But at this time, someone blocked the way.

"Master father, take a walk first." It was a seductive woman who said with a smile, "does the master father have a foothold? If not, come to my mirror moon department. "

This sentence seems to remind everyone that Tianjiao from all sides has come forward.

"Master, are you ready for dinner? Why don't you come to me for a light meal


For a moment, the whole room was boiling.

People all know that if they can attract this Buddhist cultivation power, they will certainly help themselves.

But Yuantong just laughed but didn't say anything about it. Then he walked on.

But just then, a calm voice came from behind.

"If you don't dislike it, why don't you come here and talk about it?"

Yuan Tong turned to look, but saw Xue an standing at the gate of the post house and said with a smile.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much

Then he strode towards xue'an.

The crowd was a little stunned.

In particular, the seductive woman who began to talk was full of doubts. She did not understand why the monk ignored himself, but paid so much attention to a "ordinary" young man.

Even the little monk Huitong can't help but be surprised, but still quickly follow up.

When the two men walked into the pavilion with Xue an, people immediately began to talk.

"Who is this man? Why have you never seen it before? "

"It's like a foreign aid from the killing temple."

"How can the killing temple have something to do with Buddhism?"

People were all puzzled.

And in the hotel post for it boiling time.

In the white jade building.

Luo Rongjin and Gong Yunjun's dinner also came to a critical moment.

Originally full of self-confidence Luo Rong brocade, at the moment the face is gloomy, can drip water.

Because just now, he saw the Buddha light that covered most of the city and even shook the heaven.

Not only saw, he also clearly felt that his six ghost bodyguards had died.

You should know that he originally wanted to show his own strength in front of Gong Yunjun.

As a result, the strength did not show, on the contrary, it was their own defeat.

How could it not have made him angry.

Gong Yunjun was also a little surprised, but he soon calmed down, then sneered at Luo Rongjin and said, "Your Highness, is this the scenery you let me see differently? It's amazing. "

After that, Gong Yunjun stood up and said, "thank you for your hospitality. I'm a little tired. Goodbye!"

Then turn around and leave.

"Hold on!" Luo Rongjin's voice was as cold as ice.

Gong Yunjun stopped, but he didn't even return to his head. He just said faintly, "what's the matter with the Lord in the hall?"

"Did I let you go? Do you dare to leave? "

"What?" Gong Yunjun turned around and said sarcastically, "do I still need your permission to leave?"

"Of course Luo Rongjin's face gradually became ferocious, "don't think I don't know, are you secretly going to see other men behind my back?"

Gong Yunjun's face changed, and his anger immediately appeared in his eyes. "Lord, I don't seem to have anything to do with you, do you want me to see anyone?"

"Of course, I need to take care of it, because you are the woman I love, you can only belong to me!" Luo Rong brocade almost hysterical roar way.

"I'm sorry, I don't belong to you!" he said coldly

After saying that, Gong Yunjun directly turned to leave.

"You cheap maid, stop for me!" Luo Rongjin was furious, Huoran got up and rushed over.

You should know that Luorong brocade is the peerless pride of the emperor's palace. In fact, its strength is comparable to that of a fairy king. Now it comes with anger, and its momentum is not insignificant.

However, Gong Yunjun was not afraid at all. Instead, he quickened his pace and went out.

"Looking for death!" Luo Rongjin was almost mad, roared, and then directly blew out a blow.

This blow seems to be the same as the earth shattering, the fierce power straight to the back of Gong Yunjun.

Although Gong Yunjun's strength is good, he is far worse than Luo Rongjin, so he can't even react in time, and this blow has already arrived behind him.

However, when she was powerful enough, the seal script she was wearing around her neck suddenly gave off a thousand milligrams of light, and then a light curtain formed behind her, and Shengsheng blocked the blow.


The whole white jade building trembled with a tremendous noise.

Luo Rong brocade was shocked back a few steps, eyes also can not help but show the color of horror.

Because the power of the light curtain just now is so strong that it is almost beyond imagination.If it is not their own hand quickly, even their own will be injured.

But in his stupefied Kung Fu, Gong Yunjun used this momentum to fly directly to the outside, then broke the window, fell into the vast night sky, and then disappeared.

At the same time, heard the sound of Teng Hongbo led many of his subordinates also rushed to come.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?" Teng Hongbo asked in surprise.

Luo Rong brocade face iron blue, gnashing teeth way: "Palace Yunjun that bitch ran!"

"What? Run away Teng Hongbo was startled, and then immediately ordered his men. "Immediately block the surrounding area, and then make every effort to search for Gong Yunjun."


At an order, the whole white jade building was boiling.

At the beginning, people still don't know, so when they heard that it was Huakui palace, Yunjun escaped, they couldn't help but make an uproar.

"Lying trough, Yunjun girl is so strong that she ran away like this."

"Hum, it must be the Luo Rongjin who forced her. Otherwise, how could Yunjun run away?"

I can say anything at once.

The little servant girl Xi'er of Gong Yunjun is staring at the night outside the window, whispering softly: "Miss, you should be careful!"

When the whole Ziwu city was boiling over the matter of Gong Yunjun.

In the post house, Xiao Sha Zhang and Xiao Yu also think about it. The four people sit in a row and stare at the three people who are eating a lot.

That's right!

When the two monks, Yuantong and Huitong, arrived at the Guanyi post, their words had just dropped. Yuantong swept away the food in front of them, and then pushed forward, and the Baoxiang solemnly declared the Buddha's name.

"Nanwu Buddha, thank you for your hospitality."

Xue an smiles, "you're welcome."

Then Xue an said faintly, "is the great monk the master of Zen temple?"

Yuan Tong laughed, "good and good. I'm the 38th generation descendant of Dingchan temple. I'm called Yuantong."

On one side, Huitong quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and wiped his mouth with his sleeve

When Anyan heard the speech, she couldn't help but chuckle and said with a smile: "Yuantong Huitong Is there still China Telecom Shentong? "

Yuan Tong was stunned when he heard the speech, "how do you know the taboo of my elder martial brother and younger martial brother?"

An Yan:.... "

Xue an is a light smile, "since it is a descendant of Dingchan temple, can you know the Moon Temple?"

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