In addition, there are white clouds floating in the sky.

Above the white clouds, there are magnificent temples.

There was no one going in or out of these temples, but there was a faint sound of grand chanting, which made the whole sky bathed in a sacred and solemn atmosphere, which made people marvel.

But Xue an's attention was not on the temples, but on the horizon far away.

On that day, a huge iron pillar with a pen stabbing into the sky stood out.

This iron pillar is like an Optimus Prime stretching from the earth to the sky, standing alone in the desert.

Even so far away, you can still see the dense golden scriptures carved on the iron pillars.

The whole world is so quiet and terrible that you can even hear the fine sound of the wind blowing the sand.

Xue an's face gradually became serious.

Because he faintly felt that there was a tremendous evil force gathering underground, and then it was suppressed by the iron pillar.

But as time goes on, the light in the sky is getting weaker, and the evil forces under the ground are becoming more and more powerful.

At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the sky, and then we could see that the Giant Buddha floating in outer space facing the earth was slowly turning its body.

In an instant, the Buddha turned around and turned his back to the earth.

At this time, it was completely dark.

The iron pillar began to tremble wildly, a sign that the dark forces underground could no longer be held down by the town.


Finally, the ground split a huge gap, as if a piece of ferocious mouth toward the sky evil smile.

Then, a strong and extremely dark air diffused out of the gap, and then a vicious creature, which only described the horror, flowed out like an ant colony.

When they climb out of the ground, the iron pillar suddenly trembles, and the golden scriptures on it are full of brilliance. Then they turn into huge scriptures and smash these evil creatures.

Boom! Boom!

Where the golden light passes, these evil creatures who just climbed onto the ground are instantly turned into fly ash.

But the evil creatures underground seem to be endless, and they are still pouring out madly.

Gradually, the gold light on the iron pillar began to thin, and the amplitude of the tremor was more and more large, obviously could not hold on.

Xue an stood in the sky, quietly watching what happened on the ground, and then just wanted to shoot.

Just then, the chanting voice from the numerous temples floating in the sky suddenly increased.

Then a golden light flew out of one of the temples and flew straight to the iron pillar.

Although the darkness covered the earth, but under xue'an's divine consciousness, everything still had no escape.

He saw a futon on the top of the iron pillar. When the golden light flashed by, a thin monk appeared on the top of the pillar, but the Golden Wheel disappeared behind his head.

I saw the monk sitting with compassion and began to chant the Scriptures aloud.

Every word of Scripture will turn into endless rain of flowers and fall.

But these seemingly weak flower rain for these evil creatures have a very strong lethality, a little contact, will turn into fly ash.

However, the number of these evil creatures is too much, and the gushing out of the crack is just like the black spring gushing out, which can't distinguish the individual.

Even the flower rain in these scriptures cannot stop these evil creatures from invading.

Many evil creatures have climbed the iron pillar. Although the scriptures on it are constantly shattering these evil creatures, they are still climbing higher and higher.

The monk's chanting speed began to speed up, and then he saw that the putuan sitting under him suddenly grew sharp vines, which directly penetrated into the monk's body.

Then he began to draw blood from the monk's body crazily. Along the translucent vine tube, you can see that the blood was actually golden.

The monk turned white and closed his eyes slowly, but the speed of chanting did not change at all.

At the same time.

After absorbing the monk's blood, the golden Scripture on the iron pillar suddenly exploded, shaking all the evil creatures climbing on it into powder.

And with the blessing of mana, the iron pillar began to become stable, and the cracks on the earth were much smaller, and the number of evil creatures began to decline.

Seeing this scene, even Xue an couldn't help shaking.

Because he can clearly feel that the vitality of this monk is going crazy.

It's all about suppressing these evil creatures at the cost of their own lives.

Xue an sighed, then walked out of the darkness, raised his hand and chopped with a sword.Boom!

The sword swept across the battlefield like quicksilver. In the places where they passed, these evil creatures didn't even hum, and they were cut into powder.

After the sword, all the evil creatures on the scene were gone, leaving only the dark cracks on the earth.

But just a moment later, these evil creatures which had been chopped into powder reappeared in front of them.

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes also showed a look of surprise.

What's going on?

At this time, only a gentle and generous voice was heard in xue'an's sea of knowledge.

"It's useless for those who are strong in sword cultivation. These evil creatures hold the evil spirit of heaven and earth. Unless they are purified by Buddhism, they can't be eliminated by other means."

Xue an looked up at the monk on the iron pillar in the distance.

At the moment, his brows and eyes droop, and he sits with a golden light all over him. In the dark, he looks like a flaming torch, which makes people shake.

When Xue an looked at him, the monk also slowly raised his head and looked at xue'an. There was a faint smile on his solemn face.

"It seems that there is hope in the pure land of this place."

With the voice, the distant sky suddenly showed a touch of fish belly white, and then the light began to spread rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, most of the sky is already showing light, and the Buddha's back to the earth is slowly turning to this side.

These evil creatures scream, Qi Qi into nothing, the cracks in the earth began to heal quickly, in the blink of an eye, it was as if nothing had happened.

But just as everything around him changed rapidly, the monk on the futon was withering rapidly.

That's right!

It's wilting.

I saw that his already very thin figure is becoming thin at the speed of the naked eye, and his face is a little bit aging.


He became like a dry skeleton, shocking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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