After finishing off the monster, Xue an fell to the ground and fox night rushed to meet him.

"How about it? Have you found out the origin of the other party? "

The voice is extremely cold, can be seen that the fox night, which has always been languid, is also very angry at this moment.

Xue an smiles, "a little eyebrow."

"And who is it? Where is the noumenon? " Fox night can't wait to ask.

Xue an shook his head. "This is not the time to talk about it."

"And when? Lao Xue, you don't have to be a fool. Tell me who it is. I'll tear it into pieces! " Fox night gnawed his teeth and roared.

"It's very complicated. It can't be said clearly in a few words, but you can rest assured that I will give you an account of it!"

Fox night also want to say what, just at this time, ah Rou lying on one side suddenly called out.

Fox night all over a shock, immediately fly also like to run past.

At the same time.

Ah Rou's eyelashes trembled and opened her eyes slowly.

Fox night looked at her with concern. "How about rouer? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

Ah Rou shook her head slightly and wanted to say something, but she was stunned.

Because she was shocked to find that she could see things.

The clouds in the sky, the grass and trees on the earth, everything was presented in her eyes.

But all of this adds up to nothing like the fox night that is smiling at her.

More than once, she had fantasized about the appearance of fox night, and she had stroked his facial features with her hands to build a profile in her heart.

But how can the vague, pure fantasy image be compared with the living man now?

Ah Rou is in a daze.

Fox night did not understand what it meant. Instead, she thought that she might be uncomfortable. She couldn't help shouting anxiously, "ah Rou, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? You talk

He also raised his head and called to xue'an: "old Xue, come here and have a look. What's wrong with rouer?"

But at this time, ah Rou suddenly reached out her hand and stroked fox night's cheek. Although tears welled up, she said with a smile: "I'm ok. I'm fine. I'm just a little excited. Don't make such a fuss."

Originally impatient fox night instantly quiet down, and then he suddenly noticed something, eyes gradually opened.

"Ah Rou, your eyes...!"

Because he was surprised to find that ah Rou's dark and godless eyes had light at the moment.

He can even see his figure reflected in ah Rou's pupil.

Ah Rou nodded her head and let her tears spread freely on her face. She said with a smile, "well, my eyes are good. I can see your appearance."

Although it was only a very simple sentence, but fox night's eyes gradually red, and then took a deep breath, choked and said: "that Am I handsome

Ah Rou smiles like a flower, "more handsome than I imagined!"

With that, she suddenly sat up and deeply kissed the lips of fox night.

Seeing this scene, all the people present were deeply moved.

Hu Ying, full of tears, whispered: "brother, you have finally found your own happiness. Congratulations!"

Hu Wan's face was strange and his eyes were flashing. He didn't know what he was thinking.

An Yan quietly blocked the eyes of two little girls, and then looked at this scene with a sigh.

But she didn't know that although the two ancient spirits of the little girls were blocked from sight, they were talking in a low voice.

"Wow, was that just a kiss?" Read in a whisper.

"Yes Think about it.

"How romantic I can't help sighing.

"Do you know what romance is?"

"I don't know, but I look like I want to cry, this should be romantic!"

In spite of the twists and turns, the incident ended in a happy ending.

When fox night cheerfully lifts ah Rou from the ground, Ao Qing is discussing with Xue an.

"Lord Honglian, now the emperor's syrup has been collected, but Yi'er is still in a daze, so the next step is to ask for the help of thousands of gold, otherwise the holy land will not be enlightened."

Xue an nodded. "Yes."

Ao Qing breathed a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, she was afraid that Xue an would open his mouth at this time.

After all, the name Xue Bapi is deeply rooted in the heart of the dragon.

I didn't expect that Xue an agreed so simply and without any additional conditions.

Ao Qing can't help but feel ashamed for his previous "dark thoughts".

"Well, it's not too late. We'll go back to our ancestral land at once."

At this time, there is no need for anyone to stay.

Therefore, Aoqing led the elite of the dragon clan to lead the way in front of them, while Xue an and others took a star boat to follow them.When they went out of the secret place, all the demon clans in the outside world watched eagerly.

They don't know exactly what happened in the secret place.

But they can feel the smell of the emperor's pulping.

Therefore, when the Dragon nationality flies away from the secret place with the emperor's blood, they can only look at it with envy, but dare not make any changes.


Now there are not only the former Honglian xianzun, but also the strong ones of Qingqiu fox country.

Such strength has exceeded the imagination of most demon clans.

If they are united, they are not without opportunities.

But the key is that so many demon clans together, no one wants to make a head bird, so they can only watch the dragon clan and Xue an and other star boats roar past.

"Damn it, the dragon clan now has the blessing of emperor Liujiang. In the future, it will definitely return to its peak and become a veritable sky. As she runs, she shouts," master, I have brought the eggs of Lord Sha! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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