The power of the leakage of the force of this member of the general shock out of the distance.

As for the residents of the small town, they were kneeling on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

The old man in green looks ferocious and smiling. He seems to have seen the scene that he was shot to death by his own palm this month.

Qingming Xianzong is the top sect guarding the planet. Although it can't compare with those nihilism and Xinghai Shenzong, it can be regarded as excellent.

As the elder in charge of punishment, the old man in Tsing Yi also owns Da Luo Xiu Wei.

Even if the strength is put in the sky, it can be regarded as the first-class of the strong.

Therefore, he can see that the Moon Temple seems to have been seriously injured, and even his eyes are full of tiredness.

Therefore, he will firmly hold this palm, the moon brake absolutely can not resist.

But at this time, I saw the two palms of the moon brake clasped together and chanted in a soft voice: "the impermanence of all actions is the method of birth and death, birth and death, and extinction is joy."

As soon as the Buddhist Scripture came out, there was a Golden Wheel hidden behind his head, and then the brilliance of the golden wheel was booming, which directly resisted the roaring green hell Jue Qi.


After a heavy bang.

Qingming Jue Qi is stagnated in the air and cannot be stored in it.

The golden light on the moon brake is as patient as the earth.

The old man in Qingyi was shaken back a few steps and calmed down his boiling Qi and blood after a long period of breathing adjustment.

Then he roared, "dead bald ass, you're seriously injured. I'll see when you can hold on to it!"

Said, the old man in green repeatedly out, a road of Qingming absolute gas as if do not want money, crazy bombardment in the moon brake on the golden light.

The dull sound of Dong Dong Dong comes and goes one after another, which makes people feel very shocked.

Everyone looked pale at the scene.

Especially Ning Zhu, she looked at the sky alone in the face of the powerful enemy of the moon brake, the heart gradually tight into a group.

Little Yingluo is not as relaxed as she used to be. Her face is also a little pale, but she still forced a smile: "don't worry, uncle will be OK, he is not injured!"

But as soon as the voice fell, I just heard a click. Suddenly, a crack appeared on the Golden Wheel behind the moon brake's head, and then the brilliance of the body was dimmed a lot.

Seeing this, the old man in Qingyi couldn't help laughing.

"Well, I can't hold on! Today I will let you pay for my disciple's life! "

With that, his offensive became more and more crazy.

The golden light on the moon brake is gradually collapsing, and the Golden Wheel behind the head is also constantly breaking.

Ning Zhu's tears welled up.

Little Yingluo was so scared that she suddenly cried out, "uncle, don't worry. You said you would take me home. You can't break your promise!"

Moon brake did not turn back, just a faint smile from the corner of the mouth, "of course, will not break my promise!"

After that, the moon brake took a step forward.

It was at this time that the golden light of his body broke into pieces and turned into powder.

Together with the gold wheel in the back of his head.

The old man in green looks ecstatic.

"Die for me!"

With that, he urged his whole body to practice and made a powerful blow.

But when he thought that the blow was sure, the moon brake suddenly raised his head, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in his tired eyes.

Then, in his eyebrows, there was a dazzling sword.

Once the sword comes out, it will be powerful to the world.

Qingming Jue Qi, which had just been condensed from the old man's hands, dissipated directly. He felt the strong sense of Jue Jian, and then he screamed.

"It's impossible. Aren't you Buddhist? How could it have such a strong sword meaning? "

Moon brake light way: "why impossible, want to know this sword meaning, is I borrowed!"

Words fall, see this sword light suddenly cut out.

The old man in green cried out in despair, "no!"

Then he turned around and tried to run away.

But it was too late.

With his speed, how can he pass the sword light fast.

I saw a light cut across the sky.

Where we have passed, everything is broken.

For a moment, people feel like a flash in the sky. When they open their eyes again, everything is gone.

Only the old man in Tsing Yi and his men were standing in the air, even motionless, just like wood sculpture.

But the next moment, a spectacle appeared in front of the crowd.

From the old man in green, a red line suddenly appeared on everyone's waist. Then the red line expanded rapidly, and then the upper body rushed to the sky, and the blood gushed out like a spring and dyed the whole sky red.

Then the corpse just fluttered and fell, leaving the empty sky.

Everyone was stupid.

But little Yingluo was so excited that she suddenly applauded."Uncle, you are so good!"

Moon brake smile, the color of exhaustion in the eyes is more and more thick, and then the body fell to the ground.

Little Yingluo rushed over immediately and said happily, "uncle, that sword you just made is so handsome. I didn't know you could use it! Teach me

Yuecha tried to cover up the fatigue in her eyes, then shook her head and said with a smile: "I can't teach you, because I said that I borrowed this sword from others. If you want to learn it, you'd better find him!"

"Who is that man?" Little Yingluo said curiously.

The moon brake did not speak, but looked at the side of the Ning bamboo.

"Miss Ning, that sword has exposed my whereabouts and attracted their attention, so you are safe for the time being. But for the sake of safety, I suggest you move out of this town as soon as possible, and don't stay for a moment!"

Ning Zhu was shocked all over and said with consternation: "big Are you going, my lord

The moon brake nodded, "yes, if I don't go, then you are all over. Now I leave, just can attract attention to me, you can escape safely!"

Ning Zhu's tears, like the flood that broke the dike, never stopped from beginning to end.

"But But... "

Yuecha didn't give her more time, but she clapped her hands together and said, "I wish you would take good care of me. I can meet a good man and live a safe life in the future."

After that, yuecha said to Yingluo, "let's go!"

With that, he stepped out.

"OK! Goodbye, sister Little Yingluo picked up her cloak on the table and quickly followed her.

Ning Zhu wants to say what but can not say, can only watch the back of the moon brake leave, face is full of infinite sad color.

"I have to meet a good man But you are my good man

The manager of the restaurant, who had been standing on one side and did not speak, suddenly sighed.

"Zhu Er, don't look at it. The identity of this adult is obviously extraordinary. Ordinary people like us should not go to delusion. Let's go and live up to the adult's painstaking efforts."

With that, he pulled Ning Zhu and left.

Ning Zhu finally looked at the disappearing back in the distance. His heart was full of infinite desolation.

Naturally, the residents of the town understood that the place could not stay long, so they began to evacuate.

It was not long after they left the town, but they saw several bright lights suddenly rushed over the town, and then they felt it carefully.

The leader's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, "it's really the meaning of red lotus sword. It should be the reward offered by various major schools, but Xue an has been searching for all the time!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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