At this time, the fat aunt noticed the two little girls following Xue an, the two pretty and lovely little girls, which made the fat aunt like them all of a sudden.

"What a beautiful little girl, Xiao an, this is your..."

"My two daughters!" Xue an said with a smile.

"How beautiful! How lovely The fat aunt's face was wrinkled with laughter.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian also called sweetly: "Grandma!"

This name makes fat aunt's eyes show tears, quickly open the drawer, grabbed a large number of dried fruits and handed them to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

"You two, who is the sister and who is the sister?"

It seems that everyone will ask this question after seeing it.

Xue Xiang said with a smile, "the one standing next to my sister is my sister."

Xue Nian also said: "standing next to my sister is my sister!"

The tears of fat aunt's smile all came out, "it's really two little clever ghosts!"

At this time, only a few tables of diners were asked to leave by Lao Xie, and then Lao Xie got into the kitchen and began to stir fry dishes.

At this time, the fat aunt also noticed Tang xuan'er and fan Mengxue.

The appearance of these two girls, let fat aunt also can't help moving.

Then the fat aunt took Xue an to the distance and quietly asked, "Xiao an, which of these two is your daughter-in-law?"

Xue an is a little sad and laughing, "which is not!"

"What? What happened to you and your daughter-in-law Anyan? " Asked the fat aunt in surprise.

Xue an sighed slightly, "fat aunt, Anyan is fine now, but there are some things, so I haven't seen them yet. These two are my friends!"

The fat aunt is a little suspicious.

At this time, fan Mengxue saw that there was no stranger in the hotel, so he took off his mask.

The fat aunt's eyes widened in an instant.

"This This is not... "

"Auntie, I am Mengxue!" said fan Mengxue with a graceful smile

The fat aunt will be confused.

"Are you really the star of TV

Fan Mengxue nodded with a smile.

The fat aunt is a little speechless.

When she saw Xue an for the first time, she thought that this young man was not a thing in the pool.

I didn't expect that after four years, Xue an not only came back, but also took two beautiful girls.

One of them is a big star you can see on TV all day.

At this time, fan Mengxue and Tang xuan'er rolled up their sleeves and tied up their hair. They also went into the kitchen to help.

Then listen to the clatter in the kitchen.

At the sight of fan Mengxue and Tang xuan'er coming in, Lao Xie, who was concentrating on cooking, was flustered and his hands softened, so he threw the frying spoon on the ground.

"Uncle Xie, I'll come." Fan Mengxue said with a smile.

Tang xuan'er quickly began to wash and cut vegetables.

Lao Xie was pushed out of the kitchen by Sheng Sheng.

When he was outside, Lao Xie was still confused.

It was not until the fat aunt knocked him on the head that he hated iron and steel, and Lao Xie recovered.

"It's silly to see a pretty girl?"

"No, no, I don't think that girl just now is so familiar?"

"Can you be familiar? Isn't that your favorite star fan Mengxue? "

"Really? I thought it was just like it

"What do you think? I don't want to see who Xiaoan is! " Fat aunt quite proud said.

The meal was soon served and the table was full.

The appearance and aroma alone make people salivate.

Lao Xie tasted it and gave it a thumbs up.

"Good craftsmanship!"

Fan Mengxue smiles.

She has been living alone since she was a child. She has already developed a good cooking skill.

After becoming a star, she often asks the famous chefs for advice. Now her cooking skills are beyond the reach of ordinary hotel chefs.

Tang xuan'er cuts out two rabbits from a radish and gives them to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

Looking at the vivid rabbit, Lao Xie could not help but sigh, "good knife work!"

Tang xuan'er blushed and lowered her head.

Her knifecraft is because she likes all kinds of gadgets, and then she figured it out by herself.

Especially after Anyan left, she often made some small things to sell in order to take up the daily life of two little girls.

It's very popular.

Lao Xie also took out a bottle of old wine which had been treasured for many years.

"Come on, Xiao an, we are not drunk today."

Fat aunt glared at old Xie, "I know to drink all day long. You've drunk Xiao an. Several little girls, who will send them back?"

Lao Xie was embarrassed by his fat aunt.

Xue an but a smile, "fat aunt, it's OK, I will accompany uncle Xie to drink a little bit, miss can't get things done!"Xue an's words are easier to use than Lao Xie. Aunt fat nodded, "I don't care about you, uncle Xie. His body is getting worse and worse every day. He still drinks a lot."

Xue an's heart moved, "Uncle Xie, give me your hand!"

"What's the matter?" Lao Xie stretched out his hand.

Xue an puts his hand on the pulse, and a trace of Lingyuan penetrates into it.

After a while, he let go of his hand. "Aunt fat, uncle Xie is OK. After so many years of hard work, his body is in great deficit. I'll get some medicine for uncle Xie and you to live to be 100 years old."

"Xiao an, do you still see a doctor?"

"It's OK. It's easy."

Xue an made up his mind to make some herbs and refine some Peiyuan pills. Then she gave them to fat aunt, uncle Xie and xuan'er.

Although you can't live forever, you can still live to over 200 years old!

All of us sat down. Xue an felt a little strange at this time and couldn't help asking, "aunt fat, where's Jingjing? Haven't you come back yet? "

At the mention of the name, a sad look appeared on her face.

Old Xie was even more angry and sighed, "don't mention your dishonorable sister!"

"What's the matter?"

"Since I went to high school, Jingjing has changed. She's dressed up all day long. She's also mixed up with a group of unruly boys. Uncle Xie has beaten her several times. It's useless." Fat aunt said with a sad face.

"Well, when you're happy, don't mention her." Lao Xie interrupted the topic with a calm face.

Xie Jingjing is the daughter of old Xie. Because she is old, she is very fond of her.

Xue an still remembers that when she came to the hotel, Xie Jingjing, who was just in junior high school, pestered herself all day.

At that time, Xie Jingjing had a student's head with clear soup and noodles. She laughed with a pair of crescent eyes, which was very lovely.

And Xie Jingjing was also often silly Xue an said: "brother Xiaoan, I will find a boy like you when I grow up!"

These memories, although after three thousand years, but Xue an has not forgotten.

"Uncle Xie, come on! Drink Xue an took the initiative to take the cup and offered uncle Xie a toast.

Uncle Xie drank, and his sad face cleared up a little.

Just then, the rolled down door was pushed up, and a girl in tight shorts, a ponytail, and flaming lips came in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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