obsession, just created such miracles.

Xue an followed the scene of Luo Tianpan at that time and found Lao Xie's place. At the moment, it was still empty in his mind perception.

But when he completely shrouded the surrounding heaven and earth with his mind, he finally saw the thin figure as light as transparent.

At the moment, the figure is still wandering slowly, seems to be looking for The way home.

Xue an said softly, "Uncle Xie, I'll take you home!"

After that, he separated out a wisp of thin hair, carefully imprisoning the spirit of Lao Xie.

Because he is really too fragile, a careless, may break it.

So Xue an's technique is very gentle in the whole process. It can be said that he dare not breathe in the atmosphere.

It was not until the spirit of Lao Xie was imprisoned that he turned around and flew to Beijiang with the spirit.

This time, Xue an's speed is very slow, because he is afraid that too fast will make Lao Xie's spirit collapse.

So it took a quarter of an hour to get back to Beijiang, when he landed in front of Laoxie hotel.

Zhuge Zang and others have been waiting here.

Fat aunt and Xie Jingjing have also heard the news, all waiting in front of the door.

Old Xie stood on the side of his head, with an eternal smile on his face.

When they saw Xue an, they immediately came forward.

"Xiao an, you thank uncle he..."

Xue an nodded, "don't worry, fat aunt. Uncle Xie's spirit has been found. I'll help it merge now!"

Fat aunt forced to hold back tears, has been speechless, can only a strong nod.

Xue an stepped up to old Xie and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Xie, this is your last chance. I'll help you. But whether you can recover and what you can recover, it depends on your own efforts."

With that, Xue an gently dragged the spirit behind him, took a deep breath, and then fiercely placed on the brow of Lao Xie.

Lao Xie's whole body was shocked, his dull eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth gave out a low voice of roaring. Obviously, he was suffering immensely.

Fat aunt's tears burst into her eyes, Xie Jingjing is also full of tears, gently hugged his mother.

As I said before, Xue an's strength now can transform a person from the soul level.

And being able to transform means that it can help them integrate.

Xue an is now through his meticulous mind control to integrate Lao Xie's thoughts with his noumenon.

The whole process is comparable to the most sophisticated surgery, but more dangerous than that.

Because the failure of the operation is death at most, but if the fusion fails, Lao Xie will collapse the spirit and cut off the last ray of vitality.

In this case, Xue an's forehead can not help but show a cold sweat.meanwhile.

An Yan, who has already woken up, arrived quietly with the crowd.

But no matter who it is, at this moment, they dare not speak. They can only stand in the distance, holding their breath and staring.


After a long wait of more than an hour, Xue an suddenly took a breath and stepped back.

"All right

As soon as his voice fell, Lao Xie fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

The fat aunt rushed over and looked at Lao Xie on the ground very nervously. She wanted to help him, but she didn't dare. She could only look at Xue an.

"Xiao an, you thank uncle. What's wrong with him? Why did you suddenly faint? "

"Fat aunt, I have fused uncle Xie's last remaining divinity with his body. He fainted because he wanted to digest this sudden God, but how much can he absorb..." Xue settled down.

"We can only see Uncle Xie's nature. If he has a deep and strong mind, he can completely digest the spirit and even restore it to the original state."

"What if you can't?" Xie Jingjing asked anxiously.

Xue an was silent for a moment. "Then there will be no more opportunities."

Hear Xue an's words, Xie Jingjing's face is one of white, and then full of tears to see the old Xie on the ground.

But the fat aunt squatted down slowly and sat down beside Lao Xie. Then she stretched out her hand and stroked Lao Xie's palm in a soft voice.

"No matter whether it can be recovered or not, in fact, I can accept it. As long as he can accompany me all the time, I have no other extravagant hope!"

With that, a smile appeared on her face and said to Xue an, "Xiao an, Mr. Zhuge, thank you very much."

Xue an didn't speak, but Zhuge Zang could not help sighing, "aunt fat, you are welcome. This is what we should do. If you can't recover, I hope aunt Pang will be sad!"

But at this time, Xie Jingjing suddenly seemed to collapse, fell to the ground, and began to cry.

"Wake up, Dad! I beg you to wake up! I don't want you to live so muddleheaded, I want you to recover, I want to listen to your nagging, I want to hear you scold me

The voice is like crying blood, which makes everyone moved.

An Yan wiped tears from the corners of his eyes, then walked to Xue an's side and whispered, "husband, can Xie Shu wake up?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't know. All this depends on his own creation and efforts."

At this time, Hu Ying, who has always been sharp eyed, suddenly exclaimed, "look, his fingers are moving!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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