Because of Xue an's great reputation, people of the whole dragon clan came together to have a drink with Xue an.

Xue an will not refuse to come, no matter how big or small, it's all cups.

Now, more people come to drink with him.

Many dragon people have a mysterious smile on their faces and secretly think that although the former immortal is powerful, it is impossible for him to drink more than us.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be bigger than our dragon people.

With this idea, the dragon people toasted more vigorously.

Fox night can not help but curl his mouth.

These loaches are really iron headed. They dare to compete with old Xue. Do you think they are drunk enough to die?

Fox night but never seen Xue an drunk, naturally full of confidence in Xue an.

However, after two rounds of drinking, Xue an's face turned red gradually, and he was a bit drunk.

"Why! What's going on? " Fox night slightly light Yi, always feel some incredible.

Xue an, who usually drinks until the end of the world, is drunk so quickly this time?

He was puzzled.

But this group of dragon people are very happy to see this.

It seems that the previous conjecture is right. In terms of drinking, the former immortal is still close to it.

If you pour him down, you can go out and boast that you have laid down the immortal statue. That's a lot of face.

At this point, more dragon people come to toast.

Even the elders of the dragon clan joined in the excitement.

Xue an is still a cup to dry, not vague at all, but relatively, his face is becoming more and more red, even his eyes have become blurred.

I have to say that his appearance is really confusing.

Even the elder, who had just been puzzled, could not help but put down his mind and thought of schadenfreude.

Hum, I'll let you steal my wine, OK!

After a while, I'll pour you into a state of drunkenness, and I'll let you out of my chest.

Thinking of this, the elder also came over with a smile and wine.

"Honglian, I didn't say it. If it wasn't for your help, it would not have been successful. So I'd like to propose a toast to you!"

"Good!" Xue an had some vague answers.

In the blink of an eye, it was another glass of wine.

Xue'an's tongue seemed to be enlarged.

Seeing this, Hu Ying and others can't help but worry.

"Elder sister Yan, let's go and untie the siege for brother Xue. These dragon people are so hateful. It's obvious that they want to pour more money into brother Xue!"

But did not expect an Yan to smile and shake his head, "don't worry, and look at it first!"

"Ah?" Hu Ying thought he had heard wrong, "just look at it like this?"

"Yes, just look at it like this, because you, brother Xue, obviously have your own plans!" An Yan whispered.

Accompany Xue an for such a long time, Anyan knows more about Xue an's current drinking capacity than anyone else, so this wine is absolutely impossible to pour Xue an more.

Obviously, there are other reasons for Xue an's appearance.

Hu Ying can't say anything. She can only look at Xue an with a worried face.

At the same time, there is a quiet look over.

It was Ao Shu who was sitting in the corner.

In fact, she had come long ago, but she had been sitting in the corner without any words from the beginning to the end.

The rest of the dragon people did not dare to provoke her, because her eyes were so dark that they could not look directly at her.

Until see Xue an seems to be drunk, just slightly side look over.

Xue an seems to be aware of it, turns his head to look at her side, then smiles and raises his glass.

Ao Shu was shocked and lowered her head in a hurry.

"He's drunk!" I don't know when appeared behind her Aoqing light way.


"Let's go. After seeing him for the last time, let's stop thinking about it." Ao Qing continued.

Ao Shu was silent, just stood up quietly and followed Ao Qing to go out.

Until about to step out of the temple that moment, Aoshu suddenly side head to look at Xue an from a distance.

At the moment, Xue an, who is surrounded by many dragon people, is still outstanding although he is a bit drunk.

In a trance, Aoshu went back to the past and returned to the afternoon when she first saw Xue an.

At that time, he was also like that. He was better than snow in white, and his youth was like jade.

Ao Shu's eyes showed a very deep color of pain, and finally decided to turn around and step out.

The eldest and the third went back to the holy land.

The atmosphere in the temple became more and more heated.

Not only Xue an, but almost all the dragon people have a blush on their faces.Some of them were unable to drink and began to sleep.

And Xue an's face was red, still the first three points of drunkenness, no change in the slightest.

If this elder can see this scene soberly, he will smell the breath of conspiracy.

Unfortunately, because of his eagerness to intoxicate xue'an, the elder is now intoxicated and confused, even his thinking has become unclear.

At this time, fox night also saw the clue, could not help but relax, and then sat back on the chair, smiling at the scene in front of him.

"What are you laughing at?" Ah Rou asked.

"Haha, I'm laughing that these big loaches are so stupid that they don't know it. Lao Xue is digging a hole for them, but they think there is a bargain to take advantage of. OK! They'll be out of luck later

Sure enough.

Xue an obviously accelerated the speed of drinking, and began to take the initiative to find a strong dragon elder such as wine.

People began to drink from wine bowls. Later, they even gave up the bowls and blew them directly.

Under such an offensive, the elder was always the first to fall.

I saw his eyes blurred, the whole person fell back, flopped and fell to the ground, and then came the snoring sound, actually directly drunk in the past.

Then the elders of the dragon clan began to fall one after another.

A moment later, there was no dragon standing in the temple.

After all this, Xue an slowly drinks the last glass of wine, and then closes his eyes. When he opens it again, the previous drunkenness has disappeared.

Instead, it was bright and frightening eyes, and a smile at the corner of the mouth.

"How dare you drink with me? Are you kidding?"

Said, he slowly stood up to an Yan said: "Yan son, clean up!"

"What to pack up?"

"Packing, of course."

An Yan opened his eyes, "pack up?"

"That's right. It's time for us to leave after so long nagging in the dragon clan."

"Oh, all right!"

Soon, an Yan will think about Niannian and others back to the Fubao building.

At this time, fox night could not help but come to ask, "Lao Xue, are you doing something? Why do you have to go so fast? "

"Not for you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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