"Good and good, Honglian xianzun has been promoted into the realm of children, and can display the roaring image of a King Kong Lion and suppress the demons. What a great merit." The Buddha exclaimed with joy.

Xue an did not respond to this, but looked at the copper door behind the Buddha and said slowly, "Lord, you are guarding in this boundless solitude, but for this copper gate?"

Buddha smile, "yes!"

"What's behind this copper door?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"There is no saying, no thinking, no discussing existence!"

Xue an's eyes flashed slightly, "but where do those evil spirits come from?"

Buddha smile, suddenly said: "Honglian xianzun, do you know why I am waiting for you here?"

Xue an was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know!"

"Are you here for the hatred of the Chinese people?"

The brilliance in Xue an's eyes was condensed into the size of the needle tip, "yes

"Good." Buddha's palms folded. "Come here. I have a word to pay you."

Without hesitation, Xue an stepped forward.

A petal falls on top of Xue an's head.

In a flash, Xue an's whole body was shocked, and then his face showed the color of contemplation.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, his eyes full of cold color.

"Since you have known this for a long time, why didn't you tell me when I was immortal?"

Buddha light smile, "very simple, at that time the opportunity did not come, even if I told you, but also in vain."

"Now is the chance?"

Buddha shook his head, "not chance, but disaster!"


"Yes Buddha nodded, "not only you, but also the whole sky will face a catastrophe."

Xue an was silent because he wanted to digest the words of Buddha.

It was not until a long time later that Xue an Fang said in an astringent voice, "so you already know all this?"

"That's right! I've seen all this in the future, at least a long time ago. "

"Then why don't you try to change it?"

"Change?" Buddha laughed. "From the moment when the Chinese should be robbed, everything has already been doomed and can't tolerate any change. Even I can't do anything about it!"

"Nothing to do?" Xue an suddenly chuckled, "since you can't change all this, why guard the copper gate here? Even their own Buddhist country is not affected by the pollution? "

The Buddha had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Honglian xianzun is really smart and eloquent. That's right! Even if it was me, I couldn't be completely out of touch. Although I knew it would not help, I still wanted to do something, even if it was to delay everything for a while. After all At the very least, it can save a lot of people. "

Xue an is silent.

Because he suddenly found that he could not refute this sentence.

At this time, the Buddha looked up at the copper door and said, "Honglian immortal, you know I have never been desperate from the beginning to the end, because I can see that all the disasters will end in your hands."

"In your body, it carries the Qi of the whole heaven, or Hope

"And you?" Xue an suddenly said.

"Me?" Buddha laughed bitterly, "I'm running out of time. I've been guarding for hundreds of years, and I've been running out of oil and running out of light. That's why I've been leaking evil gas for nearly a hundred years and poisoning all living beings."

Xue an was shocked and looked at the Buddha in disbelief.

At this time, he saw the Buddha slowly untie the clothes between his chest and abdomen.

Suddenly, a very ferocious scar appeared in front of him.

The Buddha's chest and abdomen seemed to be penetrated by some kind of great magic power. A big hole was opened, in which the black gas lingered, and the viscera were faintly visible. In the past, it was convenient to see the void behind.

And this hole is still beating slightly, like the heart.

"This..." For the first time, Xue an was shocked beyond words.

The Buddha said with a light smile, "five hundred years ago, when this door was opened, I came here to defend it. Then I fought a big war with the evil things that came from it. Finally, I won, but the price is to leave this scar!"

Xue an was suddenly silent because he really didn't know what to say.

he had the supreme power to suppress all the powerful in the sky, even the Buddha's roar of Vajra and lion.

But at this moment, he felt really powerless.

Because he can feel that with the beating of the wound, the vitality of Buddha is passing away.

What a cruel punishment!

Alone in the dark, quietly endure the intense pain, feel the loss of vitality.

And it's 500 years.Such torture, even if the mind is a little weak, will completely collapse.

But Buddha has been waiting for now, until his arrival.

"Don't be sad. It's all worth it. After all, I've been waiting for you, the only life in this dead situation Buddha laughed happily.

"What do I need to do?" Xue an said gloomily.

The Buddha shook his head. "I don't need anything. After I die, I will seal this copper gate with my meritorious virtues. But it will not be more than ten years. The dark power behind the bronze gate will come back again, so you only have 10 years to prepare."

"Ten years? Enough! " Xue an's eyes twinkle with bright light, and his face is full of killing intention,

"I believe in your strength, but before leaving, I still want to help you again."

The words fall, but see the Buddha's palms together, bow his head to chant, "the world is empty, can contain all kinds of color image, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and earth, springs, streams, forests, villains, good people, evil laws and good methods, heaven and hell, all the sea, Xumi mountains, always in the air, the human nature is empty, so is it."

Then the Buddha raised his head and exclaimed with joy: "Honglian xianzun, today I will help you to refine yourself and go further."

After that, the Buddha raised his hand and pointed out.

Xue an was shocked, and then he felt a powerful force that Mo could resist. He began to instill it into his body crazily.

At the same time, the voice of Buddha came from his sea of knowledge.

"You have suffered internal injuries and have been fighting again and again. You have a hidden crack in your heart. Next, you should completely relax. I will try my best for you with the spirit of cultivating for hundreds of generations."


With the words, such as the vast sea of God crazy rush to Xue an's sea of knowledge, these gods are full of all the knowledge of Buddha for thousands of years.

These things are more precious than anything.

Because it represents all the experience of a top talent.

Xue an urged the sea of knowledge with all his strength and absorbed everything crazily.

In an instant, the mind was infused.

If Xue an didn't have such an idea, he might have been blown up by such a huge amount of information at that time.

When everything returned to silence, Xue an's whole body was shining, and all the previous internal injuries were swept away. Instead, the momentum of rising was replaced by a faint image of promotion.

But Xue an was not in the least pleased because he knew what it meant.

Sure enough.

But seeing the Buddha's pale face, he gave a smile after touching Xue an's eyes, and then said faintly: "all I can do has been done, and then I will give it to you! May you march forward bravely and lead the heavens out of this catastrophe of life and death. "

Say it.

The Buddha's body began to show cracks in the road, and in an instant it broke into pieces and turned into a sky full of light and flew to the copper gate.

That is the supreme merit accumulated by the Buddha for hundreds of generations.


The arrival of each light makes the copper door tremble.

In the end, there are bright lights on the bronze door, and then seal it completely.

When everything comes back to silence, the emptiness in front of us becomes empty, and the former Buddha's ancestral heritage has disappeared.

Xue an's eyes were full of tears. Finally, he narrowed his eyes, folded his palms and gave a deep salute.

"May the Buddha go here, carefree world, no more fetters!"

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