you 're right.

In front of the public, is a similar to Xue an, even between the eyebrows and eyes of the young people are very similar.

They stood together as if there was a mirror between heaven and earth.

The bizarre scene made everyone dumbfounded.

Xue an laughed, "I have to say, what you imitate is really similar!"

The Hydra on the other side also laughed, and even the smile was similar to Xue an by seven points.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all!"

"Afraid?" Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "why should I be afraid? You know I was waiting for you

The nine headed snake's face changed, "what? You know I'll be born again? "

"Of course I know. After all, with your strength, you will not die so easily, but what I didn't expect is that you would sacrifice the whole tiandaozong directly."

The Hydra looked up to the sky and laughed, "xue'an, I have to say, you do have some insight, but you are still too feminine. This tiandaozong is just a chess piece in my hand. These people can die for me, which is their creation. Is it worth mentioning?"

"So you became me?" Xue an's face grew colder and he said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha, Xue an, I said before, don't use the same trick twice for me, because I will be immune to it before the second time!"

Speaking of this, the nine headed snake's face is full of sarcasm, light way: "even you are the same! Your strength is very strong. You are the strongest among the fairies I have ever seen. Even many immortal emperors can't compare with you. So I will directly change into your appearance. In this way, all your tricks will be invalid to me. "

"So Xue an, what are you going to fight me with now?"

The Hydra roared to the top of his laughter, and the rage and pride in the laughter almost overflowed.

And people are even more color change.

Because if it is true that the Hydra said, then his talent is simply too terrible.

In a word, to describe is to take your road, let you have no way to go.

When all the audience were shocked, Xue an suddenly appeared in front of the laughing Hydra, and then raised his hand to punch.

The blow was like a shell, hitting the Hydra in the face.

The nine headed snake did not even lift his eyelids. He blocked Xue an's fist in a short time, and then sneered.

"As I said, all your attacks don't work for me now. Why don't you listen?"

With that, the nine headed snake's eyebrows suddenly show a bright sword meaning, and in an instant expand, and then directly split Xue an.

"Lying trough, red lotus sword! This guy can even imitate this? " Fox night extremely shocked said.

The battle turned fox night into a merciless machine, because he did not know what words to express his astonishment.

Xue an raised his eyebrow slightly, and a wisp of sword flash in an instant, and collided with the sword idea, and then Qi turned into nothing.

But at this time, the hydra's eyes showed a sly color, and then whispered: "cause and effect!"

The huge force of cause and effect suddenly fell on Xue an's body, making him stiff and standing in the same place.


At the command, Xue an's body suddenly appeared cracks, and these cracks rapidly expanded.

In the blink of an eye, Xue an's whole body showed a state of collapse.

"Husband!" Anyan finally couldn't help but panic and screamed.

Because the battle was beyond her imagination.

In the past, no matter how powerful the opponent is, there are traces to follow.

But now it's his own man that Sheehan has to deal with.

And all his tricks failed.

How do you do that?

Xue an heard the shouts, turned his head to look at an Yan, and then nodded to her slightly, which means he was OK.

An Yan covered his mouth and tried his best not to cry.

Because Xue an is in a terrible situation.

The whole body is scarred and bloodstained, even the bright eyes have become dim.

How can this not make an Yan for it heartache.

The two girls are even more tearful.

"Dad, come on!" Think of waving your little arm and yelling with all your strength.

Niannian is desperate to rush forward a few steps, raised his finger to the hydra, "you big villain, go to die!"

The subtle Qi machine began to collapse like dominoes, and the will of heaven became sharp and began to target Hydra.

However, the Hydra just gave a cold smile and did not even dodge, because in the next second, all the Qi and the will of heaven disappeared like a dream.

Niannian was a little stunned. It was her first attack that failed.The nine headed snake Jie Jie laughed strangely, "it's useless. All attacks on me will be invalid after being used once. No one can crack it, so you'd better accept your fate, ha ha ha ha!"

But at this time, Xue an raised his hand in the air to quickly draw up.

Nine headed snake a Leng, "what are you writing?"

Xue an did not speak, but the last point under the heavy spot in the air.


A golden light flashed by, and a dense and extremely complex seal script appeared in the air.

The head of the snake immediately became a talisman.

This time, the nine headed snake was caught unprepared, and even did not have time to respond, it was printed on the chest by the seal character.


The Hydra was directly blasted far away. After standing still, the whole person was in a mess and could not help but roar: "what is this?"

"Fu Zhuan!" Xue an said lightly.

"Fu Zhuan? You beat me with the seal script? " The Hydra was shaking with anger.

To his level, all the Fu Zhuan have become the path.

Because any Fu Zhuan is to communicate with heaven and earth in some way, and use the power of heaven and earth for their own use.

Can the power of the Immortal Emperor still need to borrow the power of heaven and earth?

To put it bluntly, if he shows his noumenon, he can destroy a star in a single finger.

Therefore, in the eyes of Hydra, Xue an's use of seal characters to beat himself is a shame.

Xue an just smiles, "yes, I hit you with Fuzhuan. After all, you can do all my abilities now. Only these runes exist in my mind. You can't even imitate my memory, right?"

Fox night a pat thigh, "lying trough, old Xue too motherly wit, how did I not think of it before?"

The Hydra looked at Xue an with a sinister look, and then she laughed strangely, "OK! Good! You are more and more surprising to me, xue'an. "

"But now it should be over! Because your seal characters will always be used up. At that time, it will be your death

After saying that, the nine headed snake rushed forward with a ferocious face.

Xue an raised his hand and wrote another seal character in the air. He waved his hand and rushed to the nine headed snake.

Hydra was forced to side a flash, at the same time Xue an faint smile, "run out? Ha ha, then you will be disappointed, because I can't use up all the Fu Zhuan , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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