Xue an waved his hand. "I don't want to talk about the rest. I just want to know two points. First, who dealt with the Chinese people at the beginning?"

"Second, where are the Chinese gods?"

Hu Huan was silent for a moment, and then raised his hand to fight over a divine thought.

Xue an takes in the hand, tiny a probe, on the face then showed surprised color.

"This is what I know about the clan forces that participated in the events of that year."

Speaking of this, Hu Huan's face showed dignified color, "but what this list represents, you should know better than me."

"Understand!" Xue an said with a cold smile.

"Therefore, you must not act rashly without full assurance." Hu Huan persuades a, but see Xue an a face calm color, also don't know he listen to not listen to, can long sigh a way.

"As for your second question, I can't answer you either!"

"Oh?" Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "you don't know?"

Hu Huan's face showed a wry smile, "yes, I really don't know!"

"When this happened, I actually knew it, but do you know why I didn't intervene?"

Xue an did not say anything, but listened quietly.

"When this happened, I had not left the country of fox in Qingqiu. Because the relationship between the fox and the Terran has always been good, so I wanted to see what happened. As a result..."

"What did it turn out to be?"

Hu Huan's eyes showed a look of fear, "as a result, I was forced to block by an unspeakable ability. At the same time, there was a voice echoing in my heart, so that I don't meddle in my business, or even Qingqiu will be destroyed."

"Forced closure?" Xue an was stunned.

"Yes, it's forced closure! I didn't even have the strength to fight back, so I was sealed for decades. When I recovered, the war would be over

Xue an stopped talking because he was digesting this very important message.

Because this is the first time the backstage gangster appeared in front of the stage, although not directly appeared, but at least revealed the clue.

"If you are forced to block your strength, what kind of cultivation will the people who do it?" Xue an said softly.

Hu Huan shook his head, "I don't know, but his strength must be far better than me!"

Speaking of this, Hu Huan laughed at himself, "I'm not afraid to laugh at you. It's because of this that I left Qingqiu fox country, and then I have been hiding in the dark to observe this matter."

"this list is what I was secretly investigating at the time, but as for the whereabouts of the Chinese gods you asked."

Hu Huan shook his head, "I don't have a clue!"

Xue an nodded, and then stood up to give a deep salute to Hu Huan.

Hu Huan a Leng, hastily also stood up, "Xue an, what do you mean?"

Xue an said in a deep voice, "thank you, of course."

"Thank me?"

Xue an nodded. "You have done your utmost in this matter. I want to thank you even for this list."

Hu Huan was about to speak, and finally sighed: "Xue an, say something that may not be said. The truth hidden behind this matter may be beyond anyone's imagination and affordability. If you can, you'd better put it down..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue an interrupted him. "Do you think it's possible?"

Hu Huan stopped talking.

"I have said more than once that no matter who the other party is, since he has done this, he has to pay the due price, so You can put it down, if you wait for the enemy to give you his head. " Xue an said lightly.

Hu Huan sighed again, "I understand that I'm just out of kindness, because I've been thinking about it these days, and then I found out that the nine headed snake probably came from the same place as the man who was granted to me in the first place."

"From this we can see how terrible the other party is

Xue an smiles. "Is it terrible? I don't think so

As he said that, his eyes showed a bloody light.

"I'll let them know what's really scary."

When Xue an walked out of the white jade tower, the moon and stars were sparse outside, and the fox kingdom in Qingqiu was decorated with lights and decorations, which was obviously celebrating.

By contrast, it seems more and more lonely here.

Xue an did not return to the country of fox in Qingqiu, but turned to the starry sky.

At his speed, in a blink of an eye, he crossed tens of millions of miles of star territory and came to the depths of the void.


Xue an stopped and said, "come out! Are you waiting for me when you hide here? "

Words down, a burst of darkness surging, and then the slaying Temple goddess then slowly came out.

I saw her all over the body, in the dark, so bright and moving, and then for Xue an floating Wanfu.

"Kill the goddess of the temple, mu Wushuang, have met the Lord Honglian!"Every move reveals an indescribable sense of holiness.

But it is this kind of high saint's aura, but enough to make any man for the blood.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. He just said, "say it, what can I do for you?"

As early as he was dealing with Hydra, he felt the gaze of Mu Wushuang, the goddess of the killing temple.

When the matter is over, he is receiving mu Wushuang's mind.

I want to see him alone.

However, Xue an did not reply at that time, but waited until today to see what was going on.

After hearing Xue an's words, mu Wushuang suddenly raised his head, his face was full of fanaticism.

"My Lord, I want to make a deal with you!"

"Trade?" Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest: "what kind of deal?"

Mu Wushuang is not afraid of Xue an's eyes, but is proud of his chest, making his mountain higher and higher, and then slowly saying: "I know what adults are going to do next!"

"Oh? What am I going to do Xue an said with a smile, but his eyes were full of cold color.

Mu Wushuang took a deep breath. "It's very simple. You must go back to the depths of the starry sky and take back all you have lost. I can help you just now."

Xue an's smile was gradually restrained. "Then how are you going to help me?"

"The best way to do things for you is to disguise yourself as a household name

"That's all? I don't need to hide my identity. Even if I use it, I don't need you to disguise myself for me! " Xue an raised her eyebrows and said in a cold voice.

"Of course, it's not that simple. The reason why I said that I can help you disguise is that there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only let you easily sneak into the depths of the stars, but also wipe out the elite of many great religions!"

Speaking of this, mu Wushuang said with a confident smile, "so how do you feel about this deal?"

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