The hall, which had been noisy, was instantly quiet.

All the eyes are focused on the elder who has been in charge of Qingqiu fox kingdom for thousands of years and is known as the white king of the dragon clan. After his death, the demon clan is worthy of being the first person.

There are exclamations and delights in these eyes, but more awe.

After all, this is the existence that stands on the top of thousands of people.

But there are also a lot of people in the eyes of the implicit contains not good.

For example, Tian Haoyan, the youngest of tiandaozong, stares at the elder's back coldly with a look of greed and cruelty in his eyes.

"How about it? Is there any clue now? " The voice of the sky is cold and Chuyan.

Chuliqing didn't answer him because at the moment, her eyes were dilated. There seemed to be countless mysterious symbols being deduced, and her mouth was full of words.


She shuddered all over her body, opened her mouth and spat out a small mouthful of blood. Then she gasped violently for several times, and then said in a deep voice.

"Yes, he has indeed entered the state of the five decline of heaven and man, and even the way of heaven is madly expelling him. The reason why he can still appear normally is completely supported by the help of this three tree."

"That is to say..."

"That means he may not even survive today."

Tian Haoyan's face was filled with joy. "Very good, sister Chuli. After this is done, I will have to thank you again."

"I don't need to thank you again. I just hope that tianshao and tiandaozong can fulfill their promise to my Chuli family." Chuli said pale.

At the same time.

However, he did not feel any strange fox night, holding a rou's hand, knelt down directly on the worship mat. He solemnly gave three big gifts, then raised his head and said respectfully.


The elder nodded with a smile on his face, and then said in a soft voice, "yes, there is a saying in the Terran family called getting married. Although you are a demon clan, this sentence is also applicable to you. You can't be wandering and unrestrained in the future. Understand?"

Fox night's face showed a blush, solemnly nodded his head: "Fox night understand."

Then the elder looked at ah rou.

At this time, a Rou, a red dress like fire, set off her face more beautiful and refined.

The elder couldn't help showing a touch of approval for the dark, "girl ah Rou, after you marry fox night, you will bear the pressure and responsibility that ordinary people can't imagine. Would you like to?"

Ah Rou said in a soft but firm voice without hesitation: "I will."

As soon as this sentence was said, the tea cup in front of Huo Yaojing, the eldest princess of the fire rat clan, was directly fried into powder. Then her face was livid and her eyelids were beating wildly. She was almost mad.

On the other side of the Dragon camp, the second Dragon Princess Ao Yi is much calmer. Even if she is the nominally fiancee of fox night, she still has no expression in the face of this scene.

This also makes many demon clan who are ready to watch the excitement a little disappointed.

At this time, the elder nodded with approval, "very good, since you are married to Fox night, and now you are a member of the country of fox in Qingqiu, I will give you a gift today."

After that, the elder took out a brocade box from his arms and handed it to ah rou.

Ah Rou was a little stunned and didn't open it.

Instead, the elder chuckled: "open it and have a look."

Ah Rou opened the brocade box. There was a blue feather in it.

The whole body of this feather is green, and it seems that there is water light flowing in it.

Ah Rou is stunned.

What does that mean? Why give yourself a feather?

The elder whispered, "put it away. Remember to wear it with you, because you will use it soon."

Although ah Rou didn't understand, she kept the brocade box carefully.

Then the elder turned his head and looked at the fox night on one side. With a smile, he raised his hand and called for a way: "you come here."

Fox night does not know why, simply kneel to climb over, respectfully bow head way: "big elder."

But his voice just fell, but saw the elder suddenly a point in his forehead.

Fox night all over a shock, just want to speak, but in the mind came the voice of the elder.

"Don't talk, stick to one and try to absorb what I've instilled into you."

Words down, a surge of God will go straight to the fox night of the sea of knowledge.

Fox night heart spirit huge shock, but still subconsciously in accordance with the order of the elder to absorb these things.

Almost in the blink of an eye, fox night received almost a huge amount of information. In the end, even with his immortal King's divine sense, he was unable to capture it.

Fox night's eyes become confused, because these information is too much, almost contains all the knowledge and experience of the elder for thousands of years.

But soon, there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth with astonishment on his face, just wanted to speak.The elder gave him a tired smile and shook his head gently.

Fox night's eyes immediately filled with tears, the whole body can not stop shaking up.

These things happen very quickly, fast to the outsider's view, fox night is just kneeling and crawling over, and then the big elder ordered it on his forehead.

Many demon clans didn't care.

After all, it's normal for the elder of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu to tell him a few words.

Only Tian Haoyan responded differently.

The first speaker was chuliqing. She was shocked, and then she exclaimed in a low voice: "his breath is rapidly declining. Obviously, he can't hold on to it."

As soon as this speech came out, Tian Haoyan immediately stood up and cried in a deep voice: "what are you waiting for? Let me rush forward!"

After that, he took the lead and rushed to the high platform recklessly.

This incident shocked the audience.

"What's the matter? What are the Terrans going to do

When a lot of demon clan face inexplicable time.

On the high platform, the great elder of the green hill fox Kingdom began to grow old at an astonishing speed.

Deep wrinkles climb on the forehead, black hair is instant like snow, even the straight back also bent down.

This change shocked all demon clans.

In particular, this group of elders in Qingqiu fox country felt that the breath on the elder was rapidly declining.

Hu Wan finally understood what he was doing and exclaimed, "elder master!"

The voice was full of sadness and despair.

At this time, Tian Haoyan rushed over with a grim smile.

"Old fox, what? Do you want to leave everything to your descendants before you die? What a dream

"Fox punishment, stop him!" The elder said in an old voice.

In fact, he didn't have to tell him at all. On that day, when Haoyan rushed over, fox punishment had already flown up and stopped his way.


There was a loud bang.

Fox Xing's body shape slightly shakes, Tian Haoyan is shaken to fly out.

Then the fox punishment was full of murderous intention and said: "those who dare to step forward again, die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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