Untiing all the shackles, Chu Wuxiang, who was as big as a giant, pushed a gravel at least several kilometers in size to a predetermined location.


On the gravel, there are paths of brilliance, which are connected with the array arranged before.

At this point, all the pebbles in the outer solar system have been transformed into the array and become a whole.

Seeing this, Zhuge Zang breathed a sigh.

At this time, ten days have passed. During these ten days, Xue an LED Zhuge cangye hanshang and others to keep running around the solar system.

With the joint efforts of the five immortal kings and the help of Jin Jue Seng, who was comparable to the Immortal King, a huge defense array began to take shape.

Especially when the array on the edge of the solar system is arranged, a large framework is successfully established.

Of course, people on earth are not idle.

After learning about Xue an's plan, many countries responded in succession. Some people gave money to others, but no one paid money. They also tried to provide some help for those who had nothing.

In short, countries in the world have never reached such a consensus on a matter.

The working enthusiasm of the earth's powerful people is also unprecedented, because they know that this defensive array is set up purely to protect the earth.

How can they not care about their own lives?

With the gradual formation of the defensive array, the whole world is filled with an exciting and tense air.

The major media put all their energy into this unprecedented huge project, constantly broadcasting the latest construction progress every day.

In this case, the fire phoenix special team members are not idle.

They were assigned to set up defense bases on the moon.

But at this time the fire phoenix special forces have some changes, the first is an extra woman.

Xiaorui has woken up to become a member of the fire phoenix special forces with undisputed strength.

Although she is still very reticent, but has successfully integrated all her spirits, she still has a great change.

For example Now?

Zou Sui comes forward with a smile and grabs Xiaorui's shovel.

"Leave the rest to me first."

With that, he began to work with enthusiasm.

Xiao Rui looks at him, the cold eyes gradually become soft, and then shake his head, go to one side again busy living.

It's already a routine between them.

The people of the fire phoenix army were not surprised at this, and no one even made a fuss about it.

Because people all know that Zou Sui regards Xiaorui as his sister.

At this time, a flash of light, Xue an appeared in the unfinished lunar base.


"Good instructor

Call one after another, Xue an smiles and nods to respond, and then the eyes stay on the body of Xiaorui.

Looking at this ill fated girl, Xue an's eyes can not help but a touch of pity.

"How do you feel? Have all the previous memories been restored? " Xue an asked softly.

Xiao Rui was silent for a moment, then shook her head, "no!"

"If you really can't remember, just remember your name is Xiaorui!" Xue an said softly.

Xiao Rui nodded.

Then Xue an raised his head and looked at the fire phoenix members who had already formed a team, and said in a deep voice, "next, there will be other troops to take over your present task, and you are going to a place to be responsible for clearing away the evil sycophants inside. Are you confident?"

Cheng Hao and others opened their mouths and roared: "ensure the completion of the task!"

Xue an nodded. "Good! Get ready now, and set off at once

At this time, Zou Sui asked curiously, "drillmaster, can you tell me where to go?"

Xue an smiles and says two words, "abyss!"

The passage of time and space leading to the abyss in Kunlun has been blocked by layers, and there are heavy troops guarding here, just in case.

After Xue an led the fire phoenix special team to come here, the troops informed of the order in advance just retreated ten miles away.

With a wave of Xue an's hand, all blockades on the passage of time and space will be broken.

The brilliance of the dark gives people a creepy feeling.

Come on, come with me

Cheng Hao and others did not even hesitate, and immediately stepped forward to keep up.

At this time, this space-time channel has been very stable, so people just feel a flower in front of them, and then they come to a black planet.

Then, in front of the public, a large number of demons appeared.

Cheng Hao was startled and immediately roared: "first level combat preparation!"

At an order, the fire phoenix special forces moved at the wind and formed a simple but practical defense formation in the blink of an eye.At this time, however, the demons of the abyss fell on their knees and yelled at xue'an.

"Let's meet the king!"

The sound vibrates four fields, also makes the fire phoenix people one Leng.

Xue an but faint smile, "all get up!"


The three high demons, namely, cutting thousands of dust, cutting off thousands of methods and Kang Shuai Fu, stood up first.

The rest of the demons rose.

"I told you, how are you doing?" Xue an said lightly.

Standing at the front, the face of cutting thousands of dust was embarrassed. "Back to the king, we have cleaned most of the abyss according to your order, and basically all of them have fallen in the wind. But now there are several forces that refuse to obey your order. Although we have carried out several encirclement and suppression, we have failed to succeed, so..."

"So now those who have surrendered are ready to move, right?" Xue an said coldly.

The face that cuts a thousand dust exudes cold sweat all of a sudden, kneel on the ground in a hurry, "the king appeases anger, is subordinate incompetence!"

The rest of the demons fell to their knees again.

"All right Xue an waved his hand. "I don't blame you. Isn't there a few forces that refuse to surrender now? Just leave it to them

Said, Xue an a finger Cheng Hao and others, light way.

"In the future, they will be my spokesmen here, and their orders will be equivalent to my orders, and they will also be in charge of this place. We must cooperate with them and make no mistakes? Do you understand? "

Xue an's words made all the demons such as beheading thousands of dust to be one of Lin, Qi Qi bowed and said, "yes!"

Not only they, but also Cheng Hao and others are confused.

"Drillmaster, this

Xue an said with a smile, "the abyss is not strong now. It can be handed over to you to practice. Moreover, I have made the settings. After you clean the abyss thoroughly, the abyss will be connected with the earth."

"By then, the earth will have a vast space with great development prospects, and this It is also the first step for the earth to march towards the heavens

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