Even in the face of Zhang Xiaoyu's questions, Niannian also yawned a little bored.

"Elder sister, it's so boring to play chess. Let's go and play with the ball."

"Go! It's just that I'm a little tired too! "

Say, two little girls then stand up, hand in hand to go out, only small sand and Zhang Xiaoyu two people in that big eyes stare small eyes.

A moment later, a flattering smile appeared on Zhang Xiaoyu's face.

"Master Xiaosha, are you thirsty? I'll go and pour you a glass of water?"

Voice just fell, small sand raised his hand and knocked Zhang Xiaoyu's head, at the same time hate said.

"I let you pour water, I let you pour water, dare to laugh at me I'll let you pour water

"Ouch! Ouch! Lord Sha, I dare not Zhang Xiaoyu cried out in pain and then ran out.

Just at this time, chan'er came in from the outside with a small basket.

Zhang Xiaoyu as if to see the straw, ran immediately behind chan'er, trembling voice exclaimed: "chan'er elder sister, help me quickly, small sand adult lost a quick eye!"

"What are you talking about? Which eye of yours saw me lose Xiao Sha is so mad that she has to go around chan'er to catch Zhang Xiaoyu.

Zhang Xiaoyu is scared to pull chan'er's shoulder from the back to dodge, taking chan'er as a shield.

Even so, they still couldn't stop their verbal attacks.

"You have the ability to come out, hiding behind sister chan'er is what skill?"

"I'm not going out. You have the ability to come in!"

Chan'er has already seen nothing strange about it. She can't help but sweep her hair around her ears, and then she says in a soft voice.

"All right, all right, don't make trouble. How can you be like a child when you are so old! I just picked some fresh wild vegetables from outside. I'll make dumplings for you later, OK

Zhang Xiaoyu immediately put his head out of the back and said with his eyes shining: "good, good, I love to eat dumplings made by sister chan'er."

As she said that, her mouth saliva almost flowed out.

Seeing this, Xiao Sha couldn't help laughing, "look at your achievements!"

"Hehe, it seems that you don't like to eat! Last time, I don't know who finished the dumpling soup

"You..." Small sand gas straight stare, but immediately think of what, then a face of serious Chong Chan son deep salute.

"Sister chan'er, I hope you can cook one more pot this time, because last time I'm really not full

"Me too!" Zhang Xiaoyu immediately agreed.

Chan'er was made to cry and laugh by these two living treasures. She could only nod her head helplessly, "good, good! I'm afraid that's not enough! "

The voice did not fall, in front of them had already disappeared the small sand and Zhang Xiaoyu's figure.

Chan'er is wondering.

Then he heard a loud cry outside.

"Sister chan'er, do you think these are enough?"

The words fall, see small sand shoulder carrying a hill to fly over fiercely, wait until near, she threw the hill down.


Smoke and dust rise everywhere and hills fall to the ground.

He patted his face.

"I think there are many wild vegetables on the hill, so I carry them back. Is this enough?"

Chan'er looked at the hill in the courtyard, just want to talk.

Zhang Xiaoyu flew over from afar with teeth and claws. He also called vaguely in his mouth.

"Let's go, let's all let's go! I'm not responsible for who I meet! "

It was only then that people saw it clearly.

There were even bundles of wild grass in her mouth.

When the courtyard over, Zhang Xiaoyu threw the things in his hands to a full yard, and the things in his mouth also vomited out, and then he said with a smile.

"Sister chan'er, I think a wild grass is very rich and beautiful. There should be a lot of wild vegetables in it. So we collected them together. It should be enough!"

Chan'er's mouth twitches and her eyes are dull. She doesn't know what to say.

At this time, when she heard the sound of an Yan running out of the house, even if she was always gentle, she could not help shouting.

"The yard I just packed Xiaosha, zhangxiaoyu, you two guys clean up for me again! Otherwise, no eating

In the face of an Yan's reprimand, two people stood in the air obediently, even did not dare to run the road, bowed his head and admitted that he was wrong: "yes! My lord mother

Just then, a faint laugh came from the distance.

"Who made my face so angry?"

With the voice, but see Xue an's figure gradually emerge in the air, and then look at an Yan with a smile on his face.

As a result, an Yan's reaction was greatly beyond his expectation.I saw an Yan Ma ah, then covered her face with her hands, turned her head and ran to the house.

Xue an was stunned.

At this time, Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu flew over.

"My Lord!"


Xue an did not pay attention to them, just light command, "clean up the yard!"

Then he went to the house.

But when passing by chan'er, xue'an still said to her with a smile: "chan'er's strength has improved again!"

Chan son face a red, and then lowered his head, sound if mosquito Na said: "young master!"

Xue an nods and disappears behind the door.

Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu look at each other.

"What are you doing? Get rid of it! Now, even most of us have spoken. If we can't clean up, we'll be beaten! " Zhang Xiaoyu said with a bitter smile.

Xiao Sha stopped bickering and began to pack up.

But soon she could not help but whisper.

"Well, why did the mistress run away when she saw her master?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm playing hide and seek with adults!"

"Hide and seek?" Xiao Sha's eyes widened.

"Yes, I heard that there is another name, what is it called Fun, right! It's fun! I don't understand why playing hide and seek is called fun? "

"I don't understand. It seems that women are trouble."


Chan'er can't help laughing, but she dare not laugh. She can only cover her mouth and make her tremble.

"Why, sister chan'er, what are you shaking? What's the trouble? "

"Yes, if you don't feel well, you should go and have a rest. Otherwise, how can you make dumplings later?"

Chan'er, angry and smiling, took a look at the two living treasures, turned around and left.

Octopus and sand look at each other.

"Look, what I just said is right. Women are really in trouble."

"Lord Xiaosha is right! It seems that we are still from the demon clan Zhang Xiaoyu sighs.

And at this time, in the bedroom on the second floor.

Xue an looked at an Yan with red cheeks and said with a smile: "Yan'er, what did you just run?"

"I..." Anyan turned her head shyly, "I just didn't even comb my hair. It's really embarrassing!"

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