"Hum! What about being the top fairy king? If you don't become the Immortal Emperor, there are still ants in front of me. Since you want to die so much, I will help you! " The nine headed snake grinned.

At the same time, countless tentacles suddenly began to swim away crazily, and then rushed to xue'an.

The scene brought everyone's heart up to their throat.

"Lao Xue, don't worry about it!" Fox night with bright eyes and whispered.

Hu Ying is staring at the white light in the sky.

In the dark, the white light represents the hope of all people.

Think about Niannian is to hold on to an Yan's hand tightly, small face is full of worry and expectation.

When these tentacles can rush to Xue an's body, Xue an raises her eyes and then takes a step forward.

This step seems to be nothing strange, and it falls into the void lightly.

But at the moment of falling step, all tentacles attacked by surging seemed to be directly cut off from all life, withered in an instant and turned into fly ash.

This bizarre scene made everyone open their eyes, and hydra's eyes were even more brilliant and said in a deep voice: "the power of cause and effect?"

Xue an smiles, "yes."

There was a dignified look in the eyes of the hydra.

Because the step Xue an just took seems insignificant, but it directly destroyed the cause and effect of these tentacles.

In other words, the tentacles are erased from the causal level.

They don't exist at all, and they turn into fly ash in an instant.

This kind of attack can be called the most overbearing.

But the Hydra was only startled and then returned to normal.

"It seems that I really underestimated you. No wonder you were able to testify to the immortals in the first place. As a matter of fact, there are two brushes, but do you think that is enough?" The Hydra sneered.

"If it's enough, you'll have to fight before you know it!" Xue an said lightly, and then step by step to the nine headed snake.

At each step, countless tentacles turn into fly ash.

However, the tentacles that enveloped the whole planet disappeared just as the sun was blocked out.

People outside the planet saw an almost magical picture.

It's as if someone were wiping away all the darkness with an eraser, and a white light would drive out all the tentacles and darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Killing the temple goddess excited all over the body in a slight shiver," is the force of cause and effect! My God, how many secrets are there in him? "

At the same time.

Xue Anye has come to the top of the sky. He is dressed in white and hunting. He looks like a God.

Nine headed snake sees a form but cold hum a, "make a mystery, give me to die!"


A huge thunderbolt condenses out of thin air and cleaves towards Xue an.

Xue an didn't even look at the thunder, but raised his eyebrows slightly, and the thunder turned into nothing.

Then, Xue an raised his hand to the nine headed snake in the distance, just like a king with a natural constitution. He drank in a cool and dignified voice: "cause and effect, destroy!"

Xue an's awakening of this life was to control cause and effect, but he seldom used it after he arrived at Da Luo.

Because the strong people in this state generally have their own secret skills to protect their lives. At that time, there was only one way of applying causality, that is, reversal.

This move seems to be very powerful, but in fact, it has great limitations.

Especially in dealing with those who uphold the will of heaven and earth born demons is even more so.

But now it's different.

Xue an reshaped his body in the void, crossed the fairy King's gate, and went straight into the realm of the top fairy king. With the power of cause and effect, Xue an made great progress.

Now this is a case in point.

To destroy cause and effect is to deal with each other directly from the root cause of all things.

Naturally, the killing power is far better than the reversal power.

Especially when Xue an used it himself, his power was even more powerful.

But see a gray flutter, not eye-catching brilliance instantly across the middle of the distance, to the top of the head of the hydra, covering it.

The momentum of Hydra was suddenly dimmed, but after only a blink of an eye, the momentum of the fall burst out again.


Bound by his gray light, xue'an was shocked back half a step, and his breath trembled.

The Hydra grinned at the sight.

"Xue an, your power of cause and effect is really powerful, but all this is useless to me, because I am beyond the cause and effect of the heavens, and nothing can hurt me! Ha ha ha

In the eyes of many people, the voice of despair also fell.

Even the force of cause and effect can not erase him, is he really unable to overcome it?At this time, Xue an sneered, "Oh? Nothing can hurt you? "

"Yes, I am immortal and invincible. So Xue an, you'd better die that heart and surrender to me! Maybe I'm so kind that I can save you a little life The Hydra said with pride.

Xue an laughed, "immortal body, invincible existence. Hehe, it seems that he is the immortal in front of me. Without exception, all of them die, and you It's the same thing! "

With the voice, but see Xue an's hands directly into the void in front of him, and then slowly pull out.

Click! CLICK!

With a burst of space, Xue an pulled out a huge sword with countless golden characters on it.

"Forget it! My God, how did this sword become like this On the ground, the sharp eyed Hu Ying recognized the sword at a glance and exclaimed.

Xue an said coldly: "this sword has been with me for many years. During this period, countless demons have been killed. Even the powerful Immortal King once hated this sword. Today, I will use it to kill you!"

The Hydra rolled its eyelids and scorned to sneer: "ha ha, it's a good way to store it in the void, to refine the meaning of sword and to cultivate the body of the sword. But if you want to kill me, it's still a dream of a fool!"

Xue an did not pay attention to his sarcasm, but slowly took a deep breath.

No one can imagine the prestige of Xue an taking a deep breath.

It's like a giant beast that has been sleeping since ancient times, finally wakes up and stretches.

The earth and the earth shook, the sun and the moon trembled, and the air engine of the whole world was boiling because of Xue an's deep breath.

At the same time, the incomparably bright and frightful sword spirit rises from Xue an's body and condenses into a huge sword illusion.

But it was just the beginning, and a flame rose in Xue an's eyes.

As soon as the flame appeared, it ignited the whole world.

But in the void, a blood like flame enveloped the whole sky.

Under the illusion of the sword, a red lotus blooms slowly, forming a beautiful picture.

But this is still not enough, and there are a series of gray brilliance turned into vines, winding on the sword.

This is Xue an's power of cause and effect.

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