"Three girls, we will always support you!"

"Three girls, you are the best!"

Many of the men under the stage were almost crazy. They pushed forward recklessly in order to get closer to the three girls.

With a smile on her face, the girl nodded gently, "thank you very much."

After that, her eyes moved, and she glanced at Xue an's side lightly. Then she turned around and left as if nothing had happened.

But it is this eye that makes Yunyang and others all crispy.

Yunyang heart itching unbearable directly to the back.

Looking at this group of wolf like guys, Xue an's mouth appeared a full of sarcastic sneer, and then walked up.

Through the lobby of the teahouse, through a door, you come to the alley behind the teahouse.

The girl walked in front, and Yunyang and others followed behind.

Because there is no outsider's reason here, this group of people in Yunyang naturally have no scruples any more, and their words have become indistinct.

"Little lady, why are you walking so fast! Stop and play with me

"How old are you, little lady? How can you still show all kinds of visions? Are you juggling

These people are full of banter.

The girl did not say a word, even did not return her head.

She didn't stop until she got to the middle of the lane.

"Tut Tut, are you willing to stop at last? Let me have a fragrance first!"

Said, Yunyang a hand then full face Silver smile's rushed up.

But at this time, the girl suddenly turned around and said in a cold voice, "go away!"


A mighty righteousness like steel will directly blow out this man.

Caught off guard, the population nosebleed and fell to the ground.

Now, the whole audience was shocked.

Yunyang is more ferocious voice to drink a way: "the little niangs are quite fierce, but today you met a few elder brothers, just..."

Before the words fell, we could see that there were many teenagers in blue at the two ends of the alley,

all of them were holding sharp blades, and their faces were cold and silent.

After waiting for the three elder brothers who came to follow me, they said, "those who came from Yunyang and others just came to follow me."

The girl looked at Yunyang and other people coldly and said in a deep voice, "I know, you should step down!"

Lingge retreats, and then looks at Yunyang and others with cold eyes.

A torrent of weather rose from these teenagers, and then condensed into various illusions on their heads. The oppressed Yunyang and others also changed a little.

"Who are you?" The girl suddenly asked in a cold voice.

Yunyang grinned grimly and said arrogantly, "do you really think you can stop us with these people? I tell you, our origin is far more terrible than you think. If you are wise, we will kneel down on the ground now, and we may spare your life, otherwise Hum

As soon as the words were said, all the young people were angry, and the murderous spirit was boiling like a tide.

But the girl was not moved, "Oh? Is that great? What do you want to do in this city

Yunyang just wanted to talk, and Xue an's voice came from the sea of his knowledge.

"If you still want to find Haoran academy, shut up!"

Yunyang shivered all over, and then he retreated to one side.

At this time, Xue an separated the people of Yunyang and came forward.

His appearance caused a slight disturbance in the field.

The girl's eyes are showing a trace of surprise.

Before in the teahouse, she noticed the young man in white on the high platform.

There is nothing else. Xue'an standing in the crowd is too conspicuous.

At that time, she didn't care too much. She thought it might be the son of a big family.

But I didn't expect him to show up here, and with this group of guys who are not good people.

At this time, Xue an said with a faint smile, "it's strange that you have words, but you are not from the Academy. So who taught you these?"

As soon as this was said, the girl was shocked and her eyes were full of horror.

"Don't look at me like that. I just happened to know something inside." Xue an smiles.

The girl's face became more and more dignified, for the situation was obviously beyond her expectation.

"Don't be afraid. I don't mean to harm you. If you feel that you can't make a decision, you can let someone who teaches you how to express your spirit come to see me. There should be unexpected gains." At this time, Xue an said with a smile.

The girl took a deep look at Xue an. After pondering for a moment, she whispered, "I'll take him to see the master! Take care of the rest of the group. "

The girl said to Xue an in a deep voice: "I hope you'd better be honest next time. If there is any change, I won't be polite to you!"Xue an was dumbfounded. "OK, I must be honest."

Yunyang and others are worried when they hear the speech.

Listen to this, it seems that the father wants to leave the crowd and act alone. If he is mixed into Haoran academy and knows Xue an's whereabouts in advance, what can he do.

Are these people in vain?

Thinking of this, all these people rushed forward.

"Father, are you going to leave us all behind?" Yunyang asked anxiously.

This name also makes the girl's eyes gradually open, full of incredible look at Xue an.

Xue an faint smile, "don't worry, I will be back soon."

What else did Yunyang want to say? Xue an's voice exploded in the sea of his knowledge. "I can't handle the Haoran academy alone, so I'll definitely come back to find you then!"

Hearing this, Yunyang thought about it and found that it was really reasonable. He took a step back and said with a smile: "then we are waiting for your father's good news."

Xue an said with a smile, "girl, let's go."

The girl woke up and led the way and left.

Yunyang and others were surrounded by these wolf like teenagers. Although they were not afraid, they were still uncomfortable.

His subordinates quietly asked: "Yang Ye, this surname of the order will not run alone!"

"Well, he is not so stupid. Without our help, he would never have been able to deal with Haoran academy alone. After all, it was the sect founded by Honglian xianzun at the beginning." Yunyang said confidently.

At this time, Xue Anye had followed the girl through the lane and turned into a complicated street like cobweb.

The girl seemed to try Xue an's speed on purpose, and her foot was very fast.

But how could these little tricks be difficult to live in xue'an, and he could only be seen following him leisurely in the back.


After turning countless turns, the girl stopped in front of a courtyard and said in a deep voice, "my grandfather is in it. Go in! He should know you're here

Xue an smiles, "thank you very much. I don't know the girl's name yet."

"My surname is ye, so I don't have to ask what my name is, because you are not a good man!"

"Well?" Xue an was dumbfounded. "Why am I not a good man?"

"Because..." A smile sprang up on the face of the third sister ye, and her eyes bent into a crescent.

"What did those people just call you? Don't think I don't know what your father means, and if I guess correctly, you should not be surnamed Ling! "

Xue an laughs, "what a smart girl, I can't hide it from you. Yes, I don't have a surname of Ling. That address is just to amuse them!"

Ye three elder sister spat, "bah, take advantage of cheap, what amuse to play!"

At this time, from the courtyard came an old and generous voice.

"Don't be rude to your guests

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