It can be said that if you want to miss such a natural talent, it is the dream of countless people.

Some people are even willing to pay any price for it.

But Xue an was not worried at all, and even said that he wanted to give them a happy childhood.

This makes Li Jingxing doubt whether Xue an's brain is confused.

"Keke, xue'an, you were once an immortal. You should know how dangerous these days are than me?"

"What's more, if you don't cultivate such good talents as soon as possible, it's just the biggest waste. Are you still going to protect them all their life"

Li Jingxing began to persuade them painstakingly.

Xue an shook his head with a smile. "I understand what you said, but I still think that people's childhood is only once. It's better to let them spend their childhood happily and leave a good memory than the boring practice in the future. What's more..."

Xue an's expression was somewhat gloomy, "from their birth to the age of four, my father was absent. At that time, they suffered a lot of grievances, so I want to double, no, ten times compensation back!"

Seeing Xue an's apologetic appearance, Li Jingxing, who wanted to continue to persuade him, was stunned, and then swallowed the words behind him.

"Well, that's not a mistake. But think of this girl, I really like it too much. What if I take her as a registered disciple first? "

Li Jingxing is still not ready to give up.

Xue an smell speech hey hey a smile, "so want to accept my daughter as a disciple?"


"Well, at least you are also an Immortal Emperor. It's just enough to be my daughter's registered master."

Li Jingxing almost vomited blood when he heard the speech.

When was the emperor so worthless?

The one who went up to the pole and asked for an apprentice could only be regarded as barely qualified when he got to xue'an's mouth?

But to think about it, he closed his mouth.

At this time, Xue an put his hand in front of him and said, "take it!"

"Take what?"

Of course, it's a gift! Who is not allowed to give a gift to his apprentice Xue an smiles brightly.

Li Jingxing said

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "I suddenly understand why the dragon people call you Xue paipi. You are really overkill!"

Said, he hate to take out a thing put in Xue an's hand.

"I'll take a look at what I've given. If it's not precious enough, I won't accept it." Xue an said with a smile and then looked down at the things in his hands.

This is a slender sword with a whole body of crimson. At first glance, it looks a little inconspicuous, but when you look at it carefully, there is a chilling sword in your face.

Xue an's face could not help but look surprised.

Li Jingxing said, "how about it? Precious enough

Xue an nodded and took the sword away.

Because this seemingly unimportant sword is actually made by Li Jingxing from his own Kendo cultivation.

It can be said that this small sword has the full power of an Immortal Emperor, and its precious degree can be imagined.

"It seems that you are really sincere."

"Bullshit, did you make a joke of that?"

Then they looked at each other and laughed together.

After that, we can have a good laugh.


The two drank up all the wine they had collected from the elder. Even with their capacity, they were still drunk.

Xue an said, "where are you going next?"

"Go back to the sword Palace first. After all, I have been away for three years. I have to go back and have a look!"

Xue an nodded. "Yes, your disciples have been looking for you. It's time to go back and have a look."

Speaking of this, Xue an suddenly thought of something, and could not help smiling at Jingxing with a narrow face, "when the news of your return spreads, there should be a woman to look for you."

"Who?" Li Jingxing asked in surprise.

"Hey, you can't say it now. You'll know then!" Xue an said mysteriously.

"It's meaningless. I'm gone!"

With that, Li Jingxing stood up and his expression suddenly became very serious.

"Xue an, I want to tell you something in advance."

"Say it

"Your return is something many people don't want to see, especially those who have been loyal to you."

Xue an smell speech, eyes gradually cold, "this I understand."

"If you understand, I'll see you later!"

After saying that, Li Jingxing turned into a sword light, and then disappeared in the vast sky in the blink of an eye.

Xue an leaned lazily on the chair, slowly drank the wine in the cup, his eyes gradually brightened, and then chuckled."Betrayed? It seems that I was a little too generous at the beginning

This wine finally let Xue an sleep.

At the same time, the elder, who had been busy for a day, also dragged his tired dragon back to his nest.

But as soon as he got into the nest, he noticed something strange.

"Why? There's a strange smell. Has anyone come? "

Then the elder thought of something and immediately ran into his own treasure room.

A moment later, a shrill howl broke through the sky.

"My wine!"

In the holy land, the dragon's eggs of Xiaosha suddenly began to twinkle, and at the same time, there were many tiny cracks on it.

The glory of the holy land is also boiling.

This scene immediately startled Zhang Xiaoyu who was waiting on the side. She stood at the edge of the Holy Land and looked forward to it.

The cracks above the eggs began to expand.

Finally, after a big bang, a light rose from the Holy Land and flew into the air. It was a miniature five claw Golden Dragon.

Then the five clawed Golden Dragon roared up to the sky. Unfortunately, the voice was not as majestic as imagined. Instead, it was like a newborn baby announcing its existence.

Then the five clawed Golden Dragon fell on the ground. After a flash of light, it turned into a human.

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes gradually widened.

Because in front of her is not the memory of the small sand, but a pink Dudu white tender, can almost make people sprout out of the small Lori.

The little Lori first looked around, then said to Zhang Xiaoyu, "just yourself? And the master? "

Zhang Xiaoyu lenglengleng looked at, suddenly laughed.

Because this little Lori's serious face makes people laugh.

Little Laurie frowned. "What are you laughing at? I asked your boss

Zhang Xiaoyu laughed more loudly, then raised his hand and pinched xiaoluoli's face for a moment, "Hey, how lovely!"

Little Lori's face was gloomy and her eyelids were beating wildly.

The octopus felt nothing about it. Instead, he pinched it and said, "Wow, it feels good. I really want to take a bite."

It's just like drooling.

This small Luoli completely broke out, pink tender fist tightly clenched together, and then raised her hand to give Zhang Xiaoyu a cannon.

Although this little Lori is small, but her strength is amazing, one punch will blow Zhang Xiaoyu out.

Then little Lori quickly step forward, according to Zhang Xiaoyu is a fat hit.

After beating, little Lori put her hands on her hips and said with cold air: "how dare you touch me? Am I unable to carry the knife, or are you floating? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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