Xue an skillfully leads the topic to other places.

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's words, Anyan hurriedly came to Hu Ying, looked out nervously, and then murmured with Hu Ying and ah rou.

This silent crisis is a temporary pass.

Fox night smiling at Xue an, that look is simply more hateful have more hateful.

Xue an glared at him, then lowered his voice and said, "do you want to beat him up?"

"Why? I'm afraid my sister-in-law will know about you and the little princess of the dragon family? " Fox night laughs more happily.

"Go away, I have nothing to be afraid of. I have never done anything sorry for Yan'er!"

"Then why were you so nervous?"

"Am I nervous? No Xue Anyi said with righteous words.

"Not nervous? If you're not nervous, how can you change the subject? Is it not a guilty conscience? "

Xue an:.... "

Then he said in a deep voice, "the reason why I switch off the topic is not that I am afraid of you talking nonsense again!"

Fox night a pie of the mouth, "you this words fool ghost line, fool me!"

"Don't worry, I'll keep this secret for you, but only if my sister-in-law can't suspect me, otherwise, don't blame me for betraying you!"

When he said this, fox night was very happy.

Because he thought he had a handle on xue'an!

Xue an looked at the arrogance and complacency of this guy's face, and suddenly wanted to tie his tail into a beautiful bow.

But helpless, the situation is better than people.

Therefore, he could only suppress the impulse in his heart and murmured, "is that right? Thank you very much, then

Thanks for these two words. Xue an said it with a gnash of teeth.

"You're welcome. Are we good brothers? This is what I should do Fox night very chicken thief's smile way.

At the same time, the star boat has sailed into the sea of stardust.

Looking at the vast white scene outside the porthole, an Yan can't help but feel a little nervous.

Fortunately, Hu Ying has mastered the star boat very skillfully, so without any turbulence, she sailed to the deep place very smoothly.

An Yan saw a little relieved tone, and then very puzzled asked: "husband, how can there be so many star fragments here?"

The area of this sea of Stardust is so large, and the vast majority of its main body is the dust after the broken stars, so an Yan is so surprised.

Xue an smiles. "It's not surprising, because it used to be the site of an ancient battlefield."

"Ancient battlefield?" An Yan was stunned.

Xue an nodded, "yes! As far as we are now, it was the place where the demon clan lived a long time ago. At that time, it was extremely prosperous, and the stars were as many as the river sand. Unfortunately, the later war completely destroyed this place, even those stars were not spared, and all of them were destroyed, and finally became the present appearance! "

Although Xue an's words are very understatement, but listen to an Yan's ears, it seems to open a magnificent war picture, which makes her marvel.

"Oh, my God, how cruel and grand a war is to destroy countless stars, and even to gather the remaining dust into a sea."

Xue an slightly shrugged his shoulders, "yes, it's said that countless demon clans have fallen in this war, so this war is also called the battle of sealing demons. After this battle, the once prosperous demon clan will decline."

"Why is such a cruel war An Yan changed into a curious baby, and then asked.

Xue an shook his head. "I don't know much about this, but fox night should know something about it. After all, this war happened inside their demon clan! Yes, fox night

Fox night's face became a little strange, shook his head, and then said with a bitter smile: "to tell the truth, I don't know the real details of the war at the beginning. I have asked the elder several times, but they are all very secretive about it. They are not willing to disclose any information. I only know that this war of demons seems to have something to do with the dragon clan!"

This makes Xue an's eyes light slightly.

"Is it related to the dragon people?"

"Yes! This is the only clue I know. If you want to know more, you should ask the elder. "

Just as several people were talking about the war, Hu Ying suddenly called out, "all of us are seated. We are going to go out."

Words fall, two little girls immediately seize Chan son and Zhang Xiaoyu's hand, four people sit together.

At the same time.

At the foot of the star boat a shock, and then the view outside the porthole will suddenly open up, showing the vast expanse of stars.

"Well, the sea of stars and dust has come out, and hundreds of millions of miles ahead will be the ancestral land of the dragon clan! Now that we're all seated, we're going to set out next! " After checking the star map, Hu Ying said excitedly."Wait!" Xue an suddenly stopped her.

"Well? What's the matter, brother Xue? " Hu Ying was stunned.

"Here comes someone!"

The voice just fell, but saw several Guanghua came to the star boat with a big flag.

Above the flag is a fierce white tiger.

Fox night's eyes slightly coagulated, "it's the white tiger clan among the demon clan. It's very close to their residence here. It should be aware of the change, so come and have a look!"

At this time, the brilliance of the flag showed its figure.

It was the fierce spirit before.

But at the moment, the fierce spirit is no longer in the confusion of the ancestral land of the dragon clan, and has become radiant again. Only in one eye still flashed the color of fierce resentment from time to time.

"I am the young master of the white tiger clan. Who is the Taoist friend in the star boat?"

Although the language is very polite, but the people behind him take advantage of the time of speaking, motionless around.

The reason why fierce spirits appear here is to vent their anger.

At that time, after he suffered a severe loss in the ancestral land of the Dragon nationality, he returned to the land of the white tiger with anger, and then added fuel to tell the story to his father and the senior officials of the white tiger people.

After hearing his story, many senior leaders of the white tiger people are also extremely angry, because no matter what, the fierce spirit represents the face of the white tiger people.

As a result, Ao Yi dared to commit murder in public, which clearly did not pay attention to the white tiger people.

At that time, Li Wuling's father clamored to go to the ancestral land of the dragon clan to find Ao Yi, but was stopped by others.

Because they also received an invitation to go to the promotion ceremony of Aoshu.

Therefore, the white tiger decided to find the dragon clan in front of the demon clan to calculate the account.

So the matter was delayed.

Although Li Wuling was unwilling, he did not dare to say anything.

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