A lot of people are confused.

What is the character of Li Jingxing?

How sometimes paranoid terrible, crazy inhuman.

Sometimes so polite?

Only Xue an chuckled.

Only he could understand that there was nothing wrong with Li Jingxing, but that his mind was numb in practicing sword.

Many swordsmen have this problem.

Because they are used to pure Kendo, they can solve the problems directly and do not know how to adapt.

But when she was ready to do something, she shook her head and said with a serious face.

"Uncle, don't waste your effort. You can't revive, because she's completely dead!"

This made Li Jingxing look crazy.

An Yan is more scared to hold to think, extremely nervous looking at Li Jingxing, for fear that he will go crazy again.

Many people can't help but take a breath of air-conditioning, not understand why to say so.

"Nonsense, she's not dead. She'll come back to life!" Li Jingxing said.

Think about but break open an Yan's embrace, very seriously say: "uncle, I don't cheat you. If you really don't give up, you can try it, but it doesn't make sense at all, because it told me that it was too tired. Let it go like this

"Tell you in person? Who told you in person Jing Xing asked in surprise.

"That's it!" Think of a skeleton in Li Jingxing's arms.

"It It's not gone yet? " Li Jingxing exclaimed in great excitement.

Think about shaking his head, "I don't know what you said Phoenix spirit is, I just can see the essence of everything, and in its body, there is a residual breath, which is what this breath tells me!"

Speaking of this, think of tilting his head and looking at Li Jingxing, "uncle, is this aunt's hair red?"

Li Jingxing, like being struck by lightning, shook and nodded, "yes!"

"That's right. The aunt's obsession tells me that she wants you to let go because Your kindness is the greatest cruelty to her, so let her go. "

This speech, Li Jingxing's tears burst out of his eyes, and then slowly squatted down, sobbing and crying.

Men's tears, sometimes far more touching than language.

For example, now, watching this cry like a child's Li Jingxing, the whole audience is silent for it.

Thinking about it, I thought it was my fault. I couldn't help lowering my voice and asking Anyan, "Mom, am I wrong? What do you mean by that sentence just now

An Yan smell speech to sigh lightly, and then gently stroked to think of the head.

"Nothing, just a cruel farewell!"

"Is it cruel to say goodbye?"

"Of course." An Yan said, and then quietly sighed: "and sometimes more cruel than that sword."

When Li Jingxing was crying, Xue an came up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, it's better to cry. Do you want to try it?" Xue an said softly.

Li Jingxing gradually stopped crying, shook his head, and then stood up, carefully wrapped up the skeleton in his arms, and once again made a deep ritual to think about it.

This also gave a shock to think.

Li Jingxing but a face serious said: "little girl, thank you for telling me these, I understand!"

Speaking of this, the tears on his face have disappeared, and the previous madness has disappeared, and he has become the master of the sword palace.

Then he turned to xue'an and said, "xue'an, you have two great daughters."

"Ha ha, that's it. You don't see whose daughter it is!" Xue an said with a smile.

"I'll leave for a moment, and I'll be back in two days. Will you still be here?" Li Jingxing asked.

Xue an nodded, "yes, I have something to stay in the dragon clan for a few days."

Li Jingxing nodded, "OK, then you wait for me to come back!"

After that, he took the skeleton to the sky and joined the twins in the air. Then he disappeared into the void.

Li Jingxing left like this.

Fox night can not help but grow a breath, "hoo, this big guy is finally gone."

Then he turned and said to Niannian with a smile on his face.

"Nian Nian, while it's ok now, I'll treat your aunt's eyes first."

Niannian nodded, "OK!"

She waved her chubby little hand and pointed to ah rou.

"Elves, help me fix her eyes."

With the voice, the flying elves would chirp at ah rou.

Ah Rou stood there a little nervous.She can see the situation in the field through her hearing, but she is worried about whether she can see the light again.

Fox night saw this, so she came forward and gently took her waist.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"


Feeling the comfort of fox night, ah Rou, who had been trembling slightly, immediately calmed down.

At this time, the elves of the emperor's pulping were splashing on ah Rou's eyes.

A little bit of light began to gather in ah Rou's body.

This kind of feeling is as if innumerable spirits are lighting the fire in ah Rou's body.

Ah Rou's eyes gradually brightened.

Fox night is also more and more excited.

But it was just then.

Ah Rou's whole body suddenly begins to twist at a strange angle.

Then she let out a cry like a ghost cry.

Among the harsh sound waves, fox night was startled.

"Ah Rou!"

Then he reached out and tried to touch ah rou.

But he hasn't waited for his hand to reach halfway.

Ah Rou rose to his feet, then raised her head in mid air and opened her eyes.

Her eyes were as red as hell's blood pool.

Then, a rou then issued a sound as if refers to scraping iron plate like piercing laughter.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that someone could actually open her seal!"

Fox night all over a huge shock, and then hissed and roared: "who are you?"

"Who am I?" A rou's eyes shed blood and tears, "I am the one who captured her vision!"

Fox night hears the speech, startled and angry, give me to die

Then he would rush forward.

But as soon as he was on the way, ah Rou sneered, "come here, believe it or not, if you go one step further, I will let her die on the spot immediately?"

Fox night stopped at once.

Then, ah Rou looked at the scene with an evil look.

"Tut Tut, it's really the emperor's pulping. It seems that my luck is really good!"

With the piercing laughter, ah Rou directly rushed to the flying emperor pulping spirit.

The elves dispersed in a crowd.

But at this time, ah Rou suddenly opened her mouth and her tongue stretched out. She turned into countless tentacles and ran straight to these elves.

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