Sure enough.

When the light dissipated, the front became empty, not even a trace of the existence of the nine headed snake breath.

Xue an did not respond to Hu Huan's words. Instead, he took a step forward and pressed it directly into the void.


The void vibrated endlessly, and then there came a shrill howl.

"Oh, ah, ah, Xue an, I'll never part with you!"

"Good! I'll wait Xue an looks expressionless and points to the void in front of him.

It is forced to stop in the void.

Seeing this, Hu Huan could not help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because Xue an's strength is far beyond his imagination.

It was not until then that he believed that what Xue an had said was not empty.

He may have really deliberately invited the Hydra to come, in order to stimulate himself out.

Otherwise, even if you can't kill Hydra, you won't lose.

Finally, everything is back in silence.

Then Xue an looked at Hu Huan and said, "I don't know its origin now, but at least one thing I know. He is like a demon instead of a demon. He is not a mortal."

"Like a demon, not a demon..." Hu Huan whispered a few times, then he said coldly.

"Hum! Although he ran away from the divine sense, you just had enough for him

At the same time.

All who watched the scene, whether present or not, were boiling over it.

Because it was a tremendous reversal.

Originally, everyone thought that the red lotus immortal must die, but unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, a Nine Tailed sky fox sprang up and killed the nine headed snakes directly.

It was like a bomb, which shocked everyone.

The eyes of many demon clans to Qingqiu fox country have changed.

Before, many demon clans thought that without the guard of the great elder, the country of fox in Qingqiu would be in a bad state.

This is also the reason why many demon clans sit idly by in the face of the attack of tiandaozong.

Can never expect, the reality but mercilessly gave these demon clan a resounding slap in the face.

What can we do without the elder?

Now there comes a Nine Tailed heavenly fox who is more powerful than the great elder. The power of this country will be unstoppable.

Read this, many demon clan regret to spit blood.

Huo Yao Jing and many elders of the fire rat clan are staring at the picture in the water mirror.

A moment later, Huo Yaojing was shocked. She woke up from the shock and screamed: "no! It's impossible! How did it happen? "

The voice was full of hysterical anger, and remorse climbed up her cheek, making her face extremely distorted.

The rest of the fire rat elders looked at each other, saw the anger in each other's eyes, and then nodded together.

One of the elders suddenly stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "Huo Yao Jing, shut up for me!"

But Huo Yao Jing, who was on the verge of madness, could not hear these words and was still shouting.

The elder snorted coldly and took a step forward. Raising his hand was a slap in the face.

The slap on the face was very cruel, and it directly flew Huo Yaojing out of the fan for more than ten feet before falling to the ground.

Huo Yao Jing finally came to her senses and covered her swollen cheek. She looked at the elder with disbelief, "you Do you dare to hit me? "

"Why not? And it's you that I'm fighting The elder sneered and then said, "Huo Yaojing, you are short-sighted and narrow-minded. You have offended the new leader of Qingqiu, and even the fire rat family has been in an awkward situation. You should be punished for your sin. But if you are a member of the royal family of fire rats, you will not die!"

"Though you are free from death, you can't escape from living crimes. Now I declare that you will be deprived of all your posts and authority, seal your seal and practice, and send you to the fire prison to think about your mistakes on the face of the wall!"

The elder's voice was as cold as frost steel, which made huoyao Jing's face pale.

So as soon as he finished, Huo Yao Jing screamed, "no! You can't do this to me. I'm the eldest princess of the fire rat clan

But her roar could not shake the minds of these elders. The elder waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "take her down!"

Immediately, several elite bodyguards came forward and dragged Yao Jing to the distance.

Huo Yao Jing struggled like a madman, but as soon as the elder waved, all her accomplishments were sealed.

Huo Yaojing's struggle suddenly became powerless, and these elite bodyguards coarsely dragged her away.

Huo Yaojing wanted to cry, but when she saw the cold look on the faces of the elders who were usually very kind and respectful to herself, she finally understood and then collapsed."You bastards, just to see the great power of Qingqiu fox, so you put all the blame on me. Don't forget that you agreed to break up with Fox night."

Her words made the faces of these elders a little hot.

The elder who gave orders was even more indignant, "stop her mouth and let her dare to talk nonsense again!"

The elite guards immediately blocked Huo Yaojing's mouth with rags, and the words behind her turned into vague sobs.

Soon, she was dragged away by force.

After all this, the elders could not help but breathe.

"This crazy woman dares to scold us. If it hadn't been for the blood of the late king flowing through her, she would have ordered her to be killed!" Some elders hate the way.

"That's right. What a stupid woman."

At this time, the elder who began to speak said coldly: "well, don't talk nonsense. Now our top priority is to apologize to Qingqiu fox country, otherwise our whole fire rat family will be in danger of being destroyed."

All the elders dare not speak together.

"Write a letter immediately and say that the whole thing was caused by Huo Yaojing. Now we have sealed her up and locked her in the fire prison. The next thing you want to kill or cut is up to Qingqiu fox country!" The old man's words are like frost.


And this fire rat clan is only a miniature of the thousands of demon clan.

At this moment, there are countless demon clans full of panic thinking of various ways, trying to make friends with Qingqiu fox country.

Nothing else, is afraid of Qingqiu fox country because of the things before and after the fall.

At the same time.

I heard that tiandaozong made a great expedition, and the crowd who came to see the excitement was also boiling.

"I wipe, this time is worth it. I not only saw the magic power of the former Red Lotus immortal, but also saw the Nine Tailed Tianhu. It's really shocking!"

"Who said no, fortunately, we just came here to watch the fun. If our heads get hot and follow the emperor to do stupid things, then we will end up..." The person who spoke, Ji Lingling, shuddered, and did not dare to go on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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