When fox night just a star boat, Li skeleton will be full of face heap smile to welcome up.

"Mr. Fox, we haven't seen you again since we met you in the country of fox in Qingqiu a hundred years ago. I didn't expect that you are still in the prime of life, and you are extraordinary."

This may sound flattering at first, but it's not embarrassing to say it from the mouth of Li skeleton.

This is the skill of big demons like Li skeleton!

Because the relationship between fox night and Li skeleton and Li ferocious spirit is at best a nodding acquaintance, but Li skeleton gives people the feeling that they have been friends for many years.

Fox night can only smile to this, but the heart is secretly alert.

If you pay attention to nothing, you will steal or cheat!

It's all about the fierce spirit. This Li skeleton is a demon clan master who has been famous for many years. Why should he be so polite to me?

It seems that I have to be more careful!

These old guys are people who eat people and don't vomit their bones. They don't know if they are sold by others!

"Elder Li is so polite. As a younger generation, how can you meet him in person?" Fox night with a smile said.

"Mr. Fox is too modest. You are the future successor of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu. You are one of the top young people in the demon clan. It is natural for me to come to meet you. In fact, if the patriarch was not busy with his affairs, he might have come too!"

Fox night even said dare not, performance can be said to be impeccable.

The two men were so insincere and polite for a meeting, and then Li skeleton stretched out his hand forward.

"Ha ha, let's not talk about that. Fox, please come in!"

With that, he personally led the way.

Fox night walked behind, eyes slightly flickering.

Because he always felt that these guys didn't have good intentions, so he turned to see Xue an.

Although he can't speak, his eyes tell everything.

He really didn't understand why Xue an agreed to Li Wuling's invitation to wade in the muddy water among the white tigers.

In this regard, Xue an just smile, and then gently nodded, indicating that he was not impatient.

At this time, Li skeleton led the people to a wide courtyard door.

There is no need to say the magnificence of this courtyard. The key is that there is a long and charming maid with different customs standing in front of the door.

Li skeleton smile, "Fox childe, you live here for the time being! You should have a rest and wait until the evening for you to get rid of the dust! "

Then he turned to go.

Fox night quickly called him, "Li Changlao, and first stay!"

"What? Do you have anything else to do Li skeleton asked with a smile.

"These What's the matter with women? " Fox night a face muddle force of ask a way.

"Oh! You are asking these maids Li skeleton's face appeared a mysterious smile, "they are specially assigned to serve you, how about? Are you satisfied? "

Fox night was stupid at that time.

At the same time, Li skeleton still quite tactfully stepped forward, lowered his voice and said: "Fox childe, these maids have taken a lot of effort to get together. They come from various demon clans. It's very rare! You can enjoy it

With that, he also winked at Fox night, revealing a man who knew how to smile.

Fox night almost want to cry without tears, because he can clearly feel that there is a burning hot eyes are staring at himself behind his back.

You don't have to look back at Fox night to know that it must be from his sister.

But this is not the main point, the key is that ah rouke is on the side!

Although this sharp skeleton has deliberately lowered the voice, it is of no help to a Rou, who has amazing ear power.

Sure enough.

Fox night felt an invisible pressure from the side of the body.

But Li skeleton did not notice these, still full of excitement of the introduction.

"It's said that Mr. Fox appreciates flowers countless times, and the ordinary powder is hard to get into your eyes. So I've specially found many new designs for you this time, such as this pair of Sister Flowers..."

"Cough!" Fox night suddenly coughed violently.

Li skeleton a Leng, "Fox childe, what's the matter with you? But are you not feeling well

Fox night waved his hand, and then jumped out of his teeth a few words, "nothing! Li Changlao, I'm in charge of your affection, but you'd better take these women away

"What's the matter? Is Mr. Fox not satisfied? It's OK. If you don't like it, you can bring it up directly. I'll replace it for you immediately! "

Looking at a sincere face, fox night suddenly has an impulse to kill, but finally can only shake his head in pain.

"No, it's just that I'm not good at it, and I don't appreciate the flowers! So please hurry to take people with you! "

Li skeleton looked at Fox night with consternation and thought he had heard something wrong.

He had heard the anecdotes of fox night more than once, and who in the demon clan didn't know that the eldest son of the fox kingdom was very beautiful. What he liked most was to look for flowers and willows everywhere. Why did he suddenly change his sex?But what kind of character is Li skeleton? Although he was shocked in his heart, he soon returned to normal. Then he took a meaningful look at the embarrassed fox night and Xue an in the distance. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something and nodded slightly.

"I see. I'm so abrupt! I'm really sorry. I'm going to take someone now! "

Then he winked at the maids, and they all left with him.

Until all can't see the back of the Li skeleton, fox night this just grew a breath.

Then he turned to her sister Hu Ying and ah Rou with a smile.

"This old man is so warm!"

Ah Rou smiles and says nothing.

Hu Ying, however, did not care so much. She snorted coldly and said, "is this enthusiasm? I think it's for someone else, right? "

"Don't talk nonsense, your brother, I'm not such a casual person!"

"Yes! It's not a human being to get up at will Hu Ying didn't have a good temper, and then took a rou's hand into the courtyard.

Even an Yan had some hatred of iron and steel. He took a look at Fox night and sighed, "you, you are really What can I say about you? "

Said, also turned to leave.

In the blink of an eye, Xue an and fox night were left in front of the door.

Xue an smilingly looks at a face embarrassed fox night, only feel that finally out of the previous tone.

"Lao Xue, why do you look at me like that? Don't you even believe me? " Fox night very aggrieved said.

Xue an nodded slowly, "yes! I just don't believe you! "

"You..."! Forget it, the clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid! Leave your life's merits and demerits to future generations. " Fox night a face bleak said, the tone is full of people are drunk, I wake up alone lonely.

But as soon as his voice fell, Xue an raised his hand and knocked him on the head. He said with a smile: "don't pretend to be garlic in front of my eyes."

Fox night covers the big bag that was knocked up on the head, wants to attack but knows that he is not Xue an's opponent, so he can only grin.

"You can't do it lightly? I almost let you knock my head out! Ah, by the way, Lao Xue, why do you promise Li Wuling to come to the white tiger clan? "

Xue an light way: "not why, just feel some fun just!"

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