Fox night this just understand what meaning, whole body trembles, and then shout: "ancestor ancestor, you don't joke! I've got rouer now. I can't... "

"Well?" Hu Huan eyes a stare, fox night immediately swallow back the words behind.

Then Hu Huan said with a smile, "I know you have a green bird. I just said that I like this little girl very much, but you can't be a heartless man! We fox people have always been infatuated. "

"Do you have to choose two for infatuation Fox night murmured softly.

"What do you say?"

Fox night immediately closed his mouth, and then peeped at rouer.

In his opinion, rouer would be furious when he heard Hu Huan say so.

After all, this is tantamount to abetting his husband to find another woman.

No one will accept it.

Can ten thousand did not expect, soft son a face calm, seem to have not heard Hu Huan's words at all the same.

Fox night some silly eyes, and then secretly looked to sit on the side of the chair Xue an, eyes full of help.

But at this time, Xue an is smiling and whispering with Anyan, totally without paying attention to his meaning.

At the same time.

Hu Huan said: "Fox night, I'm not abetting you to change your mind. I just can't bear to see lovers separated! What's more, I've asked Qingniao for her opinions on these questions in advance. She doesn't have any opinions! "


Hearing this, fox night was completely muddled and turned to look at ah rou. She couldn't believe it was true.

Ah Rou looked at him calmly and nodded slightly.

"Ha ha, I didn't cheat you! So now I just want to ask you one thing. If I give you a chance now, you just shake your head and miss long er will turn around and leave. From now on, it has nothing to do with you. Would you like to? Will you hesitate? "

This question makes fox night's heart shake. Originally, he wants to shake his head directly, but subconsciously he looks at Ao Yi on the right side.

At this time, aoyi seems calm, but from her slightly shaking hands, we can see that she must also suffer from suffering in her heart.

Somehow, fox night suddenly hesitated.

Seeing this, Hu Huan couldn't help laughing, "what do you think? I said, since you have hesitated, you still have her in your heart, OK! It's up to me, Miss long er. What do you think? "

Hu Huan winked at Ao Yi.

Ao Yi was silent for a moment, and finally wanted to make a ceremony, "yes!"

"Well, it's settled. We can do it without delay." Hu Huan immediately made a decision.

The whole process did not ask the meaning of fox night.

Fox night in the heart more and more muddled force, but still strong self-patience, whispered: "ancestor, this matter now to do the words are not very appropriate!"

"Why not? Yes? Do you want to go back on it? "

"Well, it's just But now that the bones of the great elder are not cold, will they not be ridiculed if they hastily hold a wedding ceremony

"Cut!" Hu Huan sniffed, "what should I do because of this?"

Said, Hu Huan long body and up, "wait here, I go to come!"

After that, Hu Huan's figure flashed and disappeared in place, leaving a room full of fox people staring at each other. They didn't know what the old ancestor was going to do.

Fox night quickly rushed to Xue an near, a face anxious said: "old Xue, how do you always do not speak ah!"

"What do you say?" Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "congratulations on your equal happiness?"

At the same time, it seems that Fu Hu has a good smile on one side

Fox night felt that one of his head has two big, can't help but say: "that sister-in-law, then you are not ready to let me xuege also a little lucky?"

"He?" An Yan Qiao smile Qian Xi looked at Xue an.

Xue an said with a smile, "what am I doing? My fortune is much more than fox night, because I have you

"Disgusting!" An Yan beat Xue an lightly.

Fox night watch Xue an two people sell dog food in front of themselves, is simply angry.

"Lao Xue, you You are not a friend enough! "

Xue an laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, fox night, you can't get cheap and sell your good. This matter is first of all an internal matter of your fox clan. I have no right to interfere. Besides, your old ancestor is not a good stubble. He must have his intention to do so."

Fox night was silent for a moment, then whispered: "that You can't marry me before the funeral of the great elder is held. "

"The funeral of the great elder?" Xue an laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, there won't be any more funerals."

Voice just fell, just listen to a burst of laughter from the void, "everyone, come and see, who is this?"Said, fox Huan a face excited to appear in the field, and in his hand also carried a little boy.

That's right!

It's literally carrying.

He grabbed the clothes on the back of the little boy, just like carrying a bag. He was very excited to show it to everyone.

This is a little boy.

To be exact, it is a small Zhengtai who is delicate and cute enough to make people cute.

When lifted up, little Zhengtai's face showed a helpless color, "master, have you done enough?"? Can you put me down after all this trouble? "

As soon as the sound came out, the whole scene was instantly quiet.

Because this sound, how to listen to how familiar.

Hu Wan suddenly began to tremble, and then pointed to little Zhengtai with tears on his face, "you You... "

His voice was so shaking that he couldn't even speak.

Little Zhengtai smiles at her, "OK, Wan'er, don't cry! How can they cry so much when they are so old? "

Hu Wan immediately sobbed and nodded.

Fox night finally came to understand, and then jumped three feet high, pointing to little Zhengtai, his face was unbelievable and called out: "you Are you the elder? "

Small is too shy smile, "yes!"

"This How could that be possible? " Fox night a face dull whisper way.

Not only he, but all the fox people were shocked.

Hu Huan seems to be very satisfied with this effect, can't help laughing: "how impossible? To tell you the truth. If it wasn't for Hu'an, the boy's fate would soon be over, I would not have come back! "

While saying, Hu Huan patted the elder Hu An's shoulder heavily, "good disciple, do you think it is also not?"

Hu An's face was helpless. He nodded and sighed: "yes! My master, if it were not for you, I would have died by now! "

"Ha ha ha, so how are you going to thank me?" Say, Hu Huan holds fox an that chubby small face with hand, a face excited says.

Hu an broke away from Hu Huan's claws, wiped his saliva first, and then said solemnly: "master, please respect yourself!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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