In the void, which is about an hour's light distance from the planet, there is a huge yellow earth planet suspended.

On the planet, from time to time, there are hurricanes with a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour sweeping by. The places passing by are powerful enough to destroy the sky and the earth. Even from the outside of the planet, you can see the vortex formed by the hurricane.

And in the eye of the countless hurricanes, there stands a fortress.

The town is desolate and simple, standing in the wind, no matter how violent the wind blows, it is still standing still.

Here, it is the huntian village, which is in charge of the nearby star region of more than 1000 hours.

At the moment, Shen Pengxing, the stronghold leader of huntian stronghold, is sitting in the booty division Hall of Juyi, with a locked brow and a dignified look.

In recent days, he always felt a little uneasy, as if something bad was going to happen.

For this reason, he specially found the dog head military master in huntian village, that is, tuotianliang, one of the four beams and eight columns, to make a divination for himself.

After the calculation, the dog head army master grinned his teeth.

"Stronghold leader, have you been worrying about someone recently

Shen Pengxing nodded, "yes!"

"Ha ha, if I guess correctly, are you worried about Xue an, the red lotus fairy?"

This speech, Shen Pengxing slightly color change, but immediately then a long sigh.

"You're right. I've been worrying about xue'an all the time. After all, he's made a lot of trouble in the sky recently! If we know what Qingyang has done, we should be aware of it. "

Speaking of this, Shen Pengxing fought a cold war and did not dare to think about it any more.

This huntian stronghold is called a clan, but it is actually a bandit's nest.

From then on, only those who have set up a pass in Pengxing should pay enough tolls.

It's a coincidence that Xue an once passed by from then on. Shen Pengxing's people asked for the toll.

As a result.

As a result, the checkpoint was directly destroyed, and huntian stronghold has never recovered. It has retreated from a big faction that has occupied one of the star regions to such a small town.

Shen Pengxing almost died. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and begged earnestly for mercy, his bones would be rotten now.

All of this made Shen Pengxing and huntian village hate Xue an to the bone.

But more than that hatred is fear.

Even at that time, Shen Pengxing couldn't hear the name xue'an, so he couldn't help falling to his knees.

You can imagine how happy they were when they heard the news of xue'an's fall.

Shen Pengxing was almost happy to carry out his anger. After three days of the banquet, he launched a crazy revenge on Qingyang temple.

This is the reason why gongliangxing and others of Qingyang temple will be imprisoned in that planet and will never be detached.

However, it never occurred to me that this kind of happy life had not been long before, and the news about xue'an came again from the sky.

This time, Xue an killed six immortal kings as soon as he was born. Behind him was the array of thousands of emperor Tianjiao. His power was as powerful as that of that year.

After hearing these news, Shen Pengxing never had enough food and sleep.

Because he was always worried about whether Xue an would come to revenge.

After all, I'm dead on Qingyang temple. If Xue an knew this, I would never let myself go.

That's why he was so ill that he turned to the doctor in a hurry to let the dog head army master in the stockade do divination for himself.

At this time, the top four beams and eight pillars of tuotianliang, hey, hey, smile.

"Let's take it easy. I can guarantee that Xue an will never come to us for trouble."

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Shen Pengxing was very interested at that time.

"It's very simple, because nowadays, almost all the sects in the heavens have issued a wanted and killed order against Xue an. Unless he is crazy, he will never appear in public, nor will he expose his whereabouts for a mere Qingyang temple! Do you think that's right? "

At that time, after hearing these words, Shen Pengxing was in a good mood. He thought that this was indeed the truth, and he rewarded the dog head military master heavily.

But in the past few days, Shen Pengxing began to feel uneasy again. Even in his dreams at night, he would be awakened from time to time.

This kind of feeling really made him scratch his heart, so he came to Juyi booty division hall early today and called all his subordinates to come to the meeting.

Soon, there was a sound of heavy footwork outside the hall, and then a big black faced man with sideburns and whiskers burst in.

The black faced man was powerful, and his muscles were even stronger, just like cast iron. Just standing there casually, there was a sense of ferocity.

It is Shen Pengxing's first hitman, that is, the top beam among the four beams and eight columns!

Speaking of this, I would like to briefly introduce the four beams and eight columns.

This is the organization title of huntian village. Four Liang refers to tuotianliang, dingtianliang, yingtianliang and shuntianliang.Among them, tuotianliang is responsible for providing advice, dingtianliang is responsible for advancing, yingtianliang is responsible for logistics, and shuntianliang is responsible for safety protection.

The status of the eight pillars is slightly lower than that of the four beams, similar to the middle-level managers. It is divided into the inner and outer four pillars.

They are the inner four pillars, the cleaning column, the ruthless column, the white jade column and the Fu Bao column.

Outside four pillars, insert thousand columns, deliver letter post, room outside post, door post.

According to the division of labor, they are respectively responsible for debt collection, accounting, information searching and other responsibilities.

The whole huntian village has a clear division of labor and a strict hierarchy. It is the first and foremost existence among the bandits in the heaven.

Today, the four beams and eight pillars gathered in the booty division hall to salute Shen Pengxing, who was sitting on the high chair in the middle of the hall, and cheered in unison.

"Big boss!"

Shen Pengxing waved his hand and said solemnly.

"There is no other reason why I asked you to come today. It is because I am always in a state of uneasiness recently. I always feel that something bad is going to happen, so I want to ask everyone to discuss countermeasures together."

Speaking of this, Shen Pengxing looked around these people and said in a deep voice: "you must all know that Xue Anye has been born again. If he comes to our huntian village, how should we deal with it?"

As soon as this speech came out, these fierce bandits were stunned, and then their arrogant arrogance was slightly restrained, and even no one dared to speak.

Shen Pengxing's face sank, "what? They were all so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word? "

Just at this time, the dog head army master standing under the stage pushed the top beam beside him gently and winked at him.

The black faced man understood, then stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"You don't have to care too much. Don't say that Xue an doesn't dare to come. Even if he does come, the thirteen Taibao horizontal training of a certain family is not in vain. He will never come back!"

The sound reverberated through the hall like a golden bell.

People nodded in succession, and Shen Pengxing's face was slightly relieved.

But before he could speak, he heard the shrill cry of a sentinel.

"The report is in charge. A man broke in outside and claimed to be Claiming to be... "

"What do you call yourself?" Shen Pengxing suddenly rose and hissed and asked.

"Call yourself Xue an, and let you go out to die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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