"You're welcome..." Xue an suddenly chuckled and looked up again. His whole body was full of terror.

"I really want to know what you want to do to me!"

As soon as the prestige came out, Yunyang and others could not help shaking, especially Yunyang, whose face turned white as paper.

Yunyang can't help but be shocked. At the moment, the prestige emanating from xue'an is too frightening. He seems to be a strong man at Xianwang level.

This kind of strength is too frightening.

Because banbu Xianwang and Xianwang are totally two concepts.

The former may still have a chance to achieve it, but the fairy king needs a strong talent and a bad luck, both of which are indispensable.

This also led to the scarcity of the powerful Immortal King.

But what Yunyang didn't know was that it was the result of Xue an's efforts to suppress his power, because if he did it with all his might, it would be comparable to the power of the Immortal Emperor, and the whole city would be shocked to dust.

"You Aren't you the cultivation of half step fairy king? How How could... "

Yunyang was shivering and whispering.

Xue an faint smile, "who stipulates that I must be the strong man of half step fairy king? Are you? "

Yunyang was scared to pieces and his face was filled with flattering smile.

"No, no, no, villain, of course I didn't mean that, I just It's just

But he was only half a day, but even a complete word can not be said, anxious his forehead showed a layer of dense cold sweat.

"Just what? Didn't expect me to be so good, so I was a little disappointed? " Xue an said coldly.

"It is Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yunyang said with a smile.

As for his gang of men, at the moment is already scared silly, obediently standing in place, even the atmosphere is not dare to come out.

Xue an gave a cold smile and ignored Yunyang's flattery. He said, "it doesn't matter whether you misunderstand or intentionally. I just want to know who told you about Haoran Academy."

This time, Yunyang didn't even hesitate. He directly offered a divine thought and handed it over respectfully.

"My Lord, here are all the images of the man who told me the news. Please have a look."

Xue an raised his hand to catch the light. After a brief inspection, he was shocked

Then Xue an's face appeared to be thick enough to melt haze, eyes are flashing through the cold light.

The fierce power makes Yunyang and others back again and again. Under the tottering situation, the color of horror in their eyes can not help but become more and more thick.

They feel that what they are facing now is not a person, but an unpredictable and far-reaching heaven and earth. They just want to worship, but can not bear the slightest resistance.

After a moment, Xue an slowly took a deep breath, and the fury finally eased down.

But without waiting for Yunyang and others to relax, Xue an said coldly, "do you know where this man is going?"

Yunyang shook his head in a hurry, "I don't know! My Lord, at that time, after the transaction was completed, the old guy left alone. We really didn't know where he was going

Xue an is silent.

This ominous silence depressed the atmosphere to the extreme.

Yunyang felt his back had been soaked with cold sweat, and his legs were shaking. Even so, he still did not dare to make any changes. He could only look at Xue an in horror.

After a long time, Xue an suddenly chuckled and said to himself, "well, since you dare to betray me, don't blame me for not being scrupulous with my former feelings."

At the end of the day, xue'an's killing intention is strong enough to be close to the essence.

After that, Xue an raised his eyes and looked at the opposite Yunyang, and said faintly: "next, it's time to settle the matter between us! But before I do, I want to hear from you. "

Yunyang was shocked and almost cried. Then he swallowed his mouth and said with a smile.

"Big My Lord, we were blind before. We offended you so much. I hope you will forgive us this time. We will get out of this planet immediately, and we will have nothing to say! "

"Oh? Get out of the planet? "

"Yes, the Haoran academy and the whereabouts of Xue an are all due to your own efforts. We will never dare to have a trace of it!"

Yunyang carefully said, and then peeked at the opposite young man in white, trying to see some clues from his face.

But soon he found that Xue an's face became very strange, with a deep irony in between.

"I'm really puzzled by your intelligence quotient. How can you stay in the sky for so long without dying?"

What do you mean?

Hearing this, Yunyang and others all looked puzzled.

At this time, but see Xue an's eyebrows suddenly emerged a red lotus like blood.This lotus flower is crystal clear, but it also contains the supreme power, which is daunting.

Then Xue an said in a tone of Indifference: "now Do you know who I am? "


After a short period of consternation, the faces of Yunyang and others became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In particular, standing in the front of Yunyang, it can be described with the four words "no face".

"Red Honglian xianzun! You Are you Honglian xianzun

Xue an smiles, "yes, I am Xue an. Am I surprised?"

The mood of Yunyang and others at the moment is not only a surprise, but also a fright.

Yunyang is looking at Xue an with a face of muddle, and his heart is full of the two big characters lying in the trough.

He never thought that the person who had been trying his best to find his whereabouts was always in front of him.

And I just tried to threaten him.

He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh now.

This is a great irony.

Because Yunyang still knows himself very well. Although he looks for Xue an's whereabouts everywhere, he just wants to get some clues, and then pack them up and sell them to the emperor's palace and xuanming mausoleum to get rich rewards.

Scared to death, he did not dare to face xue'an, because that was the once peerless immortal!

Although this reincarnation has been rebuilt, he is still not as good as his character.

But who could have thought that his "luck" would be so good that he ran into the master!

Just at this time, Xue an sighed softly, and then slowly said, "you have been looking for me? I'm right in front of you now. If you want to do something, please hurry up. After all, my patience is limited! "

But as soon as Xue an's voice fell, Yunyang's knees softened and he fell to his knees.

Not only he, but also the helpers behind him fell to their knees and kowtowed.

"Master xianzun, spare your life! We don't mean to be against you! This guy Yunyang is in charge of everything. "

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