When Gong Yunjun received the invitation of Luo Rongjin, he was a little surprised.

Didn't we just have dinner together last night?

What's going on?

Why invite yourself all of a sudden?

Vaguely, there is an ominous premonition in Gong Yunjun's heart.

But Teng Hongbo didn't feel it. He said with a smile: "it seems that your highness is really deeply rooted in your love. Please clean up and dress up. This is an opportunity that many women can't ask for."

With that, Teng Hongbo also pointed out: "in fact, your highness is really very good. No one can match him in terms of family background, and he is also gentle. If you follow him, you will have a bright future. So It's good to pretend to be drunk properly, don't you think? "

Gong Yunjun sneered in his heart, but he didn't see any abnormality on his face. Instead, he gave a gentle smile, "thank you for your concern. I have my own discretion."

"You know, women's innocence is important, but the master of the hall Tut Tut, no more. "

After that, Teng Hongbo left with a smile.

But as soon as he left, the smile on Gong Yunjun's face disappeared.



"Get ready. I want to make up."


Xi'er is a little strange. There is still a long time to go before the dinner party. Why is miss so anxious this time?

But soon she buried these questions in the bottom of her heart and obediently took orders.

At this time, Gong Yunjun gently took out the sachet from his arms, then took out the small seal script from it, and took it seriously around his neck.

The afternoon was fleeting.

Soon it was time for the lights to be on.

Gong Yunjun has finished dressing. Looking at the beautiful woman in the mirror, even Xi'er can't help but exclaim: "Miss, you are really beautiful today."

Gong Yunjun smiles, and her red lips are as cold as blood.

At the same time.

Teng Hongbo walked in and saw the well-dressed Gong Yunjun. He could not help but light up in front of him, and then said with a smile.

"It's really the flower queen of my white jade building. It's really beautiful. It happens that the dinner party has been prepared, and the Lord of the hall is waiting for you. Miss Yun Jun, please. "

Gong Yunjun stood up, did not speak, and then walked out.

Teng Hongbo didn't get angry. He laughed and followed him.

As he said, the dinner is indeed ready, and it will be more abundant than yesterday.

But today, there was only one person sitting beside the huge banquet, which was Luo Rongjin.

At this time, he is eating hot pot.

Seeing Gong Yunjun come in, Luo Rongjin didn't get up. Instead, he swallowed a large piece of boiled mutton, and then he took a long breath. Then he pointed to the opposite side with chopsticks.

"Sit down!"

Gong Yunjun did not refuse, and naturally sat down.

Teng Hongbo is very aware of the opportunity to exit the room, and even before leaving, he also brought the door to.

There were two of them left in the room.

Luo Rongjin still did not speak, but focused on dealing with the hot pot in front of her, as if the steaming mutton was more endurable than the beautiful woman.

Silence covered the room, can only hear Luo Rongjin chewing and swallowing voice.

Gong Yunjun looks at it quietly.

For a long time, Luo Rongjin swallowed the last piece of mutton, and then picked up a white towel to wipe the corners of his mouth and let out a breath.

"Baiyulou's hot pot tastes really good. Do you want to try it, Miss Yun Jun?"

Gong Yunjun shook his head, "no, I'm tired of eating."

"Yes, too." Luo Rongjin smiles, "how long has Yunjun been in this white jade building?"

"For a long time, I can't even remember the exact date."

"Really? How can I remember 17 years, 3 months and 2 days? It seems like a long time, but for us monks, it should be nothing. " Luo Rongjin said with a smile.

Gong Yunjun's eyes flashed, "what do you mean by the Lord of the house?"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying it casually. Come on, drink!" Luo Rongjin said with a smile.

A glass of wine.

Luo Rongjin is playing with the glass in his hand. He is sitting with his back to the window, so the glass just reflects the starlight outside the window.

"The stars outside are so beautiful. What does Yunjun think?"

"I don't feel it. Maybe I've seen a lot."

"Well said, it will be boring to see more beautiful scenery! But tonight, I want to let Yunjun girl see a different scenery, I promise you will be surprised

Luo Rongjin said with a smile, but her eyes were like snakes and scorpions, flashing cold and dangerous light.

At the moment, Gong Yunjun put the hanging heart down, and then said faintly, "well, I'll wait and see."She looks calm, like a goddess.

While they were talking,

on the street where the guest house was located, two monks came, one big and one young.

The two monks looked dusty and seemed to have traveled a long way.

The elder monk was only about twenty years old, and his face was kind and solemn, which made him feel close to each other.

The young monk was about thirteen or four years old. He described his eyes as beautiful. His eyes were full of vivid colors. Especially after seeing the prosperous scene of the street, he was not even able to use his eyes. He looked around vigorously.

"Wow, elder martial brother, how lively it is! It's much bigger than our market at the foot of the mountain. " The little monk exclaimed.

"Good, good, Huitong, how did I tell you before I left? We must abide by our original intention and never be infatuated with the world of mortals. How come you are disobedient? "

Huitong shrunk his neck and shrunk his mouth. "Oh, elder martial brother Yuantong, I know I'm wrong."

"Good and good, knowing what's wrong can do nothing good!" Elder martial brother Yuantong clapped his hands together and began to admire.

At the same time, there is an impulse to worship the Buddha's body.

If there were any other Buddhists here, they would be surprised to see that this monk, who was only in his twenties, was an invisible golden Bodhisattva.

Huitong was not surprised, and even said impatiently, "OK, elder martial brother Yuantong, it's not the time to comprehend Buddhism. Let's find a post to live in. I'm starving to death."

"Yes! Walking Yuantong immediately dissipated the light of Buddha and strode forward.

It may be because the two monks are not very impressive, so the person in charge of reception simply registered and confirmed that they were the descendants of the nihilistic great religion and said lazily.

"You live in the third row and the fourth building in the back. Go in and look for it yourself."

Then he yawned and did not intend to get up and lead them in.

Even so, the two monks are still very happy.

"Good and good, thank you very much."

After that, the two of them walked into the guest house.

At the same time.

In the darkness, six dark shadows were coming towards the hotel post.

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