However, Xue an had no idea that he set up such counter heaven array without knowing it. Liang Jinpeng didn't even notice the whole process.

How could it not surprise him.

However, his dignity as a mountain Lord made it impossible for him to bow his head, so he said coldly, "do you still need reciprocity? What do you mean by that? It seems that we have not offended you when we went to Qingshan mountain! "

Xue An Mei between the silk sword slowly rotating, cold sword light reflected on his face, so that his expression has become unpredictable and high.

"No offence to me? Hehe Xue an sneered, then moved his lips, and directly passed the words in the form of divinity.

Originally full of anger, Liang Jinpeng was shocked, and then he looked at Xue an in horror.

"You You are... "

Xue an nodded and said with a smile: "yes, I am! So now, it's time for you to pay the price! "

After saying that, Xue Anmei's sense of the sword suddenly expanded, and then cut out with a sword.

This sword has reached the extreme, and there is no other thing mixed in it. It is like the sky River falling down and the Xumi mountain falling down. The whole void is torn by life.

At the same time, wushangjianwei flies across the sky, and the space is cut out a very smooth gap.


The huge Prajna peak made a heavy noise and was split in two from the middle.

The surging hurricane swept around, shaking the hearts of all the onlookers.

"This sword..." There was a man with a pale face and a whisper.

But more people looked at the original Prajna peak with a dignified face.

Finally, the light gradually dissipated.

Looking at the field at this time, there is no one who can stand.

Even standing, they were scarred and frightened.

Only Liang Jinpeng stood in front of Xue an, his face full of pale color.

Liang Jinpeng looked at Xue an stupidly. After a long time, he whispered: "is this the meaning of Honglian sword?"

Xue an said lightly: "yes!"

"Sure enough!" With the voice, Liang Jinpeng's throat suddenly appeared a touch of red, and then quickly expanded.

Blood splashed out, but as the top fairy King's strong vitality, he still tenaciously survived.

Liang Jinpeng covered his throat with his hand and looked at xue'an in the opposite direction with dull eyes. "In fact, what happened in those years had nothing to do with me."

"I know!"

"But as the master of Shangqing mountain, I have to pay a price, right?"

Xue an quietly looked at Liang Jinpeng, whose vitality was passing crazily, and nodded, "yes!"

Liang Jinpeng smiles, but the smile is full of cold and resentment.

"Xue an, you are really very good, but you must have consumed a lot of energy by setting up such a large array and seizing the natural opportunities. If I am not wrong, your strength will fall to the bottom for a period of time after the war, right?"

No one else could hear this, for xue'an had covered all around.

But after hearing the speech, Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "so how?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Liang Jinpeng's mouth began to gush blood, but his eyes were full of happy meaning.

"Xue an, my Shizu didn't come back. If he was here, he would not allow you to be so presumptuous. After this, he would settle accounts with you. At that time, I would wait for you in hell!"

After that, Liang Jinpeng shook it with his hand.


His neck was cut off by his own life, and the corpse fell to the ground, and he died.

But there was a flash of color in Xue an's eyes.

"Why, there is no spirit?"

Then Sheehan looked up and looked at the void.

"There's no breath of magic, but the spirit has disappeared, isn't it..."

For the first time, Xue an's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

Just then, a scream wakes Xue an.

Xue an looked up.

Fu Nianzhi, whose temples were scattered, looked at the corpse on the ground in horror.

At this time, the beautiful girl of heaven has no previous arrogance.

She didn't know how she survived that sword.

Anyway, she witnessed how dozens of powerful Tianjiao were cut in half by this sword.

Among them is the prince Luorong brocade of the East Palace of the emperor's palace.

No matter where he goes, Tianjiao, a noble young man, will be the object of admiration.

But just now, he was cut in half before he even screamed.

As for the Chuxiong of Feihu hall, his death is even more tragic.

The impact is not small.

But all of this is not as frightening as Liang Jinpeng's suicide.That's why she screamed.

But when she called out, she was surprised and covered her mouth.

But it was late when Xue an's eyes were on her.

The huge pressure crushed her in an instant.

She fell to her knees with a plop, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"Forgive me, Lord Honglian!"

This time, the rest of the clan Tianjiao also all silent.

Who can stand in this arena is not a proud young hero.

Just now, they were ready to fight.

But in the blink of an eye, most of them died, and the rest were covered with scars.

This gap is hopeless.

And everything, because of that young man in white standing in the sky.


Countless people are looking at Xue an's figure with infinite awe.

In the sky and the earth, at this moment, it seems that he is the only one left.

Mu Wushuang gaped at.

She knew that Xue an was powerful, but she didn't expect to be so strong.

With his own strength, he killed all the Tianjiao, and even the mountain master who went up to the Qingshan mountain was killed by a sword.

It was beyond her imagination.

As for Gong Yunjun in the crowd, he calmed down and looked up with pride.

She had expected the result.

Now she wants to let the whole world know how powerful her idol is.

At this time, Xue an said to Fu Nianzhi, who was not only kowtowing, "do you want to live? Well, give me a reason not to kill you

Fu Nianzhi's whole body trembled, suddenly thought of something, looking forward to Cen Yuanhe standing in the distance.

"Yuanhe, help me!"

But Cen Yuanhe was silent at this time. After a long silence, he dropped his eyes.

"Read it, you shouldn't do this!"

This sentence a, Fu Nianzhi such as being struck by lightning, incredible looking at Cen yuan and.

"You Do you want me

"It's not that I don't want you, but you give up on your own initiative! So... " CEN yuan and a look of boredom on his face, "let's end it yourself!"

Fu Nianzhi's whole body was shocked, and he immediately showed a miserable look, "I understand. Ha ha ha, you are just Xue an's running dog. I'm really stupid to ask you for mercy."

In the sound of laughter, Fu Nianzhi looked at Xue an with infinite resentment, "I curse you to die without a burial place."

After that, her body was shocked, and then her eyebrows burst out, and her eyes quickly darkened.

At this point, the thousand crane fairy also blew up her soul and died of anger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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